So what did everyone think of the Octopath Traveler demo?

So what did everyone think of the Octopath Traveler demo?

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I only played the dancer side past the end of the demo on through some exploring and it was fine. Most rpgs are not my kind of game but I could see myself enjoying this if I force myself into it.

I'm impressed. Turned out better than I thought it would.
I have yet to beat Helgenish. I'm always so close.

It still feels like a 3ds game.

There was a line across the bottom of the screen that stood out because it had absolutely no blur while just above it had a ton of blur.

I was surprised, when I tried the Bravely Default demo a while back it really wasn't my cup of tea, but this is much cooler to me for some reason. Love the shield break and burst system.
Only played the Olberic route so far. Can you progress beyond the desert city/catacombs?

Its really ugly. The entire thing was just brown. Brown fucking everywhere.

The boost mechanic was not interesting enough to carry the admittedly early battles of the demo. The voice acting was good, the script was terrible.

So it just felt like yet another JRPG half stuck in the past. Which is perfectly fine if you enjoy what its offering.

Legit the only game I'm jelly it's a Switch exclusive.

You can explore the world and recruit a party member but all story stuff is locked off.

Let's be real for a moment

When's it getting a PC or PS4 release confirmed

Is it the same team that made Bravely Default ? Aren't they making Bravely 3 ?

game to nostafags.

Same producer, different everyone else

It was nice enough but I don't get the hype.

>not developed by silicon studio

I'm confused.

pretty ugly but for a turn based game it was fun. If I liked the gameplay would I like Bravely 2?

2d retro pixelshit, but that's okay because nintendo

Hopefully never. No need for Mustard/Sonygro autism

My biggest gripes are the name (seriously, who thought of this shit?), and the fucking Twilight Princess-esque brown + green-brown + grey-brown colour scheme.

Writing was meh, music was okay, combat was decent enough as a teaser of something bigger. I liked how different the characters felt.

But it is so fucking ugly holy shit.

>The abusive levels of vignetting and DoF destrpy the image quality and colour palette of every scene.
>The 3D models are a mixed bag at best with many having weirdly blurry textures for such a simple game.
>Enviorments are very bland for the most part and generally a huge step down from the Bravely Series so far.
>The sprites are shit. Low pixelcount spritework just does not fucking work on modern HD screens when muxed with 3D, everything looks like a SNES rip that's been run through an upscaler and clashes with the scenery instead of blending in.
>Spastic camera in battle makes this worse by zooming in and the particle effects (as it were) look like they're from a different game.

I have no fucking clue how this is supposed to release next year.

>different everyone else
Yes, because they fucking fired everyone again

Yes, the Bravely games look 100 times better despite being on a weak as shit system.

I thought it was pretty great, I usually can't get into turn based rpg shit like this but I ended up loving it.

>Unreal 4
It'll be on everything by 2021

Probably 2019 unless it ends up relying on some Switch features by the final build.

Only played through the knight route.
The HD retro look feels fresh and established at the same time although I hope they fucking know what they're doing with 6 or so different characters. Will they all get combined into one playthrough? Do we have to complete the arch of one character to advance with another?
I don't mind the turn based combat but I hope they'll introduce way more mechanics into it.

Silicon are currently developing Terra Battle with Mistwalker, yeah I wish Mistlwaker would make a new Last Story or something for non mobile platforms, the game is being developed by Square Enix Asano team, and is being published by Nintendo.

Bravely third is probably in development for the PS4 as well because why not.

Square Enix stoled this Game from guys who sold that game on comiket.

I just wish turn-based RPGs would die out already. Games like Persona would be so much more enjoyable if they didn't half-ass the combat.

because mashing X is so much better amirite?

Persona would be better as a full fledged VN instead of a pretendo baby's first rpg

My penis was fully erect the whole time while playing through Primrose's story

Allure the old man at the entrance to town, he's stronk as fuck and is a big help against the boss

I've only played a little because of how fucking disgusting the game looks. I cannot stand anything about this game's graphics.

>all this hate for the graphics style

I thought it looked charming in the pop up book kind of way.

art direction is fine, but it's a bit too brown, if they would just make it a bit brighter in color it would be great.

Seems like a fun JRPG I could plug away at in bed.
I hope they tone down the bloom though.
Shit gave me a bit of a headache

I really hope they change the sprite design. It's quite possibly the ugliest thing.

What I don't get is the difference in artstyle with enemies. Your own character looks like a dwarf compared to a normal enemy and an ant to a boss.

How so?

Never post here again.

MY BLADE IS ____________

>half stuck in the past.
This is a good thing

Basically this.
I don't know who approved this 2.5D fuckery. It seems really stupid in concept, and as we can see now it just looks plain ugly.

I wouldn't give a fuck about a medicore story, if combat was fun with pretty artstyle and good music to boot, but it seems we're really ways off on that matter.

helgenish was a hard working businessman who did nothing wrong

Don't worry, this will NEVER EVER be released on the PS4, so you'll never have the delicious grapes of Octopath Traveler.

Or you were born in the 2000's and can't appreciate good pixel art like we had in the golden age of gaming that was the 8 and 16 bit era.

No, i wouldn't play it, the story isn't worth being a VN.
What you SMT fag don't get is that it's the balance of the 2 that makes it better.

Throwback to early FF I guess.

>worth anything
VN stories are usually just bad anime with nerd wish fulfillment and ridiculous hentai lines.

Really damn great. Loved the characters, the fact that they're adults, the combat system was pretty fun and the music is great. Can't wait to get the full version.

Some enemies have some pretty ridiculous ammounts of HP.

Because you don't understand how the game works.
You can one shoot almost everything with stacked boost.

I own a Switch and played the demo you mong

The fuck are you implying here, dummy? I do own the switch.

I don't really mind the pixel artstyle when it's done in a good way. This game visually just looks like a mess, with boring, generic backgrounds, plainly lacking some colour. And to me it seems that 2.5D sprites clash too much with it.

Loved it, want the full game now.

I wish it was a 3ds game instead, but then I remembered the switch is portable. Is this going to become the new norm? 3ds enhanced style games exclusively for the switch?

Yeah, it's basically the new handheld.

>"suck my dick and I might forgive you for all this treachery"
>"go fuck yourself"
Still caught me off guard for a Nintendo exclusive.

Seems that the art style is pretty divisive. I really love it in theory, but in execution they messed it up in some ways. The game could really use a more varied color scheme, everything seems brown. The added effects like bloom and depth of field are all way too extreme and need to be dialled back. What probably annoyed me most is how the far left and right side of the screen are darkened so you have all this shadow around you which feels claustrophobic and you can't see where you're going to. They need to get rid of that shit. Hopefully they'll listen to the survey and fix these issues, because other than these gripes I fucking love it and I wanna play more.

woah, the MUH SONY boogeyman is strong here, holy shit.
You are a sad sad saaaad person.

Where's the survey?

Because Square Enix actually.

I wish there was some kind of boss at the end of the shrine cave. I still loved it, though; can't wait for the full game.

they could take a few pages from Ragnarok Online and Tree of Savior for their take on the 2.5D visual style. Some textures clash really hard or flat out don't stick together (most cliff sides look like complete ass) and the game is awfully desaturated because of all the effects stacked together

god I need some primrose yuri

is this the first SE game where one of the main protagonists is an open whore

Can I pretend this is a SaGa game?

the only change i would make is using much higher quality sprites so you can actually see what your character is supposed to look like


We already have a SaGa game, SaGa Scarlet Grace

Fucking great.

Hopefully well after the game releases so there can be actual discussion instead of crying wojacks and THANKS FOR BETA TESTING LE CONSOLE PEASANTS

Where's muh survey?

didnt you forget someone

It's a placeholder name retard.

Seriously where the fuck is it? Please respond.

>demo comes with dual audio
>The scene with your friend
>Primrose dropping the "Master" act
Best damn moment in the game, never thought playing a dancer-whore would feel so good.

Made me want to get back into some classic adventure JRPGs.

Final Fantasy Legends II or the SaGa 2 DS remake?

Guys I need help
My father just got killed, I have a few options
>Call the authorities and let them take care of it
>Use my wealthy family's ressources to look for the assassin
>Whore myself out for almost 10 years to avenge him

What do you think?

mistwalker is supposedly creating a "triple A rpg" with matsuno

Hey fellas, I need a false name - do you guys think I should make it part of my real name? Btw I'm a celebrity and my name is known throughout the land.

plays nothing like any saga game and has nothing to do with the people that made saga, so no.

Boring. Break is fun for like 5 minutes, then just becomes a chore. I told them to convert it into Final Fantasy Tactics 2.

Amazing. Reminded me of the psx jrpg days.
>dat OST

That's the same game. SaGa 2 has no differences other than graphics

Consider self harm.

>Announced for Nintendo Switch
Notice how it doesn't say "only coming to Nintendo Switch"? Or "exclusive"?


I want you to guess who published the game

The art style kind of reminds me of the old popeye cartoon where he fights sinbad.

Square enix

try again user

Platform Nintendo Switch
Release Date 2018
No. of Players To be determined
Category Role-Playing, Adventure
PublisherSquare Enix
DeveloperSquare Enix

yeah no, I won't fall for your bait anymore

They said exclusive during the direct, sorry user, PS4 isn't getting it.

Yusufa made me cry before the fat bastard pushed my shit in because he was way tankier than I thought he would be. I guess I just expected the fat balding old guy without armor to be squishier than his two armed and armored young guards. I didn't feel like grinding so I have put it aside for now.

The concept is great. The writing and style is working for me so far. I wish there were visible enemies in the field instead of random encounters, but aside from that I'm sold.

I beat the fat bastard at lvl 2 with the base equipment. He's not that hard, you just have to remember you have a defend option.
I did exhaust my 4 or 5 potions, though.

You need a lot of grapes anyway for that fight, since you have so little health without the vitality jewel. But yeah, he's pretty easy, even without alluring the villager with Baleful Blade.

Did it level 2, it was very easy
How? Just break lock him. He's weak to base attacks

Got greedy with stacking boost, I guess.

boss artwork is fucking amazing to look at