Next Elder Scrolls game won't have classes

>next Elder Scrolls game won't have classes
>next Elder Scrolls game won't have you take a nap to level up
>next Elder Scrolls game won't have permanent birthsigns picked at the start of the game
>next Elder Scolls game won't have chest and leg armor as separate items

How do you feel about this?
Do you approve of the direction that Skyrim took compared to previous games or would you rather see certain things return from the past?

Will there even be another TES game in your opinion.

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At this rate, the next elder scrolls game probably will not even be a rpg at all

just use mods to create a suitable experience

>elder scrolls
what's that?
I heard Todd was working on a game like fallout except with swords, sounds EPIC

if they keep with the Skyrim formula you may as well just name it Fantasy Game Simulator. The gameplay has become so fundamentally casual and the writing/quests have become so poor it can't really get worse.

Go away Todd. I'm not using mods anymore since I tried sleeping with my wife and had to go through three million different mods required for that and my dragonborn still ended up humping the air while my wife hovered three feet to his side.

Can we actually pinpoint the moment where sequels became dumber instead of more complex? It used to be the case that the sequel added content, mechanics and complexity, wheras now every iteration drops shit.

You can't make your game to complex or dumb fuck journalists who review your game will be alienated. This a world where Dark Souls is the pinnacle of difficulty.

People used to make games for people to play, not for idiots to review.

Probably somewhere around middle of the last decade.

Why would you give a shit about classes in any TES that isn't called Arena?

Oblivion. Oblivion was the exact moment they stopped making PC games and started making console games.

The video game industry also used to consist of ten nerds making politically incorrect ads.
Now it's bigger than Hollywood.

I just want spears, levitation pants, and carefully handcrafted world that is used to tell a solid interesting story.

>a world where Dark Souls is the pinnacle of difficulty.

For me it's sort of a direction and immersive feature of my character.
I enjoyed Skyrim a lot but the opening tutorial of Oblivion and character creation are way more fun and immersive imho and set a nice tone for the game.

Does anyone else find that Mount and Blade forever ruined other melee combat systems? Everything just seems bland, unintuitive and dumb in comparison.

What's an Elder Scrolls? I'm super hyped for Skyrim 2 though.

Plz giv something like the Oblivion arena. I loved that place and all the unique combatants.


Not really, M&B is nice but some other games have great combat as well.


The next TES with be called Skyrim 2 so as to not confuse the casuals and the most dumbed down uninspired piece of shit that the toddler has ever made

We all know it is going to be a casualwashed game since 2011n not really a surprise here

kek imagine that ad today

>How do you feel about this?
I feel like OP is a faggot making shit up.

>next Elder Scrolls game won't have classes

skyrim already kind of did that. in oblivion, when you made a character that felt like a warrior, that felt like a rouge etc. skyrim just lets you be the jack off all trade from the beginning.

>Plz giv
>image for ants
Fuck off.

Everything OP said already happened in Skyrim you retard.

Why should they bring back classes though?
They streamlined a lot of skills between Morrowind and Oblivion. Long and short blade became just blades, medium armor and spears were dropped entirely. Since Skyrim did away with classes it's very unlikely they'll be back in the next game.

The problem is that nobody really shits on Skyrim. I mean a few voices here and there but they don't matter if Skyrim wins like 200 awards and is praised to hell and back 11/10 goty. Obviously they will keep going that path since it appeals to the masses and rakes in the shekels.

>I just want spears, levitation pants, and carefully handcrafted world
too bad the zombie Frankenstein of a 20 year old engine they'll be using can't handle any one of those

Just why did they remove stats shit was perfectly fine.
While yes some of them leveled up basically by themselves like Acrobatics: jumping from high places etc etc, that was the whole charm. That your character got stronger in different angles depending on the actions he/she performed. It wasn't perfect but there was no need to remove them completely. I miss being able to jump over people with high acrobatics and running on the roofs/ NPCs not attacking you with high enough personality stat and so on.

Skyrim already is not an RPG, all the "roleplay" aspect is basically self imposed because none of the mechanics help you develop your character or have meaningful relationships with NPCs.

Adjusted for current year.

>tfw the next elder scrolls game will be an early access episodic survival based lootbox crafting game with battle royale and raid elements
>tfw the soundtrack will be a dubstep inspired edm based alt rock ambient minecraft-esque fusion composed by Grant Kirkhope if the kickstarter goes over one million dollars
>tfw players that pre-order the game and show the gamestop employee their girlfriend licenses get a permanent 15% buff increased chanced to receive "epic" loot in the 10 dollar creation club game enhancer packs

It's just not fair bros

Why would you think otherwise? Every Bethesda game released since Morrowind has had less features than the last.

maybe the'll give it to Obsidian to make please?[/sopiler]

For the sake of character building and actually introducing variety between characters instead of every single one of them being able to do everything.
You should be making the game deeper, not simplifying it to the point of monotony. Instead of removing the differentiation between long and short blades, Bethesda should have made them feel different in terms of gameplay.
This could be something as easy as simply giving short blades a higher sneak attack damage as a base, or making them more or less effective against certain types of armor.
But nope, instead let's just make them slightly faster and remove any kind of mechanical depth out of the equation. Thanks Bethesda.

The only thing i don't miss is the nap to level up, but it's a shame that Skyrim didn't include all these features. The next elder scrolls will even have less features if this goes on, could it even be called an RPG then?.

It was too confusing and frightening to their target audience.

I fail to see how passing it on from one shitty company from another would really make that great of a difference.

They make games for Jamal and Tyrone now, who play games on their stolen Xbones. This is their market.

>want to replay oblivion.
>remember the scalling leveling

>implying Skyrim is a RPG.
Oblivion was already straddling the line.

>>next Elder Scrolls game won't have you take a nap to level up
That's not a bad thing. That shit was annoying.

I would say "never change,Todo" but I already know that's true

>instead of every single one of them being able to do everything.
I think this is what the audience wants though.
The dragonborn can basically do everything and is amazing in all he does. People don't want to play the loser from Morrowind who misses or that schmuck from Oblivion who has a hard time dealing with an angry cat swinging a hammer at him.
I sorta like it. Just wish the guards would also scale. The Kvatch quest battle kinda sucks when all your allies get killed by flame atronachs because you only got to Kvatch at lvl 8.

>Can we actually pinpoint the moment where sequels became dumber instead of more complex?
The instant games started making significant money, were acquired by a giant publisher behemoth, and sequels were bankrolled.
The original team had an idea for a game, and they poured their imaginations into it. This resonated with fans, and it gets massive.
They didn't really have plans for a sequel, but their new masters have shareholders to please.
Market research kicks into overdrive and says 'wider audience' and various things get 'tweaks' and 'streamlined'. Not only to base gameplay but artwork and dialogue for a lower age rating.

If they want a power fantasy they can just go play Assassin's Creed instead.
Surprise, you are meant to roleplay a character in a roleplaying game. A character without flaws is not fun.
By giving you the ability to just be able to do anything and more importantly, be good at everything right off the bat, you take out the fun of an RPG.

>next Elder Scrolls game won't have classes
>next Elder Scrolls game won't have you take a nap to level up
>next Elder Scrolls game won't have permanent birthsigns picked at the start of the game
lmao who cares
>next Elder Scolls game won't have chest and leg armor as separate items
the only thing you mentioned that sucks

In the case of the Elder Scrolls series, the exact point for that was Morrowind. Every iteration in the mainline series up until that point was focused on making the game more fleshed out and complex by adding new features.
Morrowind is where they began to cut stuff out, though considering that Daggerfall was a very deep game, many would probably feel that Morrowind hits that pleasant middle-ground of depth, complexity and accessibility.
Daggerfall was very ambitious and while I do appreciate the amount of effort and variety put into that game, it came at the cost of stability and a shit-ton of bugs.

Anyone who actually enjoys RPGs as opposed to a dumbed down action game.

I just want a new, more complex elderscrolls game

>Dark Souls wasn't even meant to be hard, and isn't, it just doesn't hold your fucking hand at every opportunity

Bandai Namco can suck salty chodes for forcing that meme.

Yeah how about we put that shit at the top of the wish list.



Sounds about right for the direction they're going in

I don't care, ESO is the best Elder Scrolls since Morrowind and in many parts even better and will probably be better than VI. You have to give creds to the guys spending a considerable amount of time coming up with lore-friendly reasons for you to find resources such as wood and animal hides in Sotha Sil's realm where literally everything in the enviroment is metal or oil.

If you want complexity go play Grimoire or Divinity
Or Daggerfall
>next Elder Scrolls game won't have classes
So what? Creating your own class always was the thing win TES
>next Elder Scrolls game won't have you take a nap to level up
I bet you like weapon durability. Sleeping to level up doesnt add anything to the game, it just breaks the rhythm

I just want bethesda to stop pretending they're good writers and give us more roleplaying options instead. I don't want to be dragonborn. Of course prophecies are a big part of the lore and everything but it felt like in oblivion you were just some crazy guy and I liked that.

ESO has classes and check/leg armor

>A character without flaws is not fun.
Exlain the popularity of The Witcher then

geralt has loads of flaws, brainlet.

Goddammit Todd.

I am fine with all of the decisions except the armor thing. Most of that shit is holdover stuff from its D&D-inspired days when things like language skills were built in and did nothing. They exist solely because of pen and paper RPGs, not because any consideration was given to how well they'd work in video game form.

The whole foundation of TES games' progression is raising skill levels by actually doing things in the game world. The problem with this has always been that you really have no idea going into the game what skills will actually be beneficial to you until you use them for a while. By forcing you to choose class skills at the start of the game, you're taking away the ability for players to discover their character through gameplay. You can't simply change your mind if you picked the "wrong" skills, you have to start the fuck over from the very beginning because you won't be able to level up properly. This isn't as much of an issue when you know the game inside and out, but for new players it's just bad design.

Skyrim has the right idea by transitioning away from that flawed system and putting more emphasis on the skills themselves with the perk system. Its execution is unfortunately flawed as well, so people like to use this as an excuse to argue that it should go back to the previous flawed system.

As for the armor thing, FO4 had the most complex armor system in any Bethesda game to date, so I don't think the casualization argument applies here. TES VI will undoubtedly have segmented and layered armor again.

like what

ummm no

he's the very definition of mary sue bullshit

I hate it.
I'll be the first to admit that Morrowind and Oblivion's leveling system had some pretty big problems and didn't feel organic, probably because it was created with role-play in mind, not minmaxing, but removing everything wasn't the way to fix it. They could have streamlined it without dumbing it down to the point that every character plays exactly the same.

I guess the idea was people don't want to do multiple playthroughs to get everything, but there were other ways around that. Let the player level up and temporarily assume control of companions, for example, to play in different ways or do things their PC can't.

The idea is also, I imagine, to set it up that a player never finds themselves in a position where they have to start a new character because they don't have the right stats or didn't level in the right way. Easy fix. Remove attributes. Just have everything work like a skill - the more you use it, the better it gets. Need more STR? Go swing around a greatsword for a while.

I just want to use signposts and maps to find where to go instead of looking at a compass with quest markers

Studies even show dumb games change your brain


Try Morrowind or Oblivion then Skyrim.

When is the next elder scrolls coming out? i heard Bethesda talk about not having the technology to make it yet or something like that

Is ESO any good?
Was sorta turned off since it's an MMO and I recall there was a massive hate train for in on Sup Forums and /tg/.

I believe that some day, as people become less satisfied with and more disinterested with shallower and more trivial games we will bounce back from casualisation and go back to deeper mechanics.
Not in 2 years, not in 5, maybe not in 10. But someday. Someday.

Bad idea friend, mods can make the game unstable and unplayable, and ruin the creative vision of the developers. Why not invest in some mini-dlcs from our favorite Creation Club instead?

Neither Grimoire or Divinity comes anywhere close to the Elder Scrolls titles in terms of gameplay, what the fuck are you on?

The class system made sense in the way that it gave new players an idea on what type of game they will play or want to play.
More combat oriented?
Pick any of the combat classes.
More magic oriented?
Pick any of the magical classes.
More sneaky?
Pick any of the thief classes.

Sure you might not like it but you'll figure that out in the first hour or so. It also made the character feel more real in his own world. He was somebody before going to jail and had certain skills as a result.
The way things were handled in Skyrim was that dragonborn felt like some sort universal bland man who can do everything he want at any time.

Geralt has flaws. He's not even human, he's a mutant and a Witcher which already marks him as a social outcast, that's just going by the state of his very being and not addressing any mental or behavioral issues.

>didn't feel organic
found the gen-Z shitter

Anybody else want the talking heads from Oblivion and Fallout back?

Did Fallout 4 have them actually or how was talking handled.

The funny part is you probably actually think you're good at reading people.

no I don't think that

In other words he's intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor

That sounds fine on paper, but in reality, most of the classes are a poor combination of skill choices. That's why basically everyone plays a custom class with the skills they intend to use. Picking multiple armor skills is detrimental to character growth and progression, not a roleplaying experience.

>Dragonborn felt like some universal bland man who can do everything he want at any time
The "you can do everything" meme needs to stop. You have to play for hundreds of hours and reach very high levels to get all skills to 100, and even then your effectiveness is limited by perks. Playing through the bulk of the game requires you to focus and specialize a handful of skills, the game just allows you to change your mind within reason in case you realize around level 5 that Conjuration isn't for you. Your character is defined by what you do in the game, not what you clicked on a menu before it starts, and that coincides with the fundamental gameplay philosophy of leveling up by doing.

>set Fallout 4 to not auto update
>pirate all DLC
>DLC files are handled the same as mod files
>You can now use all mods from the nexus or wherever without needing Creation Club or needing to pay for DLC
>Alternatively, just pirate a copy of F4 with all the DLCs and do the same thing
>Then don't play it because Fallout 4 is only "okayish" and you're better off playing Metro or something

Elder Scrolls is shit now. Most of the RPG elements have been pushed out for the sake of highlighting the braindead "kill, loot, repeat" gameplay. Character builds are virtually meaningless, your guy is good at everything. They can be better at some stuff than others, but they never have weaknesses. Dungeons are linear as fuck and even have a convenient exit on the opposite end. Quests are uncreative and usually involve just clearing out dungeons, with little choice in how you complete them. Everything is level scaled so the world feels artificial, like it's just morphing to suit you, instead of being its own place to which you are just a visitor. Fast travel and quest markers mean you never have to engage with or learn about the world, you just kill and hoard as efficiently as possible. The stories and plots are mostly just about sucking off the player instead of giving you an insight into a rich fictional universe.

>You have to play for hundreds of hours and reach very high levels to get all skills to 100
>TES game
>not investing hundreds of hours into it

Not him but "no"

Geralt is smart-but only in relation to Monsters and combat and whatnot, as he was raised studying them.
Geralt isn't really nihilistic at all, somewhat pessimistic of people but considering the setting it's understandable.
He doesn't even really have a sense of humour, the only time he "jokes" in the entire series is when he says something dryly sarcastic to whoever he happens to be trying to fuck or kill on about 6 occasions in total.

Geralt has plenty of flaws.

By that point you've already done everything in the game and being the master of everything is of no particular consequence. People complain about this like 99% of the game is trivialized at level 2, and that's nonsense.

People like Todd should be shot. I am saying this unironically.

I liked Skyrim, thought it was a solid RPG. I really liked all the mechanics in it.
>Dragonborn felt like some universal bland man who can do everything he want at any time

Actually, I felt as though the Dragonborn was a pretty weak protagonist in terms of power. He can shout magic. The rest is just basic combat skills

Bout 4 years ago I started writing up mechanics I'd like to see in a hypothetical new elder scrolls game. I tried to come up with better designs than the existing games and over time it became a 200+ page clusterfuck with tables and diagrams and UI mockups.
>the next elderscrolls will have you build shit like fallout 4
honestly is anyone enjoying this fucking city building simulator shit? i'm here to play a fucking open world game and explore dungeons, not to play sim city 4 for fucks sake. Why do they want to force this shit

I liked Skyrim on release as well. But it somehow feels like it has not much to come back to.
Although I think my biggest gripes with it lie in completely trivial areas that just bug the hell out of me but nobody cares i.e. no pants armor.

I really fucking hate base building

>gameplay will be like Skyrim
>just much much more actiony

That would be Morrowind, but Morrowind also showed that less complexity can even be a good thing. I dare you to play Daggerfall, then Morrowind and say Daggerfall is a better game just because you have more options.

I love city/base building. I always end up modding the game to be able to do so. That doesn't excuse the shit in Fo4, however.

Daggerfall IS the better game toddler

>TES in fantasy Japan
Finally I will be able to play a strong and powerful Redguard and show the locals the superiority of my long curved blade compared to their small whimpy katanas.

>keeping the brave communist revolutionaries on the image
Fucking fascist.