What went WRONG?

What went WRONG?

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The early game. It's not fun when your character is so utterly weak, slow and shit.

They were unable to implement the Sixth House questline and only left clues.

Absolutely nothing. It was a perfect game and if you criticize it in any way I will murder you in your sleep.

game rewards you with progress instead of being godlike from the get go.

Low weapon skill resulting in missing most attacks at point blank range is a turn off for many players

I bet you hate Gothic

Nothing. Beautiful gameworld to explore, top notch soundtrack, and atmosphere that sucks you in.

Everyone hates Gothic.

Only plebs. Go back to Skyrim fag

Thats what happens when you have to work and progress your character. Or do you prefer skyrim?

The animations were garbage

Your life, this post, and this entire board.

Stealth/rogue gameplay

This is irrelevant.

Sorry, Hans, nobody gives a fuck about that shit franchise or Risen or whatever the next rehash piece of shit that crappy dev is pumping out next is called.

>what went wrong with x
>point out something wrong
>"nuh uhhhhh that dunt counttt."

owned morrowind since launch, great game but the animation quality was shit, sorry.

Gothic 2 is one of the best RPG games, maybe the best. The only faggots who don't like Gothic are the same faggots who hate Morrowind, that is idiots who hates real RPGs and just want an open world game based on medieval fantasy. Again, go back to Skyrim.

Im not saying is not shit, Im saying it is irrelevant. It does not ruin the game experience in anyway and after a while you get used to it.

Cliff racers, shitty main story, useless journal instead of a proper quest tracker.

Cliff racers. Even as someone who's been playing MW on and off since early 2000s these shits still get on my nerves.

>Cliff racers,
>shitty main story
Is not shit, just ok.
>useless journal instead of a proper quest tracker.
>Quest tracker
The journal is not the best, but is it useless? No.

>Cliff racers
Can be removed by mods and even if left in, can be killed in one hit or dispatched in a variety of fun ways from an early level.
>shitty main story
Literally the best main story of any Elder Scrolls game
>Useless journal instead of a proper quest tracker
You mean you have to figure out where to go based on clues and can't just mindlessly follow the compass? Truly shit design.

It's hideous and has aged poorly

You have to go through 500 pages of journal to find that one quest you put on hold early in the game. You don't know the horror it was to use the system in Xbox version.

It's not skyrim

I fought a few cliff racers in the short amount of time i played morrowind and i didn't have a problem with them.
Is this a meme or something.

Missfags, cliff racerfags, and skyrimfags all exaggerate

There are a few problems. Engline limitations and poor optimization for today. For example, crash when moving too far away from the map, meaning we can't add the whole of Tamriel or lack of support for multiple water levels. Luckily, OpenMW will deal with both of this. Then there's the clunky Construction Set, but again, OpenMW is fixing it at this very moment.

Isn't there a quests section in the journal?

Yes, there is.

Originally there wasn't, it was patched in because everyone was complaining and for good reason

it doesn't at any point feel like a real living breathing world

>Originally there wasn't, it was patched in
Translation: it was added by the Bloodmoon expansion. What's your point?

Jesus Christ is it ever brown.

Starting out being completely useless isn't enjoyable, and dice roll combat in an action RPG is contrary to the entire point of the genre.

That's the whole fucking point of RPGs

Character progression isn't the same thing as starting out as hot garbage. Even a first level wizard in most editions of D&D and Pathfinder has an array of magical tricks and tools. Plus Morrowind is a real time action RPG. By the very nature of the core gameplay, Morrowind implies that mechanical skill is part of your ability to triumph, when this is not the case and fights are entirely decided on whether the numbers roll in your favor.

Compare a similar game of the same time period, KotOR, in which literally everything is explicitly said to be dice rolling, with fights being decided by first preparation, then tactical skill, then luck in that order of priority. I like Morrowind, but the early game is a disgusting, shitty mess.

>action RPG

Morrowind has more in common with Baldur's Gate than Gothic. There's a reason two fanbases hate each other. It's only plebs who think the two are similar.

he Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is an open-world, fantasy, action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the third installment in The Elder Scrolls series of games, following The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, and preceding The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It was released in North America in 2002 for Microsoft Windows and Xbox. The main story takes place on Vvardenfell, an island in the Dunmer province of Morrowind, part of the empire of Tamriel. The central quests concern the deity Dagoth Ur, housed within the volcanic Red Mountain, who seeks to gain power and break Morrowind free from Imperial reign.[1][2][3] Although primarily a fantasy game, with many game-play elements and Western medieval and fantasy fiction tropes inspired by Dungeons & Dragons and previous RPGs, it also features some steampunk elements, and drew considerable inspiration from Middle Eastern art, architecture, and cultures.

>Morrowind has more in common with Baldur's Gate than Gothic.
baldur's gate is literally a simulator of a D&D campaign, morrowind is closer to medal of honor than baldur's gate

You should be able to side with Dagoth Ur. Maybe even do the whole scoop your face out and grow some tentacles thing.

Combat early on is usually bad. You can come across a kwama caterpillar in the first minutes that literally anyone on Earth could kill. Even Stephen Hawking could run it over with his wheelchair. But you're stuck waving a sword around pointlessly or waiting for magic to recharge.

Gets old pretty fast due to shitty level balancing

>Morrowind has more in common with Baldur's Gate
You have never played either game, you are incredibly stupid, and you have no knowledge of the genre you make claims about. Commit suicide at the earliest opportunity, the world will be a better place without you.

>Tfw OpenMW with finished Tamriel Rebuilt and all the classic gameplay and graphics mods ported over someday
One can dream...

Should my orc warrior who uses hammers and restoration join Redoran or Telvanni?

>You're playing a video game on a console, of course it'll be an inferior experience, that goes without saying. I'm talking about the merits of the actual unimpeded game.

Morrowind isn't an action RPG you fuckwit

>Action role-playing video games (abbreviated action RPG or ARPG) are a subgenre of role-playing video games. The games emphasize real-time combat (where the player has direct control over characters) over turn-based or menu-based combat. These games often use action game combat systems similar to hack and slash or shooter games.

it objectively is

Todd went wrong, I hate that guy.

Most first-time players will try to stay away from combat as much as they can and will try to outrun the cliff racers, which is actually impossible to do without the boots of blinding speed, which means cliff racers will eventually accumulate behind your back.

To be fair, in Morrowind, if you pick the mage class, at 0 fatigue you have a 100% hitrate with the basic fireball spell (which is really OP early game).

herd u talkin shit like I wouldn't find out

>where the player has direct control over characters
You don't have direct control over your character in Morrowind. Your rolls decide whether you're fighting an enemy or not. Getting to the enemy in Morrowind's overworld is the attack button equivalent in turn based RPGs. You may not like that system, but that's what Morrowind is - a traditional rpg in a 3d world.

>which means cliff racers will eventually accumulate behind your back.
Like 5 or 6 right?
Shouldn't be that bad.


10/10 combat

Dagoth Ur welcomes you, Nerevar my old friend. But to where destiny is made, why have you come unprepared?

>empty stamina
>low agility

Your own fault. This isn't a difficult concept.

>finished Tamriel Rebuilt

It's not bad, but it can be a pretty traumatic experience for most beginners.

I remembered dropping the first character I had created after locking him inside a cave with barely any equipement and 6~7 cliffracers waiting for him outside. It kind of sucked.

It's not even funny. Morrowind fans are so autistic there's nothing barring the worldwide shutdown of the internet that can stop them from dedicating their next 15 years on modding further. Thus, yes, it will be finished. Time is just not an issue for this wretched lair of CHIM and c0da.


>drain 100 spells

Congrats on abusing cheap level ups.

You are like a little baby.

It's been waning pretty much since it started and their standards are too high to get anything done. Almalexia has been completely scrapped and remade 3 times or something.

I used to make interiors for the project. I once got banned without any warning or opportunity to defend myself because in one of my submissions they thought I copied rooms from vanilla MW (I didn't).

How is it waning when production is ongoing at a no lesser speed than two years ago? The project was stuck in a rut back in the 09 days, if I remember correctly. It's fine right now.

Woah, Tamriel Rebuilt looks like THAT now?

>"open world"
>NPCs stand around doing absolutely nothing
>zero world interaction unless the player is directly involved
>most people are mutes, just stand there mind reading entire conversations
>Clearly hit that guy in the face? LOL no you missed m8
>Enter tavern, can't even sit on a chair
>"Best in the series!" - Morrowfags smashing the keyboard with their landwhale fingers trying to defend this shit

If you include all the unfinished maps with no detailing, interiors or NPCs then yes.

To be fair, it's polished only east of the Thirr Valley and the valley itself (right under Vivec). Still, everything west and north of it is pretty complete, exterior wise. Right now there's some work being done on assets for Dres lands and the whole part of the map has been planned out this year.
Questlines, though... never ever.

>I'm too stupid to comprehend technological limitations

desu that's not a big problem. As none of the questlines are finished, the only big joy TR can give you is exploration and it's pretty good there, too.

>Questlines, though... never ever.
That's my main problem with Tamriel Rebuilt, it's a cool project and all but there's fuck all to do in it

morrowind is fine if you enjoy autistic dice rolling in a world were nothing at all happens without your direct input, i guess

It's compatible with graphics mods, right...?

still waiting for that Unity Daggerfall
>oblivion with mods
mods don't fix shit, the same problem skyrim has

Just hang yourself.

A stat for your walking speed.

Of course it is, but be warned that it's very intensive Morrowind is an old game and they're pushing it to the limits with the number of npcs and size of towns.

oblivion is literally the only TES game that is fine without mods


>dfw trying to RP it up and "walk" with other NPCs but your walk speed is always different from theirs


just play it with openMW, it's supported

But it'll break my 12 gb Morrowind setup.

The world leveling up with the player is in no way fine in Oblivion.

Morrowind & Skyrim both did it better, in Oblivion it was totally overdone. Random bandits suddenly walking around in full sets of glass armour, fuck that shit. Totally immersion breaking.

Mods that fix that, such OOO or similar are absolute essentials.

>muh immulsions
Oblivion is also the only Elder Scrolls game where existing doesn't become completely trivial after 10 hours. Fuck, in Skyrim once you hit level 20 or so there's literally nothing in the game that's a threat to you until the arrays of Deathlord archers in Skuldafn, who are the only exception.

>Baan Malur
I'll always be triggered by this. They changed the name of one of the few cities actually mentioned by name both in-game and in external lore resources such as official maps, because they thought it wasn't "Dunmer" enough (As if shit like "Mournhold" is any more Dunmer). It was mostly one really autistic guy responsible for it too.

Level scaling, the way it's done in Oblivion is not the way to handle difficulty, especially since difficulty becomes trivial anyway the same way it does in Skyrim unless you are a naked moron, and if you are a naked moron than the same damage sponge damage hog shit happens in Skyrim that did in Oblivion, difference being that Bandits never become as strong as a fucking Dremora.
>muh immulsions
Oh, you are shitposting, ok.

>there will never be a proper sequel to morrowind

>Oblivion is also the only Elder Scrolls game where existing doesn't become completely trivial after 10 hours.
Yeah instead it's trivial when you first start and only gets harder if you're dumb enough to level up.

They made the right choice. All dunmer settlements in Morrowind had a dunmeri name. Having one city, the seat of Redoran power no less, called in English would be retarded.

proper sequel to Morrowind is literally impossible without a person that has similar mindset to Michael Kirkbride and similar approach to lore
and I don't mean similar writing style, because I am sure that someone like Avelone could fill in his role if he would study and research what made Morrowind great lore wise

many things


take drugs and read religious texts before incorporating the pure autism your brain comes up with under those influences into the metaphysics of your world

Except Mournhold.

>without a person that has similar mindset to Michael Kirkbride and similar approach to lore

I love it when morrowfags know nothing about TES development.

>similar mindset
You mean, being high?

>Mandalore in the comments making fun of the video
What a based man. Thanks for the link senpai.


You're pretending you know more than you actually do. The biggest problem with Kuhlmann is that he's a very private person and nobody (at least none who visit sites like this one) know exactly how the dynamic between Todd, him and MK works. Yes, he's the only one who can save TES now, but it's a long shot to believe he'll do it.