Why are Americans abandoning PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?

Why are Americans abandoning PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?

China #1!

>what is percentage

kill yourself

They're not, that's a percentage based chart. There's just that many Chinese.

>% and not raw numbers
Go be misleading somewhere else. I don't even play shootan games but your faggotry must cease.

>No legend
Nice going fag.

chinamen started botting when they realize there's a lot of yuan to be made off digital trenchcoats and sneakers


More like PlayerUnknown's Chinagrounds.

>mfw plebs demonstrate their shit-tier understanding of stats on a regular basis in my life


So glad I didnt fall for this meme game

its shit

Those are all bots farming crates.

This game would be a million times better if it was MGSV's multi-player mode.

It would at least give the big empty maps a purpose.

>It's another foreigners ruin a game for everyone episode

Note how only the US is showing a significant decline, while every other line is stable or increasing.
Which shows that despite China's inclusion altering the percentages, the US player base is in caft declining.

>very other line is stable or increasing.
Purple whatever the fuck area that's supposed to be is going downwards steadily since the middle of the chart.

True. But starting from the middle of the chart, The purple line only went down about 5%. While the US goes down about 12%. And the US was already below the purple line since the middle of the chart. I'm curious what the purple line is anyway. What would out-populated the US other than China?

Do you even maths? If everybody grows at hight rate but you grow a smaller rate or not grow at all, your percentage declines. That being said, the OP picture misses all data enough for a valid interpretation.

with china getting all edgy about THAAD in korea, its only a matter of time they decide to boycott PUBG just like NEXON mmos out there