What are some video games that fit this graph?

What are some video games that fit this graph?


>A game not enjoyed by people too stupid or too intelligent
That's a hard one. God of War?


League of Legends

Dark Souls 2

not in a few updates

And this one?

dark souls



Any popular game.

Easy. Any mainstream game which is enjoyed mostly by normies that Sup Forums looks down on. By definition any game enjoyed by normies is enjoyed by people of average intelligence.

Really hard fighting games.

Binding of Isaac, or a similar "deep" game, that's also heavily rng dependant, I suppose. Dumb people won't put in the effort to learn the more advanced stuff, and "too" intelligent people will recognize the RNG dependence eventually, and drop it, but people in the middle won't.

Of course, this assumes were treating "RNG heavy" as inherently bad. While I can't stand it, there is some weirdos who enjoy that, but I suppose they're "outlier" enough to not count

Unironically fighting games.

>significant portion of the player base has average IQ of 85
>most normal people struggle to play them
>High IQ people also enjoy them significantly

super mario 64

Path of Exile

Any game that is fundamentally bad, but also has a high difficulty curve, particularly with artificial difficulty. Brainlets will get frustrated because they can't beat it, normies will praise it because they feel accomplished by beating a difficult game, and intelligent people will realize it's not a very good game and won't enjoy it as much.

So basically Dark Souls.


people who hate RNG aren't the sharpest tools in the shed




Dont Starve.

there is none

And this one?

league of legends

Hyperdimension Neptunia.

Usually grand strategy games require high intelligence to fully enjoy the game, and also a sprinkle of autism to endure the harshness of the game mechanics.



Dwarf Fortress

I read this graph as "how much you know about the game"

in which case, every competitive game

And this one?


video games


Dumb players think it's too hard, very smart players are annoyed by the backsteps taken from the last game and inconsistent map/world design



Your favorite game

More like zero, then spikes up to 100 after your first time, then it gradually wears off.


Wrong, Dumb players think it's too hard, normal people don't understand how the games differences forces them to play it differently and actually smart players realize what the game is asking of the player and manage to find what is currently the best souls experience with some minor issues.

dream daddy

>The game that I like

>The game that I don't like.


Gears of War. A game for faggots, by faggots, about faggots.

My sexual experiences have had more effect on the time spent playing, but zero effect on the enjoyment I get from them. The graph is fundamentally flawed.

This is the correct response, whole thread is entirely subjective

What about this one?


fez 2


Hmm.. what game?


no mans sky

Obvious Aurora.

any game thats not the sims


That graph doesn't make sense. An average lower intelligence does not make a cap on potential. Statistically, you are most likely a woman.

And this one?

EVE Online

I imagine this is the group of players who think they're a lot smarter than they really are. Dark Souls is a good fit.

Most mainstream games (CoD, PUBG etc), by design

DOOM 2016



god hand

>as the player's intelligence gets closet and closer to "4" their enjoyment infinitely increases
Hmm, maybe SM64.



wrong graph buddy you meant

any roguelike

quake duel mode

broodwar 1v1

mechwarrior 3

Dwarf Fortress. You either need to have a PHD in math or literally have a developmental disorder to enjoy it.

The Witcher


Bioshock Infinite.

Wow, I agree on all points.

Metal Gear Solid V

Children of a dead earth

tfw too intelligent to play MOBAs

Games I don't like but I'm too much of a pussy to say people who enjoy them are retards.

God of War is one of the most braindead action games together with the Batman games though.

Metal Gear Solid 2

Wrong, enjoyment does not exist at 4 because left and right limits do not agree

league oldff arewrwrwrwrw

Fucked up


looks like WoWs sub count numbers

EVE Online

League and DotA.

Life is Strange


Tetris maybe.

Pretty much all games. If you're too stupid, you'll struggle to learn basic mechanics and won't be able to enjoy it, but if you're too smart, it will just feel like a shallow experience because it doesn't stimulate you at all.


The graph doesn't imply average intelligence, just that there's a certain level of intelligence at which you get peak enjoyment, and higher or lower intelligence relative to that get lower enjoyment.


So the more average is your IQ, the more enjoyment you will experience?


nu-rpgs like mass effect, dragon age, skyrim. dumb jocks are too stupid to play anything with more than two lines of text, smart people will be disgusted by how shallow and downright insulting the mechanics and story are.
