Do you think that Otaku are a positive force in Japanese games or a negative one?
What does Sup Forums think of Otaku and the gaming industry?
Otakus saved gaming.
I only like the cool otaku who stay away from スマホのくそげ
otakus are fat and smelly
>otaku pandering games
>put actual efforts into fan services
>minor details
>always trying to create something new,in terms of theme or game mechanics
>normie games
>Propaganda being pushed
>the same rehashed again and again
>copy the succeed formula for hundreds of time until it's overdone more than overdone
>no innovations
>doesn't even care about the fans most of the time
>rely on marketing instead of putting budget into making the actual game good
otaku-games are the best game around, even though it's not your cup of tea.
Otaku's niche games are unironically better than many AAA games.
Is this available for download or is this something that's still in the works?
Tarō Asō identifies as an otaku.
depends on what type of otaku
the anime and vidya otakuniggers in japan are all either fat n greasy or skeletons
I think you should give me the name of that game.
Negative one.
Long time ago Japan was spewing out some great games. Think PS1/PS2 era. We got FF7, SMT Nocturne, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill... even anime was able to be decent. Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun.
And now what? Everything turned into cheap waifu factories. Creativity is dead, because otakus want anime tits and asses. In both games and anime. So we get tons of moeblobs and stories that serve the purpose of waifu exposition.
I think that anyone who plays Japanese games and complain about otaku pandering is fucking retarded.
>we get tons of moeblobs and stories that serve the purpose of waifu exposition
thank you based japan
>implying it can't be good AND have waifus
What you're complaining about are fools who buy things just for the girl. Western games do this too, although they use political agendas or "it's COD so you HAVE to buy it to be with your cool friends".
There is good smartphone games?
At least they directly cater to their audience. AAA games can be all over the fucking place.
>even anime was able to be decent. Death Note
So you were an edgy teenager back then?
Perv aside, that's actually a nice detail.
They're neither, they live in their own niche and always have, what changed is the normal markets imploded, and jp devs/animators were forced to pander to the only demo still spending cash. Otaku are the same as they always were, it's everything else that's changed. pandering/fanservice/otakubait anime outnumbered most of the serious/seinen/normalfag anime even as far back as 30 years ago famalam
>They dont let themselves let cucked by SJW's
seems way better than the cucks of the western gaming
is this some sort of show off? because it's not working.
t. I watched a total of 10 shows and I think I know Japan
basically what said, the tits and asses you despised has been a thing before you were a sparkle in your father's eye.
Who cares, anime sucks, anime games suck
Honestly, years ago I'd have probably said any game pandering specifically to otakus are a shallow experience at best.
But after the years and years of shit Western games with the SJW pandering and devs not even attempting to do anything fresh, otaku games (and Japanese games in general) have started to really stand out as games with a lot of detail and love put into them, even if that love is a love of lolis in lewd situations.
Source. It's chinese not japanese, can someone translate?
Nah. I liked the problem-solving part.
My favorite anime is Kaiji.
fuck wrong image
>t. N3-kuns
>Granted, in true China style, the game also steals the ending song from Kill me Baby for its promotional video:
>[YouTube] 宝石研物语
You don't need to be N5 to tell those phrases are off as fuck pham
You already posted that in the other thread. You're trying too hard at this point, mate.
>doesn't link the video
you are the worst
And something wrong with it?
huh, the animation is pretty good for chink standard though. unless those were ripped off too.
Well, can you back up your claim about it being stolen, to begin with?
yep, it's using Live2D, or atleast that's what it looks like, according to
>[YouTube] 宝石研物语 (embed)
Yeah i bet they're actually licensed it with no credit whatsover huh?
Sure, a Japanese person would say スマホクソゲー, but you I'm not really expecting natural phrasing from N3-kun like the original poster or an an N6-kun like you.
>with no credit whatsover
It must be tough being this braindead.
Learn to link videos, you mouthbreathing tard.
>ripoff Jap art
>ripoff Jap cliches
>ripoff Jap music
What next for the China masterplan?
If the entire post isn't in Japanese, why even bother showing off?
>download Girls x Battle
>battle theme is Shukuteki from Rozen Maiden
Damn chinks.
>BGM chinkchongchinkchangnihao
Where is the credit for the artist, composer?
Technology is super interesting.
t. NJT "N1" masterrace
>we will just borrows the ost from this anime for the moment thank you very much.
>>ripoff Jap art
Maybe you should look up some history.
>>ripoff Jap cliches
Not seeing any, at least so far.
>>ripoff Jap music
How the fuck is that a ripoff? It is a Japanese song, you fucking mongoloid.
>being this retarded
It even has the katakan in the fucking brackets, you braindead nigger.
... but why?
It doesn't even fit the scene.
>implying otaku-pandering bullshit didn't exist back then
The only thing different now is that you have the Internet to make it more visible, and you're on Sup Forums where a bunch of degenerate weebs post regularly.
In any medium, the great works are ALWAYS the minority. This is a universal truth.
I wish we could turn back time to when we had meaningful, serious respectable anime like All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
What history are you talking about? Doreamon is China original anime?
>ripoff Jap cliches
>Not seeing any, at least so far.
>me so kawaii moe pls don't lock at me baka
>How the fuck is that a ripoff? It is a Japanese song, you fucking mongoloid.
Yeah it not a ripoff its straight up stealing. I bet you can't even read moon anyway, why bother EOP?
>It even has the katakan in the fucking brackets, you braindead nigger
It just the name of the song and they even spelled it wrong and they are not telling people it is from what anime or what artist whatever.
>Doreamon is China original anime?
The fuck are you talking about
>Maybe you should look up some history
So anime art style is original Chinese donut steal stuff?
What does this stand for?
I'm telling you to answer me that chinky history shit youre talking about.
>Doreamon is China original anime?
Jesus fuck, you're so fucking braindead. The whole origin of anime artstyle is a ripoff of Disney.
>>me so kawaii moe pls don't lock at me baka
You best be fucking kidding me, nigger.
>Yeah it not a ripoff its straight up stealing.
You dumb nigger.
>I bet you can't even read moon anyway, why bother EOP?
God fucking damn it, you're so retarded.
>It just the name of the song and they even spelled it wrong
What? It literally says ふたりのきもちのほんとのひみつ like it should.
>they are not telling people it is from what anime
That's because the song isn't anime exclusive, it's just a licensed song for that OST. The song itself is it's own thing.
>what artist
This, yeah, I agree with, but looking up the song name is enough for finding out.
Has nothing to do with China. Holy shit, you niggers are dumb.
>ripoff Jap art
>Maybe you should look up some history.
>The whole origin of anime artstyle is a ripoff of Disney
And now the chink ripoff the Jap, at least the Jap can evolved their art from Disney stuff meanwhile chinks are just straight ripoff from Jap.
>That's because the song isn't anime exclusive, it's just a licensed song for that OST. The song itself is it's own thing
Can you show me that licensed stuff you are talking about?
Just want to ask why are you giving so much shit about this chink crap anyway?
>thin ankles and legs with perfectly sized feet
>And now the chink ripoff the Jap, at least the Jap can evolved their art from Disney stuff meanwhile chinks are just straight ripoff from Jap.
Yeah, because something that happened over generations can happen within a few years, right?
>Can you show me that licensed stuff you are talking about?
I thought that you weren't an EOP faggot? Look up the song and read about it.
I wouldn't if some anons weren't so fucking retarded about obvious shit. I mean, fuck, this whole site is a ripoff off of futaba and some anons are here bitching about some retarded shit.
I miss komeji. Back then the board was fun.
Never forget.
>I say this, as Japanese people scarcely develop meaningful connections with others. They’re busy– always busy– without time to speak with others outside of highly organised and artificial drinking ‘parties’. The only time you can actually meet with someone here is if you happen to be a part of the same club, class or event. And even if you both happen to coincidentally be free one day for lunch, you will have to carefully schedule it days or even a week in advance. Nothing happens naturally, and nothing develops beyond this shallow game of pretend. Everyone is your acquaintance, and nobody is your friend.
>I try so much with the people here, desperate to make living on the other side of the planet even slightly less suffocating, that I have no time or energy to deal with my actual coursework. I just can’t give a damn. I’ve always learnt Japanese through reading books and speaking to Japanese people, and get little to nothing from classes (most of which is wasted by the loud American exchangers who incessantly yell and interrupt the teacher). And hence I’m failing, despite most of the lectures containing content I already learned months or years past. Heck, I don’t even know if these courses will count for credit in my home university to begin with.
>Yeah, because something that happened over generations can happen within a few years, right?
huh? why can't chinese develope their own art style from Jap anime art then?
>I thought that you weren't an EOP faggot? Look up the song and read about it.
It just the name of the song, where is the artist and composer trademark? that not licensed at all.
Damn he looks old.
And his weeaboo dreams got crushed.
I for sure enjoying Japanese games but not weeaboo shit like this
>I went on dates, and spent an entire day in Asakusa with the girl I loved.
>tfw komeiji is doing better than you
Eh, Asakusa is nice, but overly turisty. It's filled with them to an annoing degree. You're not missing out much.
At least he's living that nihongo dream.
Clearly not. And his one year exhange much have ended by now.
Japan still outputs a lot of good stuff though from Metal Gear, Soulsborne, Nioh, Dragonquest, Yakuza, Persona 5, Gundam, Vanillaware, Kingdom hearts but there are now just so many pure fanservices games and games where it's it's really etched in hard.
I just don't know what the fuck people see in fanservice games and anime like it. How can you go from watching anime like FMA, HxH, GITS to fucking moeblob pre-teen girls stumble around acting cute. Why don't people want to watch grand adventures with strong respectable characters with dark fantasy or scifi themes anymore? I don't fucking understand this shit.
Games that look like they would have had a interesting premise like mary skelter for example you know it's just going to be utter trash for fucking idiots to have a wank over and pretend they are playing a game. Why can't you faggots fuck off and watch porn or something?
Why are you allergic to games and anime having some fucking substance? What happened to so many peoples taste god dammit I'm fucking mad. Take MGSV for example and Quiets design, yeah sure she's hot but the rest of the game is far more important but faggots these days don't want the rest of the game, they just want an entire game based on Quiet and extremely mediocre gameplay elements added in so they can pretend to themselves they are ''playing'' a game when the only thing they actually want to do is fap to her.
I don't get it. I really don't fucking understand these morons anymore.
You got me.
Am I a normie or something is Sup Forums not somewhere I should be browsing
He still lurks and posts occasionally, but he lacks the autism he used to have, so it's not really as fun to bully him.
Everyone I know, who regularly visits Japan or has lived there, for a notable period of time, says that it sucks there, on a personal level. For a lot of people Nipland is a love/hate kind of relationship.
>why can't chinese develope their own art style from Jap anime art then?
Do you lack basic reading comprehension or something? You literally quoted the answer right there.
>that not licensed at all.
How the fuck do you know what sort of licensing deal could they make? Plus, on top of that the song can be open for public use as long as it's not being monetized or the monetization goes directly to the artist/publisher. You're the one making bold claims and accusing others of things, but you haven't backed up anything of what you said so far. So I'm still waiting on you to prove that it's a stolen song.
How many years did the chinks ripoff off anime art anyway?
How many Chinese anime have you seen?
I'll answer that for you. Around 90% of post 2000 anime is outsourced either to the Chinese or Koreans. So most of today's anime you watch is partially done by either Chinese or Koreans.
And they still can't make their own art style, damn. I guess that is the limit of slaves
>Everyone I know, who regularly visits Japan or has lived there, for a notable period of time, says that it sucks there, on a personal level. For a lot of people Nipland is a love/hate kind of relationship.
That's a common pattern.
Personally I'm a selfish introvert, so I focused on enjoying my hobies (alone), studying (alone) and travelling (alone). Japan is perfect for that. I could go on a nice walk at midnight safely assured nothing would happen to me.
But for someone with aspirations of be a social person it can be hard. Especially for autists like Komeiji.
>Get back to the anime field, Nighao
Why reinvent the wheel?
On top of that you should define "their own art style" because there is no definite one art style. Because even amongst Japanese artists, they copy one another all the time. Not only that, but companies constantly ripoff one another. For instance, there was that old case of Microsoft directly stealing code from a unix based system, for windows, so that you can freely move them and resize them. Actually, I'm not even sure you even understand what you're talking about or why. You just seem kinda mad, for no real reason.
>I could go on a nice walk at midnight safely assured nothing would happen to me.
The rural parts of Japan look really nice at night, much more worth the trip than going to big cities, in my opinion.
>The rural parts of Japan look really nice at night, much more worth the trip than going to big cities, in my opinion.
Which is why my second (and hopefully ultimately permanent) stay in Japan will be based in a more rural area.
>Japanese artists
Japan isn't count, i'm talking about weeaboo shit stuff like this crap.
Post monkey girl.
Good luck! I heard that working in Japan is hell, even worse for foreigners. Though if you can land yourself a Japanese bride, then things will probably go much more smoothly.
Lurk more, post less.
Dude, forget the nipland. Komeji went on a date. Fucking Komeji spent a day with a girl, while I still spend most of my days funneling my hate into these boards, alone, in the dark.
>He still lurks and posts occasionally
I guess he dropped the trip, haven't seen him in years.
>people love japan and want to be japanese
>weeaboo shit
>Japan wannabe shit from people who want to be Japanese
>Good luck! I heard that working in Japan is hell, even worse for foreigners.
So they say. So I want to avoid being them (English teachers and low-level IT monkey). It's gonna be hard, but at least I have a concrete plan.
Yeah, last time he posted he didn't have neither a trip or a name on, but you could easily recognize him by his autistic rants.
If you can land a stable office job, then that's probably the best option. Trying to get into the anime or videogame industry, is practically suicidal, with their work schedules.
>Trying to get into the anime or videogame industry, is practically suicidal, with their work schedules.
No worries. I wouldn't attempt such idiocy.
>Japan is a shitty country because I'm a loser and girls don't like me
>So we get tons of moeblobs and stories that serve the purpose of waifu exposition.
Isn't it great!?
Jap detected, get off your high horse nobody cares about your shitty island you aren't the center of the world. Typical Japanese ego in full display.