Okay weebs, what is the appeal of only listening to voices in Japanese?
Do squeaky voiced women and monotone guys really do it for you that much?
Okay weebs, what is the appeal of only listening to voices in Japanese?
Do squeaky voiced women and monotone guys really do it for you that much?
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I like it when the loli sounds like a child. Not for sexual purposes, I'm not a lolicon, I just like lolis.
When you see that Etrian Odyssey lets you turn off the voices, then you know that god isn't dead.
Part of it is telling Atlus that I am not okay with RELEASE THE BEAST, arbitrary name changes (Egar? Arcania?) and other treehouse tier nonsense. At least with a foreign language I can't get second hand embarrassment at listening to some washed up roastie trying to pretend to be 13.
It's like listening to an opera in the original Italian, only with 40 year old women trying to sound like they're 10.
Lolicon means that you like lolis, so you are a lolicon.
I don't know if it was a very bad joke or you are stupid.
It's not about wanting to listen to the Japanese voices, it's the fact that the American ones are so goddamn awful and have the same three depressed authors who wished they actually listened to their dad and studied something else. Yeah, they're so shit I'd rather listen to squeaky gibberish.
Generally speaking, actors do a better job a conveying tone and understanding the context of their scenes when they are performing a script that was written in their own native language.
Japan has some incredibly talented voice actors
Said no one ever
What is the appeal of listening to a 35 year old hag trying to voice a cute young teenage girl?
There is no appeal at all.
Once you hear someone acting as a teenage girl, you have already heard all the teenage girls. Or the typical bad guy with the kinda deep voice and that talks at a slow pace.
Japanese people doesn't know how to voice act.
It's not so much of wanting to listen to the Japanese dub, it's more of NOT WANTING TO LISTEN TO AMERICAN "VOICE ACTORS".
Seriously, let the Brits do the VA work. American "talent" is a fucking joke.
>what is the appeal
voice directors actually directing, instead of letting the same proper noun being pronounced in two ways in one sentence following another
english voice acting has a horrible reputation for making an inconsistent product
the way the actors are paid is different, so they won't be asking an actor to rerecord a line because the director felt the actor's delivery didn't work in the current context of the script
>Do squeaky voiced women and monotone guys really do it for you that much?
No, I hate it. That's why I try to avoid the english dub.
This. There are no good american anime VAs
I prefer Japanese voices and that's about it. I'm not American or even Anglo so I don't need to excuse shit, you niggers can barely pronounce words anyway.
This is surely a bait thread, but there's various reasons why people might prefer the original VA:
>the dub is awful
>they want to have an experience closer to the original
>not supporting a publisher's shitty practices
Take a game like Persona 4 for example. You've got middle-aged American women trying to sound like high school kids and trying to use Japanese honorifics in English (and mangling them). Besides the VAs in the Japanese actually sounding like high schoolers, it also feels more authentic for a game set in Japan to have Japanese VAs. This is the same for every language. If I play Stalker I want Russian voices instead of English because it just feels authentic.
It's nice that there are some studios like the guys that made Shadow Tactics, that offer two voice options (ENG and JA) because they made a game set in Japan.
I concur.
I don't know if the Japanese voice acting is actually good, I just know how bad the English one is
you wouldn't know if their voice acting are good or bad compared to english
In Japan voice acting is considered a respectable profession so there are at least some standards. This is not the case in western vidya, where Nolan fucking North is considered big-name and talented.
Look at Persona 5, where pretty much every proper noun is butchered and the honorifics are pronounced in such a way they don't flow with the sentence at all.
I'm not a native english speaker and let me tell you this, japanese anime and games voiced by english speakers is SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.
Your dirty women don't know how to make a voice that isn't sucking dicks, there, I said it.
SOME of your male VA's are good, but they're so few, like that Vesperia protagonist, ALL your female VAs are SHIT.
Its even worse when they are trying to sound young after having taken so many dicks in their mouth, its just no feasible.
What is this, a thumbnail for ants?
Jap voices generally have better delivery because nobody in the west can emote properly.
Take Marvel for example. In that game, the english voice cast emoted and it was considered great. In Infinite, despite using the same actors, they don't emote and it sounds like garbage, so I'd use any Jap voices if possible because they actually emote.
English isn't my first language and if there's no dub for my first language and I have the option to choose I go with the original voices which is japanese in most cases
>What is the appeal of listening to a 35 year old hag trying to voice a cute young teenage girl?
About that...
Raking in the (you)s again today user?
4chins truly is the best vidya amirite? Who the fuck needs other vidya, I wanna shitpost all day like (you).
Why not just turn the voice audio off then?
Does turning that off stop the npc voices too?
Worst part about american voice actors is that there's ~5.5 of them and you hear them in all games ever forever
Worst part about nip voice actors is that they do their disgusting, repulsive porn grunts instead of something proper for the situation.
They need to perform some vocalization meant to signify fear, joy, surprise, anger, and 95% of the time the only shit they can come up with is retarded porn moans
Not necessarily an option.
I'd still fuck her
>not listening to a genuine japanese underaged girl voice a japanese underage girl lusting after her brother's dick
You can go back to Sup Forums now. We are not talking about shitty anime dubs.
> dis nigga actin like he wouldnt let dat ol' ho touch his penis
How did you get this picture of me?
Imo, it really depends. Some Japanese VAs put a LOT of emotion into their voices or have very cool distinct voices in general (Norio Wakamoto's Bison is MUCH better than the US VA's for example).
Of course, this is not always the case. Xenoblade Chronicles was much better with the localized voices and the Japanese voices were too bland in comparison.
All in all, it really just depends on the talent and script.
I enjoy hearing certain people, and I'd rather hear the original language something got recorded in.
This is an important point for me. I prefer the original voices over a dub for shit
Some characters sound good in both languages; Alucard and Anderson in English come to mind because of how over-the-top they went, but you've also got Nakata and Wakamoto in the original cast, who are excellent.
Said anyone who has ears or is not retarded. So you must be both.
Only cases where dub actually beat jap for me were:
Lost Odyssey
Kingdom Hearts series
No other dub does it for me.
Some times it just sounds better to me, why do you people make such a big deal about it? Let me listen to what I want to listen to in peace.
Not even MGS1?
Most dubs are bad. I dont know lick of nipponese but the VAs sound like they take it seriously and actually try to be the character.
But I have not played much japanese games so what do I know.
Shit, yeah you're right, whole series actually. Setting begs for western VAs too.
>only experience with jap media is hentai
>They need to perform some vocalization meant to signify fear, joy, surprise, anger, and 95% of the time the only shit they can come up with is retarded porn moans
Stop wanking for more than a second and try ANY game that contains a non-porn scene
I prefer voices in Japanese but i can deal with american english
The problem is with my native language dubs (spanish) its literally listening the simpsons voice in every game.
>letting something as small as the sun ruin your swag
Choose one
>shitty anime dubs.
Its not like game dubs are any better, in a lot of cases they share the same shitty VAs.
I've seen like 2 30s hentai videos in my entire life try again assmnagled animeclown
>he doesn't like Laura Bailey's ridiculously cute voice
Get a load of this faggot
>Why not just turn the voice audio off then?
The game doesn't get cheaper.
Listening to Japanese Voice Actors instead of American Voice Actors should be a wake up call to these faggots but it seems they don't care.
Hopefully by supporting Japanese Voice Audio over American Voice Audio it makes them irrelevant and companies straight up don't bother with these those fucking hacks. Especially when they appear in cons acting like they fucking deserve praise and recognition.
Maybe that will be their fucking wake up call.
I don't know the language so I really can't tell if the voice acting is shit or not, unlike the english voice acting
I read faster than people talk anyway, so I prefer the bits of langauge that are spoken be a language I don't know. Then I can just imagine it's like Banjo Kazooie style gibberish sound effect noises.
As opposed to listening to an Italian opera dubbed over in English, with 40 year old women trying to sound like they're 10.
When does EOV release?