ITT: Games no one thinks are the best of their respective series
ITT: Games no one thinks are the best of their respective series
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Halo 2
What is this meme? Why the sudden hate for R&C3?
Some e-celeb made a video saying that this game sucks (it doesn't) so Sup Forums is shitposting because of it
British dude exposed it
Because Sup Forums follows whatever opinion their praised youtubers do. You have to understand that this is a reddit containment board full of losers.
Because TheGamingBritShow made a video on why it was "disappointing" and now most people on Sup Forums hates it.
now there are a few people who still like it, like me but that's just how it's been for the past like 2 weeks.
just wait until this shitposting meme dies down and drones move onto to the next game to suddenly hate
You're fucking kidding me right? e-celebs are literal cancer in terms of enjoying video games on your own and now you're telling me that people disliking 3 in favor of 2 and shit is because of some literal who saying he dislikes this and that?
I'm just going to say it now before it becomes a dumb e-celeb opinion. Jak II is actual shit.
>You're fucking kidding me right?
Nope. One e-celeb has ow made virtually impossible to discuss this game
No Arguments there.
>You're fucking kidding me right?
No, this is just what Sup Forums does. I'm starting to visit this place less and less.
Some of the complaints about 3 didn't even make sense to me. He talked about how 2 had more things to do because there was some scraped car section in 3 and only one place to farm crystals. Who on earth complains about the need to only farm in one place?
It was like he didn't even play the game almost ignoring the fleshed out and fun arena, Annihilation Nation or the mega man esque captain quark collectible games. There was so much to do in the game.
He didn't even say that it sucked, just that it wasn't the best in the series. Fag.
I'm great at this.
Some youtuber said contrarian shit for views and now shitposters are parroting it.
The only disappointing R&C game on the PS2 is the first one, and that's only because the passage of time and all the extra features from its sequels have made it clunky to play. Even Deadlocked is far, far, far more enjoyable than recent shit.
>The only disappointing R&C game on the PS2 is the first one
Plebbest of plebs
To be fair, R&C2 had the fucking god tier arena. That one where you run around on the walls/ceiling with the spider boss was extremely difficult to outdo, anything would seem like a disappointment by comparison.
>trophy collecting
>weapon upgrading
>collect every color for your ship
>skill points
>Captain Qwark minigames
>Annihilation Nation
This game was amazing and had so much content. I hated the turret battles, though.
This is the best R&C game, I constantly replay it. It's a shame the HD port is so shit, though.
It was the best one if you only wanted a TPS, I guess. Wasn't a fan of the stiffer movement.
It's tons of fun, I don't really care about the story in these games, it's the gameplay that keeps me coming back and I feel like Gladiator perfected it. It never got stale to me.
The story and writing were top tier in Deadlocked, that's not a problem. It just seemed like the focus was too narrow, that's what harmed its repeatability for me.
This guys voice is so fucking irritating. I hate that Southern middle-class received pronunciation accent that nearly all British youtubers try to put on. Mack and TB are some of the only ones I can remember that use their normal Northern accents.
I just played all three mainline games on the ps3 hd collection and i can safely say that 1 was easily the worst, so many design choices make no sense, there are no good ranged weaponry making it so you will take fuckloads of damage for no good reason especially on Veldin where enemies will instant lock on you and hit you no matter what.
Although Boxing Glove best weapon any R&C game ever.
>You're fucking kidding me right?
Wish i was but that's just how Sup Forums is. As soon as one Youtuber says flaws about a good game. it's no longer good and all of it's good things are push to the side.
it also gave us the best villain in the series.
Tbh people here mentioned R&C2 being the best one in the series and not R&C3 before this video was made
Yes, but no one hated 3 except for contrarians.
You start
Ratchet 3 was a good time. I don't remember being disappointed as a kid playing it but at the same time I do remember feeling it didn't make the same leap that 2 did from 1. Now that's not saying its a bad game, because it wasn't, but I think its a fair assessment.
Nobody hates 3 now. The worst that has been said about it is that it was a disappointment.
>dumbfrog poster has shit taste
Nothing new here, I'm waiting on the "Jak 1 is the worst of the trilogy" video.
UYA is the best though
>no one really sets up UYA or Deadlocked HD lobbies online
My only issues were that 2 had better platforming/explorative segments. I'd only agree with TGB because a lot of levels are pretty short or just locked as missions, would've loved to see more Kerwan like levels, when you revisit the first game's areas.I kinda would rate it the least in my favourties for the PS2 gen but it's a great game regardless and I enjoyed what they fixed combat wise or content wise with multiplayer.
Plus Nefarious was at his best with this and ACiT.
>would've loved to see more Kerwan like levels, when you revisit the first game's areas
I disagree, they just highlighted how lame Ratchet 3's atmosphere is. Aridia, Rilgar and Kerwan all pale in comparison to the originals.
Here's one showing how shit II is. :)
>monotone australian accent
oh no
My only issue was with the first two being just multiplayer map missions and that's it, if they did some shit like recreate that death course in the sewers or something I wouldn't have cared as much.
While Kerwan in 3 was weak (probably being less open than in 1) I did enjoy the train fight.
this guy is so biased it's not even funny
especially the story part. Where he considers UYA's story inconsistent unlike the previous 2, but only elaborates on that with 1, not GC
I mean, he clearly realized that GC's story was a complete mess. But tries to cover that fact instead of admitting it's flaws
and he also unironically considered the second treasure hunt level in GC as a good thing, the very definition of a rushed level that should've never been made
look, I know UYA has its flaws. But you can't just ignore or even defend the flaws from the previous games just to make 3 look like the worst
you cant even critique OoT in any way before fags start ganing on you with that Egoraptor video
tell me what it did wrong exactly
>and he also unironically considered the second treasure hunt level in GC as a good thing, the very definition of a rushed level that should've never been made
I had to stop the video there in all honesty.
I prefer the mundame sewers over the boring ass desert and frozen tundra.
No one should defend that level. Fuckin no one. Who designed that enemy? Why were they so shit to deal with?
Well isn't that the whole issue TGB had with the game? The levels are soulless and empty, with no special gimmicks or much of anything interesting at all.
The best levels in Ratchet 3 are the ones which actually remember to have some character and unique gameplay elements. Those would be Aquatos, Tyrrhanosis and Daxx.
Well there was the humor point but I just find that to be a non issue to be. But other than that pretty much.
To be absolutely fair, I remember all the high scores it was getting from review magazines. Higher than the two previous titles. I remember GI specifically gave it a 10/10. That's probably more of what he's referring too. I think that was the general consensus back in the day, but it definitely changed for people over time as they got older. The original PS2 titles each have their strengths and weaknesses, but I find them all really enjoyable.
But I gotta say, I definitely sunk a shit ton of hours in 3's multiplayer. Shit was janky as fuck, but still a lot of fun.
I do think UYA has the weakest writing of the PS2 games, but the others were all surprisingly engaging so I don't mind.
There ain't enough courtney gears porn in the world.
>up your arse
People don't still think Jak 2 is the best game in the series, do they?
Not a bad game but not as good as the other 3
Is there more to this?
I thought it was pretty shit. Detective mode had some nice things to it, but I hated the level design and the fights were pretty boring. Deathstroke probably being one of the worst.
This,but for all robots too
my diiiiiiick
why is Cap'n Qwark so handsome and courageous bros
His chin is glorious, that's why
I can't see why anyone would prefer this to VC or San Andreas
Yes, nothing quite like his.... buttcheeks. He was a good friend.
This is the only R&C game Ive played. Is it really one of the worst cause I remember it being fun
It's different from the original trilogy. I personally loved it.
The other games generally have more variety, more open levels, more platforming and gadgets etc. Deadlocked is still good fun though.
It's the 2nd best game after Ratchet and Clank 2 though
>not 4
At least 3 has the nostalgia advantage, 4 was just a mess
Not bad, more different. Pretty much R&C3 but more creative mission objectives since the game was pretty much challenge arena- the game.
Did better as that than Ratchet being a tower defense game or ripping off Nicktoons unite
tfw I always felt R&C3 was the weakest other than Deadlocked.
I do
You have bad taste user but at least you don't think Diamond/Pearl is best
>Who designed that enemy?
Tony Garcia. That level was apparently the definition of rushed.
I'm more of a Going Commando guy myself.
Nah, I just don't really play pokemon. This is the one I played the most on my gameboy sp back in the day so you know.
Seriously his only complaints were why wasnt there more half assed mini games and why didnt they beat the dead horse of a theme more the only legitimate part was 2 and 1 had way better platforming
>that beam glitch
r@c: 2 > 1 => 3
jak: 2 > 3 > 1
sly: 3 > 2 > 1
VC wasn't enough of an upgrade, I can see how someone can prefer GTA3 based on many reasons. SA was better in every way, though. Added a ton of features that became standard.
Fuck off with your high shittery. Trying to meme Sup Forums into thining Up Your Arsenal is a bad game won't work like that one shitter who keeps blasting Jak 2 & 3
pretty straight tier lists desu
The gayest post I've seen here.
where's his tail?
Suit shoved it up his arse.
I just wanna say this now, but the levels in UYA suck. If they're not bland and boring, they're linear as fuck. Daxx was the only one worth writing home about
Jak 2 and 3 are genuinely bad though. I wanted a platformer, not another GTA clone
>If they're not bland and boring, they're linear as fuck
That's like every Ratchet and Clank game past the first 2. I always forget how non-linear those first 2 games were when I got back to play them; the series now is just one straight line, but those games had multiple branching paths that you could do any a variety of orders.
Crank in Time > Up Your Arsenal > Going Commando >> Deadlocked >> Ratchet and Clank 1
I never played Tools of Destruction
Aquatos and Tyrrhanosis were rad, they had the kind of variety that most of the game was missing.
>Basic sewer level with some combat and swimming segments.
>Tyrrhaguise and Clank puzzles.
>Bonus farming segment.
>Absolute kino airdrop segment
>Storming the outpost with the galactic rangers
>Mini-open world with various objectives, platforming and shooting mixed together
>Fun boss fight
>Bonus missions on Kavu Island
I wish the whole game was as good as this.
I really liked Koros or whatever that planet was called where you destroy the first bioblip whatever. It was fucking relentless with all those enemies swarming in and so much glass breaking your Ps2 would shit itself, reminded me of that night city/factory level from GC
That was pretty brutal, but it was just a straightforward shooting gallery level.
>source is literally in the image
>durr please spoonfeed
>Sup Forums is getting radiated by e-celebs
and i thought reddit was bad? oh wait...
Sup Forums just like Sup Forums is a reddit containment board
Good man.
Literally just a dude that makes videos and reviews series that he's played.
>saying that this game sucks
That never happened. He just said it's not as good as the previous 2.
>h-he's not an eceleb b-because I love him!!!!!!
wow pathetic