Mobile games are the future

Mobile games are the future.

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That looks degenerate, OP.

So she's fine with skirt flip, but panty dropping is too far? That is interesting.

wow, game's name?


holy shit
i fucking LOVE the future


>that loli one
This is my kind of degeneracy.

Nippon BTFO, how can Japanese ever recover?

Yes pls

>t. N2-kun

English when?

can i pat her head and hold her hand and say nice things to her
asking for a friend


how could communism allow this?

There is literally nothing wrong with communism.

Because communism itself doesn't enforce laws on sexuality, it's the current ruling party that does.

>Granted, in true China style, the game also steals the ending song from Kill me Baby for its promotional video:

What the fuck is wrong with chink?

Why play cocktease when you could play porn?

I play both.

Cute game

Yeah but why is the monkey's girl nude

Probably because their own language is so fucking ugly.

lol wtf

Its always possible that they've actually licensed it for it
and plenty of chink games uses Japanese voice actors instead of Chinese

>Its always possible that they've actually licensed it for it
Where did you get that from?
>and plenty of chink games uses Japanese voice actors instead of Chinese
Yeah because their language is horseshit

Because porn is disgusting and cocktease is enticing

>we want the otaku audience

>Its always possible that they've actually licensed it for it
Go fuck yourself chink chang chong


>tfw you're waiting for that one chink to get angry and scold you in chinese.
>tfw you and most of the other players will shout more ching nip ning ning ling ping ting just to frustrate him more.
>tfw that korean starts to chant Taiwan numbah wan just to further escalate the situation

This one might be licensed, someone translate these moons.

chankoro scum

Who are you to dictate China's internal policies? If they want to have a country without plagiarism laws, it's their goddamn business.

Fuck off EOP thirdworlder scum. Licensed my ass, it just said this music is from killme baby anime with no credit for the artist or the anime at all.

If the video broke any licensing laws it would've been killed off by jewtube already. By the way, quite a few KMB videos have been downed from jewtube on copyright claims.

As expected from cute 2D girls, even clean down there!

can't wait for nintendo switch version

what a disgusting """"game""""
just make a hentai vn or some shit or fuck off with this kind of low effort kusoge masquerading as a game

Yeah it like everyone will suddenly give a shit about some random obscured weeaboo video with anime song. Did you think this is the GOTY or something? Why are you keep defending Chinese anyway? they are surely no strange with stealing or ripping off other.

>If the video broke any licensing laws it would've been killed off by jewtube already.
No you retard. YouTube only takes down shit when they know the original content creators are going to file DMCAs over and over.

We're talking about the ED of a Japanese anime which came out years ago, they don't give a fuck, people use OPs and EDs of anime all the time and very few get taken down.

>that pic

Why not?

Fuck off thievering scumbag

We're all nude underneath our clothes.

>Yeah it like everyone will suddenly give a shit about some random obscured weeaboo video with anime song.
Youtube has bots for that, it doesn't have to have moderators babysitting every video to check for shit like audio.

>they don't give a fuck, people use OPs and EDs of anime all the time
Exactly, they only take them down when the copyright of that song is being broken. So it's either licensed or within copyright norms.

Fuck off, shlomo.

This is sad and pathetic.

>Their language is so fucking dog shit they even need to pays the Nips for voice acting and soundtrack.

Is anyone even are capable of playing the game in the first place? I've been on the website and all of the text are in chink/korean not to mention that it asked for my phone number if I clicked on the pre-register. I do like to try it out.

Well, it's a good thing I'm not chinese, Shlomo Shekelstein.

>install chink software ever
Enjoy your virus and malware

The fact that it wants my phone number is enough to keep me away from it. The images are quite enticing though and is a great bait if that is what they're after.


Video games need more loli fanservice

Somebody quickly tell me Good(good) mobile games. Something like battlefleet Gothic Leviathan would be great.

Seems like the Japanese will get this too. But us westerners can never enjoy a cute game like this thanks to the sex-obsessed morally superior judgement glutons on both sides. Thanks, America and Europe! Keep being a killjoy to everyone.

does it have to be english?

More unleashed lolis.

>want to play chink shit
It cannot survive in Jap mobile market anyway.


Absolutely haram

Weeaboo will gladly eats anything with Jap anime art on it huh


WitchSpring, both games play like portable Atelier. No gacha shit, some engrish in 1st game. There's demo for 2nd one. Pirate if you're cheap ($7 for both).

Based Chinks.

prior to being censored(because Korea went through some porn-related shit law change) the game also had several girls, not lolis though, with their nipples almost visible, and I mean literal nipslips

>how to drawn animes for beginner weeaboo

Post some examples nigga

Why not just play better game like Atelier?

Bang Dream if you like rhythm games. Has an English version coming next year.

ITT: Pedos

Probably too poor to buy a psp or DS

sorry user, I can't into ban evading and even then, I only got one pic like that, there might be some imgur gallery somewhere but I don't have it saved, I don't think at least. Well, the only thing I do still have saved is a gallery of nude edits of the in-game art

But not poor enough to have a friggin iphone7/6s plus amright?

>better than anything

>bootleg Atelier with shit art
Please stop based chinks

Better than this for sure

Die you pedo degenerate scum

>better than all mobile games
>better than Neptunia
>better than the average VN
>better than indie
What i miss?

Your hate only fuels my degeneracy.

Post her.

Better than weeaboo shit like Katawa Shoujo and other weeaboo shit from chink and gookland and mmos

>Better than average VN
Are you serious? I'd rather play a really shitty moege instead tbqh.

>iphone7/6s plus
lol, just steal it from some fat weeaboo neckbeard


China is communist in name only. They are a mixed socialist/capitalist economy just like the west.

And Atelier is just the average moege with gameplay. What your point then? i already posted a lot of stuff worse than Atelier and how about you?

You mean "read" right?

>better than anything

its one of those anime things where its air blowing up the skirt and shit doesnt notice it, but when you pull down the panties she realizes that something lewd is happening.
Use pomf

>Average moege
Fuck off.

>nonexistence nipples
Just like my Senran Kagura but worse.

I wish telecommications was a banned technology, mobile games are degenerate AND trash that ruin the industry just as much as sjws, hyper over inflated budgets, and graphic equals good game idiots.

shut the fuck up

small pink nipples are the best, fuck your disgusting brown pepperoni shit

Are you blind?

We are talking about the average ecchi shit like the OP chink shit and that witch something nigger
You high or something?

Sure let them become even shittier because fat faggots like you pay for those "games" instead of actual video games


lol, i rather read to love ru
>weeaboo excited for something like nips slip

Oh so ecchi ruriruri-chan kawaii ey tiny pink nipples lolol i need to read hentai lolol but no doujin for this trash sadsadsad
>the average VN moege
I bet you think Rance series is moege too.