What the FUCK went so wrong with this piece of shit?

What the FUCK went so wrong with this piece of shit?

it was made by gooks

>modern Square Enix
>open world meme
>characters designed to appeal to fujoshits
>bad combat
>nonsense story even by FF standards
XV is such a fucking mess

Changing directors, giving you a bare minimum of a story and expect you to shell out money for DLC/Anime/Movie/Multiplayer to get the full experience, bad combat system, making you care for characters who had little screentime, etc...

What did Sup Forums think of the open world? Why didn't it work compared to other open world games?

Trying to make an "epic" story instead of a very personal road trip of 4 buddies.

It was large and empty.

Even MGS5 did the open world better

The director was too old for action games so they had to dumb it down.

Falling for the open world with action combat meme.

MGSV at least had an excuse for empty world's, being a stealth game and all.

Hajime Tabata

Surprisingly it did.

I really didn't think it was that bad.

It was literally made bad on purpose

Tabata was a mistake

Nomoura wasn't allowed to have fun

You don't have to create good combat if the player can just pheonix down their way through it.

Ubi used it as marketing for the new AC game.

When nomura has fun you get KH. Nomura needs a handler at all times.

I'll gladly take another KH over another XV
Also V13 had totally different setting and story and shit from KH and different writer etc.
Why is everyone acting like one man can only make one game and as if he does everything

Because every time he's in charge of something it gets stupid stories and stupid character designs.

I'm sure it would turn out that noctis and stella were the same character that was divided with a zipper or some shit.

Sure user. Just ignore what i just said.

I'm saying you had the basic foundation of the story none of the details. The basic story of KH is that some kids from an island go on an adventure. It's not till later that it gets fucking ridiculous.

Everything Nomura has directed has that absurd story shit, so I only have his past to go on. And going by his past v13 would have gotten absurd at some point.

So when are we going back to turn based or atleast FF12's system

xv-kun incoming

Maybe the next game. The series does something new with every entry.

I think 12 gets a lot of flak it doesn't deserve, I always thought the battle system worked well together with the exploration. It helped that 12's world is pretty much the best built one in the series.

he hasn't shitposted in XV threads for a while. Maybe he has given up trying to defend this bad game

It was alright.

it'd be better to ask about what went right since the list will be so short.

To many script changes

my nigga.

I had a fucking blast playing zodiac age. Would love to see more games in that style.

Development hell from Nomura going on for years while bleeding tons of money and still having the project in such a state that it must be thrown away and salvaged in any way possible.

It's unfinished. I'm not talking about "cut content", they just literally released the game before it was done.

Gameplay, tech and storyline weren't developed in cohesion with one another.

Tech-wise they just wanted to push the newest possible graphics without thinking how it actually works in an open world environment and the particular game style.
Story-wise it was just a bunch of retarded ideas that accumulated over the years without much though on how to express them as a video game.
Gameplay-wise they fell for the open world meme and didn't really have one strong good mechanic in mind and bosses just cost too much to properly develop I'd wager.
And then having to push a deadline they obviously cut three hundred different corners to just push the game out at all.

That's what went wrong without going into details. They wanted this game to be a million different things.


Never ever since FF16 will take another decade to make because of how indecisive SE is. So much fucking decent AAA games out in the past 2 gens and this is all SE has to show, an unfinished piece of shit.

>game comes out as console exclusive
>game gets a PC port announced

Every. Single. Time.

Nailed it.

>>game comes out as console exclusive

said absolutely no one for FFXV

It's because there were too many solid husbandos in one game, if the game wasn't shit, everyone would just be talking about which husbando is the best and not how good the game is. That's my theory, anyway.

Nothing. XV is a great game.

Yeah, most people agree that the game is okay at best

In what fucking universe?

>game comes out as console exclusive

That literally never happend with XV.

>Promoted as a large-scale dramatic action story by literally all the trailers
>In the game you actually hunt wildlife in boring steppes for hours while driving a car from a chill resort to chill resort until the game puts you on a train to plot for a couple chapters

You PC fucks truly are the biggest shitposters

Good luck getting them to admit that though.

12 also aged really well. A lot of the things people complained about when it was new are mainstream now.

I legitimately liked it. It reminded me of playing FF1 as a kid and just killing shit and camping. The plot didn't kick in in that game for a long time.

That'd be fine if the story was designed for that from the onset. But in XV there's a whole bunch of large events happening completely away from the player.

Yeah, I didn't watch any prerelease shit, so I kind of liked the comfy camping vibe and hearing about shit on the radio.

>nonsense story even by FF standards
Have they managed to top the XIII? franchise?

The pacing, story and introduction.

Combat was salvageable at the very least with the warping mechanic, although barely any fights were centered around it.

>Noctis' home, his dad being killed, and the crystal being stolen is the driving force of the plot
>Remove the event from the game and sell it as a separate movie

Tabata is such a fucking kike.

It was okay but disappointing to the point where I didn't touch the DLCs

I'm not like those other bitter faggots. The game was great. I hope you enjoy it. I wish it was 60 fps aswell but even the PS4 Pro version runs at about 40 which sucks.

pretty much this