This game looks like fucking shit

This game looks like fucking shit.

You look like fucking shit.

It's for little kids and Sonic fans, no shit.

Sonic Forces is necessary to bring balance back to the awfulness of the Sonic franchise. Mania was just too good.

What's wrong with Sonic's forehead?

I was planning on boycotting it anyway after SEGA cancelled the comic during part 3 of a 4-parter. That's just a dick move.

>a Sonic game looks like shit
And water is wet.

Do they actually think anyone still wants this trash? All of the kiddies that grew up with the garbage Dreamcast Sonics are too old to fall for this shit. And the actual kids are too preoccupied with cellphones.

It does. And after sonic mania being good, I want a sonic mania equivalent to the 3d sonic games.

Classic Sonic looks so out of place.

What gets me the most is people who are actually hyped about the story. I mean, look-- I get it. The last few stories were too kiddy and the """jokes""" were terrible, but did we REALLY need to go back to a tone that wouldn't be out of place in Sonic '06? And did we really need to get the actual guy that helped write for '06 to do the story?

What about improving the gameplay? What about the fact that Classic Sonic looks like complete dogshit, especially when compared to Mania, a game that will have come out a mere two months prior to Forces? What about the Buddy gameplay that looks like a watered down Ratchet and Clank?

But fuck all that-- WHERE IS BLAZE??? Get the fuck out of here.

Why the fuck did Sonic Team listen to the autistic vocal minority complaining about the story? As if THAT's the major issue with Modern Sonic right now. But hey, you fags go right ahead and enjoy your mediocre gameplay as long as your precious story soothes your autism. I'm sure it'll do wonders for Sonic's already shaky reputation and it definitely won't undo all the good Mania did for the franchise in one fell swoop.

>a repackaged game from the 90s that you can just play on emulators was too good

Why does Sonic has fur?

That repackaged game from the 90s that you can just play on emulators is a thousand times better than anything else with the Sonic brand name on it in over 20 years, and you know it.

Wow get a load of this contrarian manchild fag piece of trash

>Sup Forums holds up Mania as some sort of beacon of gaming now

I know Sonic fans don't have much to live for, but getting excited over a game that's scarcely better than what you played 25 years ago is just pathetic.

At least 06 didn't start with the fucking Green Hill zone.

>What gets me the most is people who are actually hyped about the story
The fact that any one mentions the story being good in any Sonic game baffles me. The stories are toddler-tier with the basic, soulless writing akin to kids shows that were on for 5 minutes and no one remembers.

Mania is the first Sonic game in 25 years that non-Sonic fans can enjoy. It's not just Sup Forums. Sorry, autist.

This is just sad.

Apart from the ten million romhacks you mean?

What is it with Blaze? Why does everyone like her so much? I don't get it.

>All of the kiddies that grew up with the garbage Dreamcast Sonics are too old to fall for this shit.

Clearly you have never met an autistic man in his '20s.

The romhacks are all pretty bad with terrible game design and crap like the homing attack and shitty OCs thrown in for no good reason.

Two, whenever Blaze is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Blaze"?

>Adventurefags asshurt that there's finally a Sonic game that you can admit to liking without feeling embarrassed and it's a sequel to a game that they were too young to play and could never get into because it doesn't have a faggy chao garden, doughnut steels, cringey kidz bop songs, or a shitty autistic story.

>or a shitty autistic story.

That didn't stop some autists from bitching about the lack of cutscenes between certain levels, though. You still see them asking for an update that includes them. Stay autistic, faggots.

Good character design.
Good personality.(tsundere socially awkward girl, who tries to live up to the expectations of her people)
Cool fire powers.
Plays almost exactly like Sonic, except a little slower, and jumps higher. So no shitty gimmicks, and plays just as well in the same stages.

Pretty much the same formula that made Tails and Knuckles likeable.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles has an autistic story?

>Infinite is played by Akihiko's VA

>Sonic game
>looks like shit
you must be a special kind of retard to think it could have been something else


I'm not thinking that the story is gonna be stellar or anything, but I'm interested in how it'll turn out.
Mostly because I wanna know what happens to classic Sonic after getting portaled in from Mania.

He probably won't be very relevant, they just threw Classic in there because Generations did well.

>he goes through Green Hill again
>gets ambushed by Modern Eggman
>defeats him
>meets Modern Tails
>they work together to get him back home
>Tails studies the Ruby

Which means I can't wait for it.

I still can't over the fact that Infinite looks like a Berserker armor from Berserk.


It's boostshit. It was doomed from the start.

But Tails isn't likable. I'd easily prefer Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, Omega, Vector, Espio, Blaze, Cream, and Big over Tails.

>Mania is the first Sonic game in 25 years that non-Sonic fans can enjoy
Generations shits all over all the 2D ones if you aren't a Sonic fan.

Believe me, I am not a Sonic fan, I think the 2D ones are mostly trash.

Check out Megamix. It's better than Mania and it's free.

Does sonic have a son or something?

How so? Generations has really garbage 2D platforming fused with boost to win shit. There's barely any game there. Just flashy presentation.

Half of that game is a worse version of the classic gameplay style though.

No, just past Sonic due to time travel shenanigans.

But actually playable.


>At least 06 didn't start with the fucking Green Hill zone.
But doesn't it basically start with Emerald Coast from Sonic Adventure? Sure Green Hill is used more but a rehash is still a rehash, even down to the whale so I don't see the difference here beyond '06 being a shittier version of it.

Oh Christ, they're consciously appealing to the autistic part of their audience.

How long have they been doing this?

>b-but mania is popular! it's impossible to dislike! it m-must be bait!
Different user to these you quoted, but you should try at least try to rebut arguments you don't like. I'd like to see you try to explain how Mania is worth paying $20 for when it offers less content and challenge than something like Megamix.

If you think the old Sonic games are unplayable then I'm afraid you must be really shit at games.

what did he mean by this?

>tfw I'm looking forwards to Sonic Forces
I don't get it. It doesn't look horrendously bad.

It's boostshit, user.

>not excited to make your OC into REAL C

when did you die inside, jaded man.

But dude, they're secretly writing the story le ironically lmao

I'm like the opposite of you, as someone who enjoyed Generations I don't understand any of the appeal for Forces.

>It doesn't look horrendously bad.

It does, and it's kinda sad that a selling point for you is "not looking horrendously bad"

>New levels
>The CD special stages
>Mean Bean Machine
>The music
>Did I mention Knuckles?

>t. never actually played CD
Megamix aldo has new levels, nice music, and Knuckles, but I'll give you the mean bean machine boss, even though it could've been done better.

>multiple play-styles again
Oh boy. Because that worked ever

Also, Mania's debug mode is fun to dick around with.

I hope it's $20 worth of fun.

It did. In SA1 (Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles played perfectly; Amy was a bit too slow but had a good concept, Gamma was ok), SA2 (Everything was great in the context of the score attack focused gameplay), and Generations (the classic style was mediocre but not too bad, the boost style was ok, but a step down from unleashed in terms of level design).

What's the issue with the stories of the adventure games, again? Those were good fun.

I just want a fucking chao garden. I don't give a fuck about this OC shit

Any narrative tone can work for any production user, execution is all that matters. And worrying based merely on the fact that the guy was one of the writers for 06 is inherently questionable since the entire production was a rushed clusterfuck done with half a functional team in under a year.

That said, I want a serious tone for sonic. Those stories are the most fun, even when they're not all that well written.

Modern Sonic levels look like a step back from Generations, Classic Sonic hasn't improved at all and now looks bad compared to the recently released Mania. The Avatar just looks like trash in pretty much every aspect, he looks like he controls like Modern Sonic without the boost, the character creator doesn't even seem very good, looking at the NPCs they all seem to have the exact same body shape and proportions regardless of species. In fact the game looks pretty cheap in general, look at this it looks like some SFM fan made shit. Also the music is pretty underwhelming so far for a mainline Sonic title which is usually the one of the few saving graces for bad Sonic games.

>he controls like Modern Sonic without the boost
I'm sold.

Maniafags think there's some sort of competition between the success of Mania and Forces, so they've been desperately begging for Forces to flop. It's quite funny to watch them pretend they're not just as autistic as other Sonic fans.


Because boost is utter trash. I would love a modern Sonic game that plays like Adventure 2.

>Mostly reskins of Sonic 1 stages

Is blaze the krystal of sonic now? Someone NOBODY gives a fuck about, even the developers have forgotten them, but furfags wont stop whining about it?

Just don't include the shitty treasure hunting please.

You misunderstood, he meant that it controls like Modern Sonic does when you're not boosting.

That's Amy.

I actually agree with you on the desire for a new game like Sonic Adventure 2. That remains my favorite 3D Sonic title.

That said, I still think there's some merit to boost that deserves to be kept around and experimented on in some capacity. It's not like every single game needs to be a franchise-defining symbol of where it will go forevermore.

I'm sure more people give a fuck about her than Silver or Charmy.

>Hating the treasure hunting
It's legit the comfiest playstyle. I fucking love exploring the stages for emerald pieces and I love optimizing my time. Just fix SA2's fucking emerald radar, and you've got a fucking great playstyle right there.

Silver's actually fairly liked from what I understand, and the Archie comic actually did wonders for him too. But yeah, no one gives a fuck about Charmy.

The radar is the exact reason I hated it. That and just rehashing it from SA1 but making it slightly worse due to said radar.

Because its an abnormally developed character in a children's video game, clearly she had no place in the game due to being more than a color coded stereotype

IMO: Boost > Classic > Adventure

>more people give a fuck about her than Charmy
Wow you sure are setting the bar high.

Fuck this looks so stupid

Megamix has the homing attack. its also not good. Good for a fan game, yes, but not good.


Adventure > Classic > Boost

That said, I feel all 3 variations deserve to get representation in new games.

They put him in the game though.

>modern Sonic
>deviant aimed furry creator
Well, duh.

Boost is the worst. It requires zero skill to play. It's jangling keys: the game. How anyone can enjoy it for more than a couple of minutes is beyond me.

I just want Forces to flop so we never see modern Sonic, boosty boost gameplay, homing attack win button shit, Sonic Team, or Iizuka ever again.

Best character since the classic era.

Why Sega always listened to the wrong people? First Shadow with a gun, Sonic shitty friends and now this.

>At least 06 didn't start with the fucking Green Hill zone.
Instead it starts with Emerald Coast.

Why nobody loved Marine?

>I have never played a boost game.

>Decent campaign in Sonic Rush
>SEGA somehow fucked up Sonic's gameplay in 06 so much that the Blaze sections in Silver's story actually felt like Sonic's gameplay but better
>Wasn't obnoxious during either game's plot
That's why.

Because she's never appeared in any main games.
Besides, Sticks is superior

Sonic Team always seem to overcorrect, they seem to have caught wind that people had some issues with the writing of the more light hearted recent games so they make a game that looks 06 levels of taking itself too seriously.