Complains when a game tries to have story line

>complains when a game tries to have story line
>skips the cutscene
>complains when he doesn't understand what is happening

Other urls found in this thread:

[citation needed]

Did you use the wrong pic for your hourly e-celeb thread?

Other than RPGs games only need a premise not a fucking story line. Games would be so much better off that way.

Yeah, user. I also brainlet

Are you sure you didn't mean to put a picture of Game Grumps?

>complains about e-celeb

>le spegetti and meetbAlls!!
>autists drop their tendies on the floor and start laughing hysterically

Go ahead, give me ONE(1) singlular humorous moment from this supposed """comedy""" gamer. I'll wait.

no matter what you are given, nothing will make your pathetic ass smile, at least you woulnd't admit it anyways.
Get your life together or end it

>turn on game
>get movie instead
>somehow not allowed to complain

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Why? So people can give you any sort of answer and you can respond with "that's shit" no matter what it is?

>taking fucking Dunkey seriously
literally every one of his videos is a shitpost

that was obvious from your interest in video game stories

>LOL dudeerino it's ironic bro XD

>complains about climbing sections in Uncharted 4 being no-risk glorified controlable cutscenes
>praises the exact same thing in Nintendo games because mario is doing the platforming

I never understood why Nintendo fans have such mind boggling delusional double standards and fyi I'm not defending Uncharted 4 so don't bother trying to deflect, everything this dude says just contracts every other thing he says when he talks about Nintendo and non-Nintendo games and it's painful

>I can't let the guys on Sup Forums know that I am able to enjoy dumb shit!
You fucking tool

>illiterate sonytard doesn't understand context

I honestly wish he'd stopped trying to be a serious critic. He criticizes the oddest things. Like how he criticized yakuza 0 (a like 50 hour rpg) for having down time and not being insane balls to the wall action the whole time. That would get really tiring after 20 hours let alone 50.

I wish he would do prank calls again

Mario is a shooter?

>minor, albeit nagging complaint about thematic consistency in the game
>lole why'd he skip the cutscenes xDDD
Nice thread op

He also probably didn't even play the game, all his footage was Japanese even though it was out in America

He criticized the game for building up plot points with no delivery and referenced character Awano arc despite the fact that you not only get to beat his ass but even bigger scumbags multiple times. I sometimes wonder if he played the game I did.

Knack 2 > Uncharted 4
prove me wrong

>guys i skipped the tutorial how do you do x y and z
>you can crouch in this game!?!?!

seeing everyone respond to this painfully apparent bait thread

Sony always wins baby

Whoa, he's like the opposite of Jim Sterling.
>complains about climbing towers to reveal sections of the map in Breath of the Wild
>praises the exact same thing in Horizon: Zero Dawn
They're both as bad as each other.

>being so dense you're not expecting what you're getting with the F O U R T H Uncharted game
>get fucking surprised what you're in for
>wow this is terrible how could have I have known?!!?!?
>I'm looking at shit
>hold on I'll pay 60$ for it and try it out
>WOW it tastes like shit

Fuck off Amerilard your fat is affecting your structural integrity to the point of your own skull collapsing in on it's self from the weight of your lard

>watching e-celebs

dunkey is shit and you should feel bad about liking his shit

Go work on your game, dingdang

games don't need to dumb themselves down just for you sweetie


joke's on you, it's delayed another 2 years

Can someone post a filter list so I won't see any of this eceleb faggotry on my Sup Forums.

It's really cool how eceleb threads are allowed here now.

Was The Shining a terrible movie?

Uncharted fucking sucks though.

>posts a not vidya thread on Sup Forums

I hope it bumped a actual thread off of page 10