Moshi Moshi is that a Yakuza thread?
Yakuza Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Yakuza 5 is best Yakuza
>you will never hunt Yama-Oroshii with Okudera and Saejima
>ywn race/drive in a taxi ever again with Suzuki
Yakuza 4 is best Yakuza
>you will never run a dojo ever again DAME DANE
>yfw Haruka at the end of 5
I love those Yakuza Threads cause they allways turn into Mahjong/Akagi Threads
>mfw anything haruka
i've gotten plat on 4,5, 0 and kiwami. Do i go back and finish 3?
It feels kinda hollow, but i know the amount of shit i'll hve to trudge through to do it.
And no, there's no particular reason other than digital e-stroking on a personal level.
did you use to post on britfeel
Why do gang members in 2 wear hoodies that say FART?
Check my top deck double east
christ this guy is becoming such a huge shill
>he can't enjoy this game!!!
>shilling his videos on here
You're just as much of a ''''shill'''' as he is
God I fucking love Akagi. I want to BE Akagi.
Most boring shit in the game by far after that retarded Haruka idol shit they have you do right after that part.
Honestly Yakuza 5 was trash, it's even worse than Yakuza Dead Souls. Too gimmicky and a total rehash of 4. The story is also a complete mess.
The best Yakuza is Zero by far, followed by 2 or maybe Kiwami.
>taking shit so serious
Go outside man, talk to some people. It'll do you good.
>playing mahjong just now
>call Riichi
>get Ippatsu
>guy I Ron'd was Ippatsu Jiro
Majima Everywhere ruined it completely for me. Pushed it down to bottom three with 3 and 1
>having no argument passive aggressively
>3 was the last game with any semblance of difficulty
You'd think they would've fixed that with 6, but even that's a cakewalk.
So, is 6 as bad as I heard? Is it true that Haruka fucked some random asian immigrant and Kazuma's entire plot is all about "muh fake daughter's son"? Also, is the combat system really as awkward and clunky as the webms imply or if you play it you don't notice the lack of impact and the weird physics too much?
>finish story few days ago
>suddenly want to come back and explore the city
>remember majima everywhere
Oh well, I don't want to anymore
The combat isn't clunky and it feels much more impactful than any previous entry. There's actually weight to attacks. The ragdoll and collision detection just makes it all that better. Story sucks though as does the last boss.
>or if you play it you don't notice the lack of impact and the weird physics too much?
haha no, you definitively notice the fuck out of it
I couldn't believe there was any way the combat could be bad after the awesome gameplay trailer, but it's shit
I just want to protect Reina
Honestly Majima Everywhere wasn't a big deal to me, though to be fair I completely missed his Rank Up event from E to F and didn't have to deal with him for the first half of the game. The only times it got annoying was when you had everything done and had the Dragon tree filled out
Majima Everywhere isn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Running away from him is easy.
If you do have to fight him, you can just keep spamming Tiger Drops and he'll be dead in 30 seconds.
>but it's shit
Why is it shit?
why are you getting so upset that someone likes something you don't. i could see your point if it was a critical review or something, but this video is just a guy playing 6 and enjoying himself.
As a Zero babby I didn't expect her to be ratting out Kiryu. I wanted to feel bad when she died but she was being a stupid bitch and got what she deserved
>Sup Forums said kiwami was shit when it dropped
>it comes out here
>it's a good game
>Sup Forums says 6 is shit
I don't have tiger drop and I beat him over 40 times. Don't know what I should do to unlock it
The main problem with the combat is enemies just stand around and they don't attack until they're literally in your face.
>it's a good game
Cunt should have died harder.
Tiger Drop is learned from Komaki, user
What is this "Majima Everywhere" shit everyone keeps talking about? Is it something from Kiwami?
Anyway, speaking of Majima, anyone disappointed by his story in Zero? He was a legitimately cool guy, and his story didn't really explain at all why he has the absolute madman personality in the later games.
You haven't done any of the Komaki shit yet? There's an old dude in Purgatory by the fountain that teaches you the best moves in the game
Go back to cucking Takumi, Mogi.
So you didn't play Zero then? He quite literally explains it to Sagawa before Sagawa gets another breathing hole
It's a system from Kiwami that shoved Majima up your ass as much as possible so when you fight him in story boss fights you're completely sick of him already.
Thanks, but that's another problem from he. I learn 4 moves i guess that tiger drop is fifth, but he keeps telling two to train more before. I have 48 on 48 in body, soul and that third one I can't remember, and still I can't access it
You can fight Majima throughout the entirety of Kiwami for DoD style moves and experience
Majima was completely fine in 0. Unless you missed the final cutscene, he basically says that he's just going to have some fun with his life like Nishitani because of how much he'd gotten fucked over in the past
>and his story didn't really explain at all why he has the absolute madman personality in the later games.
But it did? His story in 0 was literally a vehicle for explaining why he acts the way he does.
Speaking of Komaki, I didn't understand his explanation of the Komaki Parry. Like they acknowledged that the Tiger Drop is the stronger counter attack but that the Parry could be used for something more powerful? Has anyone deciphered this?
When Komaki says he's preparing and you should train more, he means that you should get more skills from Majima or advance the plot. I think the skills with a yellow outline in the Dragon tree must be learned
There's a demo on the JP store, if you want to play around with it. Better to play it yourself and see how it feels on your own.
It's hard to describe into words how clunky and unnatural it feels, but aside from that, finish moves are pretty slow to execute and some times the huge animation doesn't even justify the impact of the attack, like, there's a move similar to Kiryu's square>square>triangle which is a punch in the stomach, in 0 he performs that move pretty quickly but in 6 he does this long circle animation to land the punch that just feels unneccessary
Then there's enemy blocks resetting your combo, slowdowns if there's physics going on or if you're entering/exiting buildings, Ultimate Heat mode is a dempsey roll spam (with some other moves of course, but all of them only serves to lead into the face close up), a lot of heat actions got cut and the ones that's there doesn't have the impact it should have
I actually own the game. You shouldn't give your opinions on games you haven't actually played.
Going to 30 FPS also feels really weird after playing 0 and Kiwami for hundreds of hours
>similar to Kiryu's
I mean, similar to Brawler
Do you know what a demo is? It's literally there to give you an idea of what the final game is like
When you upgrade his combo speed, the combo punch doesn't even take long.
>enemy blocking resets your combo
When you upgrade your abilities you can continue combos after blocks.
The combat is 5 honestly reminds me of 5 Kiryu.
Do you know how stupid it is to give your opinion on a final game from a demo?
I'm not the person who said it was shit.
>people talking shit about 6 without having even played it
And the person you were responding to didn't do that, he was just telling someone that they'll have a better idea of what 6 plays like if they play the demo instead of parroting someone else's opinion
5 Kiryu was my favorite Kiryu to play with, that's really good to hear.
>Has anyone deciphered this?
Could be referring to the fact it stuns enemies, meaning in DoD style you can do that really strong heat attack (same animation as the "Kiwami Heat" move) on people after the parry.
Anyone who claims the combat is clunky has only played the demo.
okay cool
Why wouldn't they give you all the upgrades in the demo, then, if that's a more faithful representation
Oh that would make more sense. I doubt the heat action does as much damage as a parry from an empty heat gauge though.
That raises another question I have - how is the damage of heat actions calculated? I've noticed if you use the same one more than once in one fight it loses its potency
>you will never protect Majima's smile
Guess because it would ruin how it feels to be powerful in the final game. It's just to give you a feel of the combat's structure.
I just think it's extremely retarded when people say 6 is clunky and they've only played the demo. The combat speeds up a lot the higher you level up.
Give me your easiest way to haneman
Okay guys.
Ultimate choice now.
Yakuza 1 or kiwami?
Lucky Tile. Used it earlier today and could Riichi from my first go. Ended up with a Double Yakuman.
Make sure you savescum though; it's a one-use item.
Yeah great context there, idiot.
Kiwami gave you all of the upgrades at the beginning before taking them away and it worked. They should at least give you SOME of the upgrades, or make base Kiryu attack faster.
You can't blame people for being turned off by 6's combat when the easiest way to get a taster for it has combat that's worse than what's in the final game.
Yakuza 1 if you've never played either one, Kiwami if you're already a fan of the series
Care to elaborate? I just finished zero yesterday
Kiwami just gave you that because it's Kiryu before he goes to jail, and the wanted to whole power back up gimmick. In the first game it wasn't like that.
Thinking the combat in a demo will be exactly how the combat is in the final game is fucking stupid, especially when you can see what can be upgraded. In the demo you can only upgrade base stats like HP Def and STR though.
Have you played Yakuza 1 before? Play it if you haven't. If you have, play Kiwami if you really want to.
A lot of the appeal to Kiwami for me came from playing the original a lot back in the PS2 days, Kiwami is pretty weak if you've never experienced the first game before.
Again, do you know what a demo is? Can you blame people for being turned off of a game based on how its advertised? If you don't like the demo, chances are you won't like the game. Buying a game BECAUSE you didn't like the demo is absolutely fucking retarded.
>You can't blame people for being turned off by 6's combat when the easiest way to get a taster for it has combat that's worse than what's in the final game.
Well if people want to believe the combat in a demo is representative of the final game's combat before they upgrade it, then it's their stupid problem.
Then don't fucking buy it you idiot, but don't parade around claiming 6's combat's bad just because you played a fucking demo.
The demo flatout says "this is not a final representation of the full game, but to let you get a feel of the bare-bones combat". Interpret that how you like.
Are you stupid? Like, actually fucking stupid? If the demo's combat doesn't represent the final game, why would they make it like that? You cannot blame people for disliking something coming across a certain way when Sega themselves are the people who did that
Why not? That's the fucking combat that's in the demo, and it's the combat that's in the final game until you start upgrading your stats. If people don't like that, then it's their fully-justified decision. Holy fuck, are you really trying to say that people should buy full games when they don't like demos, just because it COULD get better? You're fucking stupid.
Because everyone here speaks Japanese, right?
God damn do you even know what bare-bones means, you imbecile?
>are you really trying to say that people should buy full games when they don't like demos
No you fucking retard, I said people shouldn't say a final package is shit when they haven't even played it. Playing a demo of a fucking game and saying the final game you haven't played is shit is asinine.
good god you're dense m8
Did I say I didn't?
A demo literally exists to advertise the final product and give people a taste of said final product
If the demo is not representative of the final product, then don't get mad when people dislike that representation
Especially when they don't speak Japanese
>If the demo's combat doesn't represent the final game, why would they make it like that?
Because it's a demo..
What does that mean? Demos aren't betas or alphas. They're normally released after development has finished.
What are things yakuza has taught you?
If you meet a girl on the street, most likely she is trying to scam you.
If you meet a guy on the street, he is tryhard punk who wants to fight you.
Yes, 6's demo was made to give people a feel of the barebones combat but mainly to show off the graphics of Kamurocho at night and the other new features along with it.
Thinking they'd give you a fully upgraded Kiryu right off the bat is severely retarded, considering the demo literally ties into the start of the game and carries over.
You dumb fuck.
Demos don't always indicate the game experience well. For example, my first exposure to Monster Hunter was the 3U demo, and I hated it. But a friend of mine insisted I borrow his Wii and copy of Tri so I could really experience the game. After 4 or 5 hours I was totally hooked. If I based my opinion of the franchise on that demo I would have passed it up. Demos are bad, but you should try before you buy.
>people honestly think they'd get maxed out Kiryu from a fucking demo
>What are things yakuza has taught you?
Don't go to Japan, everyone wants to fight you.
>ppl bitching about this gameplay
Why? This looks fun as fuck. Do people seriously want to just replay Y0 AGAIN after getting two games that play exactly like that?
Nigga, just replay Y0 or Kiwami.
>then don't get mad when people dislike that representation
I'm going to say this for the last time, and I hope you get it for this third attempt of me trying to bash this through your thick skull.
I don't care if people don't like the demo.
I do care when people say 6 is shit as a whole from their experience from just a demo.
My point is that not everyone has that friend to tell them the games aren't as bad as the demo. It's not a problem when people get a certain idea of what a game is like from an official demo, whether it's positive or negative. I'm not acting like demos are always 100& faithful ways of representing games.
But when a completely barebones Kiryu controls like shit, that's a problem.
This. Let the games evolve.
And I'm not saying people who judge a game AS A WHOLE from a demo aren't stupid, but combat is a huge part of these games and if the demo doesn't sell them on it, then they have every right to not want to play the game.
>But when a completely barebones Kiryu controls like shit
He doesn't even control like shit, he's just slow. It's like early Kiryu in 5. Also when people were complaining about the clunky combat, that was from the beta, not the newer demo.