It will have lootboxes
Mark my words
It will have lootboxes
Mark my words
2 had loot boxes too, that golden chest in Sanctuary that you could buy keys for. Pre-Sequel also had it.
Not that you would know you shitposting ass wipe. Kill yourself.
>could buy keys for
that is not true
The only way to get keys for B2 was through those stupid codes they threw out on social media.
But will it be BADASS?
>in a fully priced game
It ain't DOTA or TF2, son.
Why would anyone want to play this?
Yeah but the keys were free and didn't require any purchase. I think user means paid loot boxes.
What year are you living in?
>it will insult it's audience for being gamers
Mark my words
It will have damage sponge enemies, random weapon generation that leaves you stuck with a 7 mag assault rifle with a 3 sec reload and painful writing/jokes.
Mark my words.
Doesn't the new Shadow or Mordor game have lootboxes
>playing Gearbox games
You got keys for buying the DLC.
>game 2
fuck this shit
had a dream about playing a borderlands 3 the other day
where is the damn thing?
Battleborn is a clear example on how much they stopped caring about their games, the gameplay and the mechanics behind them and want just to make games with le waky randum writing xdddd
They're not getting my money anymore.
It's a shame because i loved both BL1 and BL2, tho BL2 was a massive step down since BL1.
The Presequel and Battleborn were the beginning of the end.
They can fuck off now.
>a free commodity comes as free bonus with a dlc
Literally shit in your hand and slap yourself.
it won't have anything because the company is going under. there's never going to be a bl3
They will make borderlands 3 players pay back for the battleborn fiasco, so yeah most likely.
welcome to 2017, every single AAA has loot boxes nowadays, full price or not
I love how they are afraid to show off the character designs, if they are ugly again it's doa
I always hacked myself like 99999 keys
Its always the customer that get fuked
you wouldnt think Gearbox would be stupid enough to destroy the last goodwill they have left right?
It's because there's literally no character design you downie, that's a shot from a tech demo they did and the face is most likely blank or some shitty placeholder.
Even if the gameplay isn't up snuff the writing should be good right? Isn't it written by the guy who wrote Tales From the Borderlands?
>mfw i chated and got 99999 golden keys before they patched it
those keys didnt cost shit and where easy as fuck to get, i must have had about a few hundred before DLC's
i wouldnt be surprised if they did make it cost money for 3
what was wrong with the pre sequel ? i thought it was predy gud
And you'll be able to obtain infinite amounts by editing a text file. Which will result in Randy calling people pirates.
Yeah, I really liked that blue area with lava.
how do you get golden keys now the legit way?
i cheated when the game came out but i no longer got the pirate version with that save.
It'll be as boring and shitty a game with slow gameplay, underdeveloped mechanics, broken balancing and nonexistent empty unity-tier maps as the last 3, too.
You have to be as much of a fucking window-licker as Halofans to enjoy this crap.
You can't.
Do they have any left? A new borderlands is their only option left these days, but as this thread points out it's going to go full AAA and miss all the proper marks. I suspect at worst it'll be fun but not worth buying.
What are they doing with the homeworld devs these days?
What an insightful prediction OP! We would sure beat ourselves over the head when your prediction comes true! "Why didn't we listen, he totally called it! HE CALLED IT"
What more is there to do in this world? The whole fucking setting is played out. What other class skills can there be? How much more can they streamline shit?
kys yourself randy
ez, move to another planet
what retards care?
it was always a bottom of the barrel gambling simulator
> Bord3rlands
Gotta love it
The thought that battleborn developers are working on this is depressing.
>Borderlands 6 is a reboot just called Borderlands
>not The Borderlands
If gearbox fucks this up what do they have left? Shamelessly whoring out Duke?
This won't be out till 2019, fuck off making posts about it.
i wouldn't fucking doubt it
Borderlands: Origuns
but the writer from bl1 is in charge of writing for 3 and anthony burch isn't even allowed on the premises
I have several thousands of hours in BL1/2/TPS, but after 1v1 leaks i honestly hope BL3 would either no happen or release and kill the studio for good.
Guess again friendo. Mikey Neuman, original BL1 writer and voice actor for Scooter, has left Gearbox. I think he resigned in July sometime last I checked.
Our BADASS new games has 2 BADASS characters to choose from, each with one BADASS skill that lets them be BADASSES with some BADASS guns
Hey guys, Randy Pitchford here! I think it'd be totally freaking BADASS if you fucked my wife! Just go right in! She's already waiting for you in the bedroom naked! She said it's okay if you want to shut off the lights if you're not into heavier women. I'm going to be right outside in case you guys need me to run to the store to buy anything.
And guys, please don't wear a condom my wife hates how they feel from what she's told me.
The ending of 2 implied that there are bunches of fucking vaults on different planets.While they did have the one vault in the Torgue DLC that inexplicably just contained modern day money and weapons I'd say a 3/4 chance that the vault you open containing some kind of ancient evil that you will awaken by opening it are pretty bad odds and until PS came along and gave the vault hunters a reason to look for them by suggesting some greater plot it seemed like they were just gonna go out and look for/open them for shits and giggles.
>Open world Overwatch
"The move is due to Neumann's continuing battle with illness. Neumann suffered a stroke six years ago and was later diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, but was able to return to work at Gearbox. Two months ago Neumann suffered an autoimmune failure, and, though he has relearned to speak, walk and write, has made the decision that he is unable to continue working for Gearbox. He stressed that everything is '1,000,000% amicable' with the studio."
god fucking damn it, that cancer company literally infecting the only good people for it meanwhile Randy is healthy as ever
Pretty much this except you didn't pay for them, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to offer them for ONLY $3.99!
Oh, you sweet innocent child.
You're fucking wrong.
Aside from all the Aussie shenanigans, it was simply too small content-wise. It also had and still has a lot of bugged areas. Heh, even BL2 still has a metric shitton of bugged stuff, actual major things, and it took 4,5 years and a fan enthusiast to sort of fix it. Gearbox don't care about their games the moment they drop them on sale. Judging from what i saw in Destiny 1 and, now, Destiny 2, Bungie were either bitten by Randyshit or it's a plague of all game industries.
>what is Destiny
>It also had and still has a lot of bugged areas. Heh, even BL2 still has a metric shitton of bugged stuff, actual major things,
You can't just say that without pointing out some of the major bugged things. With 2, I know Krieg has a bug which will make him completely invulnerable (enter a vehicle while mutant psycho rage is activating, exit) but the only practical/game breaking use for that is soloing the raid boss in hammerlocks dlc. Other than that I'm not sure what you could be talking about outside of things which should be platforms being death traps.
Gearbox hand out loot boxes through social media and they already make bank through selling DLC.
Same and then you realized that without the mindless grind the game had awful game play and nothing to offer
They're at the bottom of the gutter now, I don't think they have a choice
Holy shit, who approved this? What's next, subscription-based non-MMO game licenses? Are gamers the biggest cucks in consumerism?
zer0's action skill crit damage is bugged because of how it corresponds with projectile speed.
Maya's Sweet Release aggroes everything in the huge area around you. Really huge, behind the radar size.
Moxxi's weapons sometimes don't heal you even if you throw a Fastball at an enemy whilst holding the gun.
Maya's Subsequence has a nasty bug where Phaselock goes under the texture.
Gaige's Deathtrap goes in and under the textures. Flying enemies as well as Threshers go into textures and attack with ranged stuff from within the wall or ground.
A corner in the rock on a ground level near Tiny Tina's area has a literal hole size of two Kriegs you can fall into. Easy to step into it whilst backpedalling from enemies spawning from two huts nearby.
Marauder AI enemies adapt their backpedalling speed to yours (without +movement speed buffs). Therefore, they run backwards as fast as you run forwards after them. Whist shooting at you.
A lot of building/makeshift huts textures are solid but shot-through by both you and enemies. Especially on the corners. The higher level/OP you are, the easier it is to spot such textures.
Weird bug with enemies shooting through any texture when you are on different elevation levels.
Weird bug with Tesla-type grenades. Grenade doesn't "see" enemies in the area circle if they're on a different elevation levels. "Zaps" don't react at all, enemies simply walk through it.
I really enjoy all three BL games but the more you play in the endgame, the more you see this shit.
>subscription-based non-MMO game licenses
I'm so sorry to do this to you, but it's already being spoken about.
Now that you mention them I did actually notice a number of them, but I think it'd be pretty hard not to spot a thing like flying enemies going through cliffs/threshers being fucking cheaters.The Gaige/Deathtrap one reminded me of how what should be a relatively useful skill is rendered completely useless. I forget what triggers it but I can't tell you how many times I saw Deathtrap trying to charge an enemies shield when trying out that PoS skill.
Watched a video of him that he took with his cellphone after he got out of the hospital. Seems like a nice enough guy. He almost falls trying to get out of bed to use the bathroom, but manages it. Then realizes that he doesn't have the strength to get back into bed, so he just literally collapses on the couch. As he lands on the couch he puts on the scooter voice and says weakly, "awwww yeah, catch a ride."
I want Bandit back, and I want their guns to actually look like they did in the concept art.
start wars battlefront, cod, overwatch, counter strike and a bunch of other priced games have lootboxes.
It is much easier to sell a skin for your character and weapon than actually make dlc.
I bet a lootbox that the bad guy will either look or act like Trump
HAHAHAHA that'll show those pirates! From this day I might as well go full Blackbeard. What torrent clients do you recommend?
>implying this game will happen
Battleborn was supposed to test ideas for BL3 AND make money for the budget for it. And look at what happened.
this. those keys and the bee before the nerf was the only thing that kept me going.
than the game is not worth playing. not gonna farm in a god damn singal player game.
>to charge an enemies shield
Also a known bug. For 5 years. What a BADASS company of developers, right?
Deathtrap zaps rakks and buzzards but flies straight up in the sky to melee a flying Adult Varkid.
DT zaps Threshers sticking out of the ground in 2 metres in front of it, instead of slicing them with his melee.
DT zaps a FUCKING CONSTRUCTOR instead of meleeing it.
I still wouldn't call it useless, it's a really good aggro relief in and a good melee helper with a decent shield. Of course, after some point his damage and survivability diminishes. Which wouldn't even be a problem if they did a rebalance before implementing the Digipeak DLC.
Endgame balance is a joke.
>he doesn't have the strength to get back into bed, so he just literally collapses on the couch. As he lands on the couch he puts on the scooter voice and says weakly, "awwww yeah, catch a ride.
Shit, son! I didn't ask for this feels. Is there a link?
This one is crazy awesome. Glass bottle scope always gets a laugh out of me
Its a fucking looting RPG. What did you think you signed up for? Also if you just apply the keys they have given out so far that are still active then you'll have hundreds. What kind of brainlet plays an RPG and expects endless free no effort top tier gear?
Bandit is fucking trash.
Given the direction the plot of the series seems to be taking I'll be genuinely impressed if they manage to do this.
>DT zaps Threshers sticking out of the ground in 2 metres in front of it, instead of slicing them with his melee.
>DT zaps a FUCKING CONSTRUCTOR instead of meleeing it.
I'm guessing this has something to do with varkids never having a flying tag. Inversely, constructors spawn while flying, so by the games logic they're always flying. Still, completely stupid.
> Of course, after some point his damage and survivability diminishes.
Which is why I dropped Gaige past TVHM in favor of Kreig. I wasn't calling Deathtrap in general useless (misleading verbiage, my bad) I was calling the particular ability that causes him to attempt to recharge enemy shields instead of your own useless.
>we could've had guns that were straight up orky
Cool down on the reddit spacing, kid.
can compete with other brands when they're purple
>SMGs and rocket launchers
objectively better than the other brands
>ability that causes him to attempt to recharge enemy
Yeah, Buck Up bug is nasty. It will also try to restore your shield when you go into FFYL which takes the time from DT to actually help you in FFYL.
But why dropping Gaige in UVHM? That's where the game starts.She still gathers her power (as in skill points). Probably a personal preference. My comfort zone with most characters is OP4. OP4-5 Digipeak run and further in game makes me break my fun go after meta-gear.
Depends on the build you run and your personal knowledge of the game. I enjoy Bandit a lot. SandS Munitions has great power, absolutely loved them.
Half surprised Bethesda didn't try that shit with FO4.
Nobody cares about bored treer lands
Imagine legit in-game skins for powerarmor
but will it be written by Anthony Burch?
Borderlands fucking sucked though. I enjoyed the first one, after I got into it, but the second was shit and then I never played another.
They still give out keys on their social media
I dunno, maybe I just wasn't using her right, but she felt underpowered unless I sat and stacked anarchy. Kreig's stacks actually worked well without breaking the flow of gameplay (plus dat mutant psycho rage) and since I was playing with two other people that was kind of important.
7he Borderlands