
>vast majority of the cast is copy/paste from other games
>wolverine copy/pasted twice, literal filler in the worst way
>out of 56 characters, only 4-6 are serious tournament viable
>no reason not to use sentinel in a serious tournament unless you're trying to be special snowflake

I find it hilarious that the internet compares MvCI unfavorably to MvC2, a game that is objectively balanced horribly and lacking in original content. Keep wearing those thick rose-tinted glasses fellas.

>inb4 "X-men are the only comics I read" and Capcom's horrible PR comments

Other urls found in this thread:

who cares about what the brainlets on Sup Forums think they can't even do a DP lmao

>Game looks like shit aesthetically, models and animations look like trash
>Needs day one patches to prevent stunlock loops
>Typical Crapcom DLC bullshit
>Missing several veterans despite re-using assets left and right
>No X-Men
>That garbage special edition

Fuck off Capkuck. I'm not buying your dumpster fire of a game.

Still no worse than MvC2 you sheeple.

From early impressions it actually looks like a balanced game.

Congratulations, OP, you've figured out that it has always been a joke to treat MvC2 as a serious fighter. It wasn't even the best game in its own franchise when it came out.

MvC2 was generally fun to watch and had a cool cast of fan favorites like Wolverine, Venom, Dr. Doom and Captain Commando. Plus it was 3 on 3, had assists and was generally a huge jump from its prequel in cast size and team builds

MvCI has a cast of characters nobody wanted like Gamora, Arthur, Spencer, RE5 Chris and Nemesis and has crappy presentation values with DLC already planned before it's out the door along with feeling like a downgrade from its predecessor

>fighting game discussion on Sup Forums

Up B
Feels good being a Smash patrician

Game sucks.
Series sucks.
Go back to SF vs Xmen.

Better yet go back to TvC.

>SF vs XMen
Man, that had pretty good art compared to what we're getting now

That's why I love it.
The art style for the series tanked with 3.

MvC2 looks much worse than many of the vs fighting games before it, especially the first MvC game.
It's just asset dump the game.

>3 on 3
So? Should MvCI have done 4 on 4?

>had assists
Replaced by a completely different mechanic

>MvCI has a cast of characters nobody wanted
"A cast of characters I didn't want"

inb4 "Others on the internet are complaining though", since the sheeple always go back to the hive mind.

>DLC already planned before it's out the door
They're transparent about it, you're naive if you don't think everyone does this

Nigga I don't give a shit about the rest of the stuff but NOBODY fucking wants Spencer, Nemesis or Arthur. You're kidding yourself if you think anyone is actually happy with those characters coming back.

>From early impressions it actually looks like a balanced game.

There's already been multiple touch of death combos found and the game isn't even officially out yet, how the fuck is that balanced?

I'm happy that Spencer is back, he was a unique character that was fun to play in MvC3.

>I don't give a shit about the rest of the stuff
Nice way to admit I'm right.

Balanced as in all characters actually seem viable, unlike MvC2

MvCI would be vastly improved if Firebrand, Spencer, Arthur, Hawkeye and Nova were replaced by characters people actually want.
You might like some of their "functions" but nobody actually cares about these characters.

Any marvel game is doomed from the start as long as the president of marvel is still asspained about the movie licenses.

and modern capcom sure as fuck isn't helping either

I don't know, it wouldn't really be a Capcom game without the weird picks that make no sense.

I kinda like it in an odd way.

Fuck you, I loved Gargoyle's Guest. He was cool in CvS Chaos too, you fucking nigger,

doesnt matter if they can DP or not they took DPs out

MVC2 had 9 new characters and everyone returned from their previous games. It may be a hodgepodge but Capcom gave the whole kitchen sink.

Also no one plays MVC2 anymore so wtf you talking about characters being viable, none of yah niggahs actually good enough for it to matter

>implying filthy casuals who don't typically buy fighting games don't love Hawkeye
>implying Arthur isn't a classic character

>From early impressions
So did MvC2. Hell, going by early impressions you must still think Iceman is in a tier of his own sitting at the top.

Does that include "Boneclaw" wolverine and Servbot?

>Also no one plays MVC2 anymore so wtf you talking about characters being viable, none of yah niggahs actually good enough for it to matter

>implying this gives MvC2 a pass for being broken

Firebrand is great though, his spin-off series is probably better than whatever IP you're asshurt over not showing up.

We really need a Capcom only one of these things though. Like Fighting Jam except actually good this time.

>implying first impressions in 2000 were anything like first impressions in 2017 in regards to the internet

This. MvCI reeks of being rushed out within a year cause Ike Perlmutter is so fucking cheap.

>include Firebrand
>don't include his crest abilities or reference some connection between them and the Infinity Stones
>not including best BGM remixed for his theme:

Wasted opportunity and yet another strike against this turd

The only ones I didn't want were Spencer & Chris & Gamora is fine if they didn't pick the worst outfit.
>DLC already planned before it's out the door
This is why I also hate IJ2
But apparently NRS gets a free pass for doing the same damn thing.
& despite my attitude towards MvCi, it actually looks fun to watch.

>Firebrand, Arthur, Hawkeye and Nova
>You might like some of their "functions" but nobody actually cares about these characters
Fuck you, I don't just like their function, I like them as well. Spencer & Chris can fuck off.

>>MvCI is a rushed mess that cut corners everywhere.
>>Marvel comics are becoming increasingly worse with no editors doing quality control.
>>Secret Empire has a rushed ending that doesn't answer all the questions
>>The "Big Change" Marvel Legacy is doing is bringing back adult Jean Grey
>>Mania will be killed/depowered by Dan Slott
>>Defenders dropped a lot of plot threads and showed that the Netflix shows don't have an actual plan.
>>Inhumans is the giant turd to end all of Perlmutter's Inhumans push
>>All the best characters are nowhere to be foudn cause new writers only know the MCU

If it weren't for the movies, I would be done with this company.

>There's already been multiple touch of death combos
Post one then

That better not be include Boneclaw wolverine. Also, some of those new characters were literally just assests take from other, & whatever the fuck servbot is. & not all the characters from the series made it back, like Anita for example, which I'd rather have seen than fucking servbot.

Fuck you, I love Resident Evil.
Where's Jill?!

>There's already been multiple touch of death combos
No surprise since it's a fucking MvC game. Even then, I've seen those, & you literally could not do any of that in a regular match if you tried as it requires all the shit the training room gives you on the spot.

>uses all 4 Bars
>Full Power Stone at the start of the fight
>Done on Chun Li who's on the far lower end of the health bar spectrum
>Implying in a real match the opponent wouldn't just tag the other partner in to interrupt the combo

This is just training mode combos it'll never happen in an actual match

You got me wrong, I love RE too but RE5 Chris and Nemesis are done. They should either get a new character (Jack Baker) or a fan fave (Classic Jill).


Okay I'll concede on that note.
Having Jack Baker instead of Nemesis would have been insanely cool, and given the choice I would want RE5 Jill over Chris.
RE5 Jill was just so acrobatic.

I don't classify touch of death combos as shit done in training mode with all your resources handed to you before you've even started the combo and no resistance to what you're doing

Show me someone powerless to do anything to counter it like an infinite in UMVC3

>a level one Super,
>then followed by a level three Super
>uses a full Power Stone activation
>against a character who has lower than average health
>training mode

Fair enough, but we probably wont see stuff like that until more people have had their hands on it

>MvCI apologist

Which is completely fair I don't doubt that someone will eventually find one like UMVC3 but that example is just far too situational to have actual merit.

He's not wrong though. The ToD's he has posted can not be done in a regular match. It's fucking training mode, where the AI does fuck all, & you instantly get full meters. Now if the ToD's were shown in a real match with a real person, then i'd understand.

>Sheeple defendant

>Needs day one patches to prevent stunlock loops
are people shitting on this game seriously this retarded? You realise there is nothing wrong with this and that this is how most fighting games work?
>Game looks like shit aesthetically, models and animations look like trash
the "shit" animations are literally the ones copy pasted from MvC3 (you know, the game you would jerk all over how it looks super cool), all the new animations like jedah/gamora's look great
as for models they are the epitome of alright/passable looking, and again, they are still better than the ps2 models mvc3 had.
>Typical Crapcom DLC bullshit
you realise every fighting game does dlc even on day one? Also companies like Arcsys did way bigger ripoffs than what Capcom ever could have imagine yet the whole board is circlejerking and supporting them like they are the good guys.
>That garbage special edition
you mean the collectors edition? outside of the infinity eggs people suddenly seriously pretend they even cared that those shit are included in the bundle, the figures look nice considering their 25$ prices.

>Fuck you, I loved Gargoyle's Guest. He was cool in CvS Chaos too, you fucking nigger,
That's Red Arremer, different guy.

>Gamora's animations

>Talking shit about Firebrand

Are you talking about the post where someone said that Gamora was frankenstein character, that was later proved by another user that said user was wrong after he went to test it out to see if it was all true?

Firebrand is a Red Arremer.

Fucking idiot

MVC:I is already better than UMVC3 and that's all that matters. No stupid X-factor and incoming mixup.

His name in Japan is Red Arremer

Try again

>Spend your entire bar, and infinity stone, too kill a character on the lower end if the health spectrum
It would honestly be more of an issue if Chunners actually survived all that.

>are people shitting on this game seriously this retarded? You realise there is nothing wrong with this and that this is how most fighting games work?
Yes, people are that retarded.
>the "shit" animations are literally the ones copy pasted from MvC3 (you know, the game you would jerk all over how it looks super cool), all the new animations like jedah/gamora's look great
as for models they are the epitome of alright/passable looking, and again, they are still better than the ps2 models mvc3 had.
Oh man, the game looks "passable." Christ forbid Capcom put any effort in, right? The only reason people think the MvC3 models look better is because the artstyle in MvC3 isn't hot fucking garbage like MvCI's is.
>you realise every fighting game does dlc even on day one? Also companies like Arcsys did way bigger ripoffs than what Capcom ever could have imagine yet the whole board is circlejerking and supporting them like they are the good guys.
That doesn't make what Capcom's doing any better.
>you mean the collectors edition? outside of the infinity eggs people suddenly seriously pretend they even cared that those shit are included in the bundle, the figures look nice considering their 25$ prices.
The special edition still looks like garbage but everyone should have known it was going to be shit, those things never look as good as the bullshots they put out. (Like Dark Souls III for example)

mvc1 and umvc3 are the best vs games

Turns out the command mission 'scarf' is in the game for anyone who was worried.

X-factor 3 is the best at anything.

Sorry forgot put in the arrow.

Why the fuck has he not been in one of these games yet?

MvC2 was always shit. That doesn't excuse MvCI for being shit in other ways though. Everyone knows the nearly 20 year old Marvel series of games were just copy paste hackjobs and only by sheer luck that MvC2 become a viable game. MvCI on the otherhand tries to be taken seriously and has the modern day focus testing and balancing dev cycle to refine the gameplay but all it becomes is a mix between TvC and MvC3 with terrible anything that isn't gameplay, and gameplay isn't even tournament tested if it's actually good or early SF5/SFxT Capcom dicksucking "good".

MvC2 had the decency to add everyone from the past marvel games and bring enough Capcom characters to match the roster size.

MvCI has dropped a tonne of characters from MvC3 and Capcom's gonna sell them back to you, and you'll buy it like the Capcbro you are.

what about the graphics you retard a lot of people think mvc2 had great sprite work the best thing you can say about the models for this game is that they look like the characters

X Factor was good, it made more characters viable and balanced the game, and it gives you the ability to come back instead of being an auto loss after you lose your first character, so you might as well just resign at that point. It's good to have an extra mechinic that you have to keep in mind at all times - it adds depth to the game and your decision making.

all of her animations are new

she only has some reused "functions"

>Oh man, the game looks "passable." Christ forbid Capcom put any effort in, right?
I'm not saying I wasn't let down by the lack of "next gen improvements" but people are going this extremely crazy with the shittalking of the game's visuals is insane.

yeah, they look alright, especially when there are shittons of effects filling the screen which is pretty much 66% of what mvc is about.

>That doesn't make what Capcom's doing any better.
it actually does. People are pretending like Capcom is some ancient evil awakened when pretty much every other company does the same shit, lot of them to an even bigger extent.

It's a comeback mechanic of the worst kind. It rewards you for losing with tons of basically free damage, and you could wipe out the entire enemy team in like 3 mixups, if you know what you are doing.

>comparing a 17 year old game to one made today
Holy fuck man. Let me break this down for you

The "Versus series", the actually assets that MVC2 borrows most of its assets from, started in 1994. So there is a 6 year accumulation of assets for MVC2, from which is pulls. But when it was released, the game was unlike anything anyone had seen. Its roster was 3 time the size of any other game, even with the repeat characters like Boneclaw and war machine. On top of this the game was a controlled chaos that was the inevitable conclusion from the prior fast paced games that had been built on from COTA. The 3v3 concept had never been done before, and was implemented with an enhanced version of the assist mechanic from MVC1. Despite the balancing heavily favoring many Marvel characters (as they were designed for this gameplay style and most of the street fighters normals/moves were just buffed from alpha) the game had a fluid and face paced style that was unique and captivating at the time.

On top of that, addressing the elephant in the room of reused assets, MVC2 still brought 9 new characters to the game (7 if you want to call Anakaris/BB hood reused from darkstalkers despite being new to MVC series)

The game was literally a marvel of its time. Gargantuan roster, unique over the top gameplay with a high skill ceiling and myriad options, a roster of all your favorites from 2 huge franchises that you could play casually or competitively (as this was back in the arcade days before Esport crap)

Now compare this to MVCI. Which is reusing only a small portion of the potential assets it could take from (Only 31 of the 48 characters in UMVC, and doesn't even bother to take from TvC despite we knowing the assets are compatible from Viewtiful joe and others being ported over for MVC3) making the roster really lackluster.

On top of this, both games have start and end cycles of their asset pulls for 6 years (1994-2000 vs 2011-2017) but here is where the difference is- TBC

>X Factor was good
Fuck no. Pheonix Wright was the worst example

Let me rephrase that for you.

>Any marvel PROPERTY OR LICENSE is doomed from the start as long as the president of marvel is still asspained about the movie licenses.

If Kevin Feige was CEO instead of Ike "I'm the real life embodiment of negative Jewish stereotype personified" Perlmutter, he probably make a deal with Fox with no question ask because that dude just wants to make good movies.

Why shouldn't people shittalk the visuals? Compared to MvC3 they're completely bland and uninteresting.

So it's fine that MvCI has the smallest amount of new characters in the history of the franchise because they decided to sell all the new characters (including one of the MAIN ANTAGONISTS) after the fact, just because other companies do worse shit?

In those 6 years building on MVC2, Capcom the entire time was MAKING the assets for the endgame MVC2. All the Alpha games, all the Marvel games, Darkstalkers, and even handful of original character brought in.

While MVCI with the same time frame literally takes a handful from the previous, adds more to it, and then 6 more which will require addition time to complete development of apparently (DLC).

And not just that, MVCI is a set backwards mechanically. The removal of asset takes away a major component of the game, and the revenge meter of the storms really is a comeback mechanic just like ultras rather than being anything unique. The surges are all just stolen moves from cut characters except for Time, and decrease in mechanics and potential from this is evident.

The gameplay is nearly identical to UMVC3 with the only actual different mechanic being the jump momentum control (and its a great additions!) but otherwise if you run a set there will be almost no change in the major of the gameplay. Its not sped up or slowed down like the in-betweens of COTA and MVC2, it just runs on the same mechanics but with the crucial anchor of the stones.

Given that this game is 89.99 (DLC) game and reuses 80% of its cast, takes a step backwards mechanically going from 3v3 to 2v2, poorly ports over a lot of assets it has (pic related), and did it all in the same time spand from COTA to MVC2, it shows the minimal effort here.

MVC2 was a reused asset dump, but it was a risky try of throwing everything into the mix and turning it up to 11, and it worked because it was completely new and unique and still sated casual with the shear premise of all their favorites from comics, shows, and games together to play as along with the way over the top gameplay.

MVCI is literally taking MVC3, taking away 25% of the cast, adding back 8% in new characters, and then an additional 8% back with shittier art style, music, capabilities, and painful voice acting.

balance killed fighting games

Balance didn't kill fighting games, e-sports did.

>The gameplay is nearly identical to UMVC3
If you think this you really have no idea what you are on about. Most of the returning characters don't even control the same, have new moves, returning moves have different properties and new combo paths especially because the new tag system leads to completely different optimization.

Even the neutral is incredibly different because of how tag works now.

>Given that this game is 89.99
It isn't, deluxe edition (season pass + over dlc) is £65

>enjoy fightan
>MvCi looks really fun
>reactions and mechanics are too shit
>can barely keep up with 10-20iFrame tekken, let alone fucking 3iFrame street fighters.
>cant hang in KoF or GG; too fast, too technical

maybe i can use a team that spams fullscreen stuff, but i just wish i was good enough for this shit.

MVC2 was a shitted out game Capcom did before losing the rights to the Marvel characters, MVCI is a game that they are trying to sell as an AAA title.

>MVC2 still brought 9 new characters to the game (7 if you want to call Anakaris/BB hood reused from darkstalkers despite being new to MVC series)

So... 7 new sprites? Does this include "Boneclaw" Wolverine and Servbot?

>comparing reusing sprites from 17+ year old games to models from a 6 year old game
>implying that MvC2 was really the endgame, when some sprites don't blend as well as others. Citation not found.
>!!!implying the gameplay of MvCI is anything similar to MvC3. I've played the game, you need to forget everything you knew about MvC3 when going into MvCI, they are very different
>"takes a step backwards mechanically going from 3v3 to 2v2" implying that 3v3 is objectively better than 2v2

You talk about MvCI like it's just MvC3 with less content. You are ignoring the new mechanics (stones/tags/etc) that give the game a new feel.

MvC3 was a 3v3 3 button fighter with a launch button, X-Factor and assist-heavy focus.

MvCI is a 4 button fighter with tag-out heavy focus and stones. You can have two fighters on your team attack at the same time and I'm not even sure how it works yet.

Both games feel very different.

>The gameplay is nearly identical to UMVC3
>If you think this you really have no idea what you are on about. Most of the returning characters don't even control the same, have new moves, returning moves have different properties and new combo paths especially because the new tag system leads to completely different optimization.
>Even the neutral is incredibly different because of how tag works now.

This. MvCI plays nothing like MvC3.

You can really tell they were on a budget & had time constraints from someone. I'm fine with the return of 2v2 because so far it looks great in motion, all I wish is that they were given more time. You can see it in the new characters vs the old, & that the new characters had time put into them while the old were rush in so they could at least make a viable roster number. I kinda hope they later impelement fight money or do a KI system with characters & consistantly work & update the game to make it better. So far the only real thing about it IS the gameplay. I enjoy a few songs & the story is a hokey nonsense I can enjoy, but there are still noticeable problems that doesn't make me validate my purchase, at least til later. You can tell those DLC characters were meant for the base roster.

woof that is some unfortunate shit

I've been hearing that MvC:I plays pretty well, despite looking like dogshit.

They are literally doing the same thing as "reusing sprites" as they are reusing characters models, animations, and assets.

If you've seen the story mode you've see that the B.O.Ws even use BERSERKER BARRAGE and Jill's gun as their normals while MODOK, who could have been put in the game, is a background asset who loops animations from MVC3.

That's because one is a japanese artist & the other is a modern shitty american artist. It's like Ike fired most of the good workers to cut costs.

>All this defending

Woo. Can't wait for them to announce a complete edition/next upgrade. Especially after the story mode ending. Maybe then these day one buyers can shut the fuck up.
>b-but they said they won't!
Yeah remind me when has Capcom ever been true to their word. You got 2 of the Jewish companies working together, you only have yourself to blame for falling for it.

I didn't touch KoFIV because it looked like a fucking Ps2 game I sure as hell wont be touching MvC:I for the same fucking reasons.

>They are literally doing the same thing as "reusing sprites" as they are reusing characters models, animations, and assets

Implying I said otherwise?

The whole point is that people will give MvCI shit for this, but those same people don't have a clue about MvC2's faults.

Marvel 2 reused assets from like six different games, with the only actually new characters being Ruby Heart, Amingo, Sonson and Abyss. Everybody else uses sprites from previous games. Don't get me wrong, I love MVC2, but it's pretty fucking easy to fill a game with characters when literally all of the work is done for you. That doesn't excuse MVC:I from reusing assets either, but people in glass houses etc.

>the one capcbro shill that shows up in every single thread with half arguments

get a life please

Still waiting for them to fix the myriad of glitches.

All all the level 3s are fucking garbage except Cap's.

You seem pretty salty

>Still waiting for them to fix the myriad of glitches.
That isn't a glitch, that is even incredibly normal for marvel.

Plus that Ghost Rider infinite was fixed in the day 1 patch so they caught it before anyone else did. So what ones are you on about?

Citation needed


All you faggots do is watch no life tournament players play the game and do long flashy combos, but I bet none of you fuckers can't even get halfway through any of those combos. If that's how you judge deem a gameplay to be "good", then I bet most of you watch review videos and lets players to help choose what games you buy.