Door bell rings

>door bell rings
>probably my copy of Destiny 2 I ordered
>get really excited and run to the door
>accidentally step on my dogs head and crush her skull

I've been crying for the last two hours fuck this game

Wouldn't have happened if you spent your hard-earned money on Pillars of Eternity 2 instead.

Please be fake

pics or it didn't happen

Hey I remember this pasta from /vp/
knowing that board I wouldn't be surprised if that guy was for real

It is fake.
Incidentally I'm realising that I can't sage while on mobile and now I know why mobileposters are cancer.

frogposters are trash

>300lb of faggotry
this kills the dog

1 this is old pasta i would like a refund and a reprimand of the chef
2 even if it was real you would be an irresponsible jackass for not having paid a minimal amount of attention to your dog and it would be all your fault

It was the dog's destiny.

Fuck off bitch, frog posters are the best posters of this community.

A cat would have gotten out of the way.

Dogfags btfo

You can sage on phones
Found the Reddit fag

is crush fetish a thing now?

go fuck yourself

>not buying digital version and sparing your dogs life

Fuck you I hate that video

you never told us who was at the door

The industry tried to move to digital, but no



This is a test.

How fucking new are you?
This is one of the most overused pastas in the board.