>muffled ''it aint me'' approaching Charlie
name a better MP DLC
you cant
Muffled ''it aint me'' approaching Charlie
Other urls found in this thread:
Hell, arguably best vietnam game period.
>never played PR Vietnam
>Never played RS2
I like my games not being clunky messes with unnecessary mechanics, thanks.
Battlefield Vietnam was better.
>never played Vietcong
>thinking RS2: Vietnam will scratch the vietnam itch
>tfw it doesn't and you download BFBC 2 again to find it populated
pc FPS game of the decade imo. would definitely pay full price for BFBC3: vietnam or BFBC2 Vietnam remastered in a non-shitty way (i.e. skin boxes)
My fucking melanin enriched brother
Lack of sountrack?
Good goyim
Buy our full price dlc
2010 was a fucking good year to be a PC FPS gamer.
>full price
>game is 18 dollars
>has constant free updates
lol ok
RS2 Vietnam died hard and I'm fucking glad
Fucking BETTER FONDLE MY DONGLE :DD and SCUUUOOD BETTA faggots spamming threads all damn day
People were getting it for even less on g2a and even GMG. Not to mention they're coming out with an ANZAC update I think next month.
why does tripwire interactive suck now?
>newfags can't greentext
>they bring their reddit asterisks
>now they can't even make "protip: you can't" threads properly
Seriously, are you redditors brain damaged?
epic reddit cover xd
sorta. i think a lack of over-exagerated vietnam aesthetic, it needed more cigarettes, nudie mags laying around, soundtrack like you said, marijuana and cocaine references, peace symbols..it just felt like dressed up Red Orchestra-lite.
I have faith it'll be a good game in 2 years like normal for Tripwire.
>I have faith it will be a good game
>If they add some cigarettes and porno mags
Yeah, who gives a shit about the good gameplay.
on of the head honchos at Tripwire had some sort of major religous revelation lately and it has effected the games, he wont even let the soldiers say fuck
there is nothing wrong with the gameplay
its the overall content thats lacking
You misunderstood what I was saying.
This. To me the main appeal of Vietnam was never about what it was, but about what the movies made it out to be. Shit, war in general isn't really appealing. It's a horrible experience and you can die. If that's what you're looking for then I suppose red orchestra is your game.
The assets are there. This is on a custom map for example. I'm pretty certain if I sneak around places like Hue City I'll find that too.
>he hasn't played Firebase Georgina