Game has necromancer class

>game has necromancer class
>you just spam one summoning ability and occasional buff or curse
What are some games that make Necromancy right?

Diablo 2.

There was a game called Nekro or something too... Never made it out of early access but what I played was interesting. I don't think you can buy it anymore on Steam though

Tree of Saviour.

Describe exactly what you mean by "necromancy done right" and it will either be far too vague and meaningless or someone will make fun of you for it.

Grim dawn, soon.
well maybe
sacred 2 you could summon some skelebros and a mini skeletower that would shoot arrows
you can eventually get a buff that makes you invis, even on your mount and still cast shit

I assume it means the opposite of
>>you just spam one summoning ability and occasional buff or curse
which is clearly his example of necromancy done wrong

That's insanely vague.

>Game has Necromancer class
>You magically summon skellies anywhere at any point instead of having to use an enemy corpse.

You realise that saying "anything that's not this" or even "the opposite of this" doesn't really make for a compelling gameplay pitch? I've seen a lot of bad games but saying "do this, but the opposite" doesn't really mean anything.


Guild Wars

Dwarf Fortress

>Have to go through absolute hell to earn your power (unless you're a werebeast/vampire fag in which case you need not apply)
>Able to raise armies with a wave of your hand
>Zombie chopped up to bits?
>That's cool just raise him again as separate body part zombies.

They could do with adding more powers though. I'd love for them to let you Lich it up so you can go retrieve your phylactery as another adventurer.

Don't you even joke about that shit.

>Don't you even joke about that shit.
>GW Necro not a good representation of necromancers

Nigga what?

gw2 babbies need not apply

It's easy to shit on any given version of a necromancer, but no one's able to give a positive example of one.

Mostly because you're too worried that we're just going to shit all over your suggestion.

After Anet complete destroyed the play style by implementing a ten minion cap and gutting soul reaping? It's not even remotely comparable to Prophecies era Guild Wars necromancer.

>vampire fag

Wait a minute, a dwarf vampire?
How does he suck blood? Does he have to stand on a stool?

Still, miles better than the fucking shit shows other games throw around as necromancers

Both those changes were needed and you know it.

When your victim is asleep you dummy

>inb4 7777 power liches

