What did they actually say?
What did they actually say?
Buy Coca Cola
Maybe like 10% of people that play games look like that. Why are artists afraid of drawing real people?
Why are they turning around? Is that a numale thing?
"Real people"
How the fuck can you only think you're at the objective.
10% of people in any setting look like that
You're so fucking wrong.
>i think i'm at the objective
>i think
What do you mean "you think" these kinds of games directly fucking tell you you're on the objective. Fucking hell.
no one here looks like that
>token furry
Is furry breaking into the mainstream now? Is it Zootopia's fault?
What, you think everyone on Sup Forums looks like a freak of nature?
4 is a total normie. He has time to work out and shit. I bet hes not top item level in the game. Fuck him.
they're just cat ears, it's what women wear when they really want to try to look cutesy
>a white male is the only one doing work
>one of the women have a can instead of a glass or bottle
>only one black
sexist and racist, and not diversed enough. F- see me after class.
haha the newbie drinks diet coke
most people here probably look average
because you Sup Forumsedditors come to /fit/ and I've seen your bodies. big tubs o' flub
>Goys this kike semen sure its nice
>Nice! *Coca Cola®
>Good goy cuck!
>Drink it up crackaboi
>We love corporative cock!!
>getting triggered over a comic featuring people besides white men
Honestly pathetic lol
But it's totally a guy wearing them.
They are all normies, look how one "thinks" he's at the objective, they are probably playing the unique No Man's Sky multiplayer experience.
i bond burgered your sister
I don't know what's got you so butthurt, but haha sucks to be you.
yep that's what I thought fatty
I do, but i straighten my hair, shave and buy good glasses.
Hey guys did you know that the maximum amount of sugar intake per day is 40g?
>wait, where are you?
>you THINK, faggot?
>nigga, shut the fuck up if you don't know how to play the game.
>guys, I really love being sponsored by coca-cola.
Well they are not playing overwatch thats for sure.
>Bond burgered
>007 get
What did they mean?
>all that waste of breath
>doesn't communicate exclusively in Clanner battle shorthands
>I think I'm at the objective
>I think
what the fuck
coke is in esports now? I remember their coca cola gaming thing, I have a bunch of merch from when they sponsored me but are they hosting league teams or something?
If you will allow me to play doubles advocate for a second here, perhaps they are playing a game with some doubt of exact location, perhaps a milsim where the objective is a rough 'take that town'. But its completely unlikely as not many of those games would be played buy such a group of fucking normalfags.
>i straighten my hair
do feel pretty when you do that
It does feel nice, but im fat so girls only comment on the hair, but the gays are after me like flys to shit.
Oh fuck off now it bugs me too.
They're all on mics, with a different background which clearly implies they're in different rooms.
Um actually it's Daemons Advocate.
Why is the guy looking to the right and the rest to the left like they see each other?
Those split screens aren't their real positions.
>Didn't change the black man's soda to grape
One job
you realize they're all men right
I thought it was devils avocado
good job, now thats the Sup Forums edit
We don't play games though.
I want to fuck that QT male on the far right then.
Black man.
>more muscular
>stronger jawline
>overall the most masculine
Seems about right.
The manlet in the middle is a total cutie.
Most people on Sup Forums look like the guy on the right.
I'd know I've seen their pics :3
>thin person drinking diet coke
that's kinda gay
That's what I was thinking, Even then though
Assuming the other team has set up something you obviously all strategized and concluded that X is the objective.
Its probably just a wording thing but when you say
>Guys, I think I'm at the objective
Makes it sound like you, nor your team, have any idea what is going on.
Probably would have been best for the artist to pick a game, then make the sentence structure around that
I mean, for all I know they did do that and I just don't know what game they're playing.
>Guys, I think I'm at the objective!
>Don't talk to me.
>The fuck do you mean "think"?
>Anyway how you girls doin' tonight?
>Guys how do you swap weapons?
He's also drinking the coke with real cane sugar while the blonde numale drinks diet.
What did they mean by this?.....
>casual normal well groomed group of friends
>playing on pc
what do you have against grape soda
lurk moar
Maybe because consoles are only used by children and man-children.
Why is she wearing shoulder pads under her flannel? Is she planning to attend a business meeting?
notice that they are not on laptops either
Consoles are the system of choice for every video game playing normie I've ever interacted with.
Normies don't bat an eyelid about owning an XBONE, a PS4 and a Switch simultaneously, but if you mention your PC cost over £1000 suddenly you're the weirdly excessive gamer
He identifies as an 80's mannequin(female).
Some good shit user, love the extra detail with the logo.
>Guys, I think I'm at the objective! Haha I 'capped' the A-point!
>The fuck are you on about? We're playing deathmatch.
>talking to friend about vidya and shit
>I got a new computer man
>how much
>700, mid tier but I can upgrade later
>shit man that's too much
>nah, it's for work too
>still too much
>a few months later preorders the Switch,its launch line up, and a huge tv .
The qt Hispanic boi won't be qt for long with posture like that
>"guys, can I watch afterwards?"
>"no white boys timmy you know that"
>"daaamn kayla you aint have to do him like that chica"
>"yea he carried us through this raid cmon shawty cut um a break"
>"we're unstoppable!!!"
or extremely new
it's all ironic because they're raping the other team
otherwise it doesn't make sense
>not wanting a hispanic golem boyfriend
>Guys I think I'm at the objective
>What? I think my volume's fucked hold on
>Dude we're playing TDM there are no objectives
>Chill out bro this is matchmaking, you won't lose your precious rank bro
Dunno, when did this "game" thing appeared first?
Is soda better in a can, bottle, or cup?
Glass and made with Mexico sugar cane.
>"Guys, I fuzed the hostage again!"
user I'm telling you this as a seasoned manchild who's been on this site for years: Don't respond to this bait . Please.
Bottle. With real sugar.
I won't
he made his trolling attempt way too obvious
Glass. Say what you want to about spics but they know how to drink soda.
I'm not baiting, i do not know what it means.
What does it have to do with OW (i'm assume they are playing OW since is the hot shit as of now)?
Yes :3
>What's actually happening
>I think I'm at the objective
I'm sorry are you not certain?
Just made a gay edit.