Why does Oblivion have so many black characters? Isn't the game supposed to be set in fantasy medieval Europe?
Why does Oblivion have so many black characters? Isn't the game supposed to be set in fantasy medieval Europe?
>set in fantasy
>medieval Europe
Redguards are black OP
>literally set in nigger country
gee i wonder
they aren't negroes, they're a separate race from another continent.
That's not weird. This however....
no, it's set in fucking New York of that universe
I'm not joking
You want a game full of white people then go play Witcher 3: GerGer's Bizzarre Adventure
>Elder Scrolls set in medieval Europe
>literally set in nigger country
what did he mean by this?
>from another continent.
they are from another fucking timeline
Red Guards are actually really cool
>another thin-veiled Sup Forums bait thread hidden behind a """"game"""" discussion
Cyrodill's presumably lax immigration laws. No wonder they got rolled over by the elves.
Orcs are the niggers, Khajit sand-niggers, Argonian indian/mongol-niggers.
Redguards like spaniards if anything.
Orcs are russians
>medieval europe
So magical spells and creatures and gods and hell dimensions are all perfectly fine to slap on top of a western fantasy setting, but someone with melanin-rich skin? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MUH WHITE SUPREMACIST FEELIES GOT HURT
Don't redguards have a legitimate civilization?
Orcs seem to live in literal stone-huts.
>Isn't the game supposed to be set in fantasy medieval Europe?
They changed the setting to look like bland medieval European fantasy land so the game would be easier to digest for larger audiences
Even then, Cyrodil is literally the center of the continent, and acts as a melting pot of cultures. Every town is based on a different culture in the universe.
are you implying all those things aren't western
they're like jap-russians
Wrong, it's Orcs who are the Eurasian mongol stand-ins, Argonians are apparently Aztecs now
Oh yeah my bad, I must have skipped that day in history class about the time the continent got invaded by the hell dimension
>inb4 refugees
I got there first so now your laughter comes at the expense of your own predictability
>Set in Medieval Europe
You've got elves dresses in kimonos you slopbadger.
Poor bait thread
Redguards are cool as shit anyway
>i must have skipped that day in history class about the time the continent got invaded by the hell dimension
Now it's time for me to shine!
>inb4 refugees
oh... nevermind
>buy Oblivion
>come to choose my race
>Redguards get -10 to INT
wow racist much?
No shit
The female ones sound barely literate.
>mup boop dee daad bix nood muffugcrab