ITT: stillborn games
ITT: stillborn games
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Thanks for reminding me this exists
you're welcome senpai
Oh shit. I forgot konami was even making this
From the description, metal gear survive sounds like it's gonna be ghost recon wildlands with zombies
>solid snake died for this
I dunno user, I was looking at the MGSV artbook this morning and feeling the itch again. I might get it if it's priced right.
kill me
Then play fucking mgsv you turd, there's not even a fucking big boss in mgS let alone a story, probably doesn't even play like a metal gear game
Sold half a million in a day retard
Actually gonna get this for me and a few friends.
From the fan reaction, it sounds like Metal Gear Survive isn't going to accomplish its namesake.
Did you get a copy early?
Can you share more of your impressions?
So this is basically MGSV in an open world multiplayer setting? I will be surprised if this does bad.
It's dayz with an mgsv skin
Which sounds absolutely fucking terrible. It's an open world zombie game with crafting.
It's literally a AAA indie game.
>Shitty fanfic MGS stories are literally 100x better than Metal Gear: Survive
Why, Sup Forums? Why???
I actually started laughing when I saw this pic. Thanks for reminding me, op
Co-op in Phantom Pain with friends.
Sounds pretty cool to be honest
>I will be surprised if this does bad.
It will because it's all negativity around it and because Konami has no idea how to market it.
Besides, the zombie crafting survival market is both crowded, and it's dying.
Maybe if it came out in 2013, not today.
Yeah, that empty, boring, unchallenging game made even easier but with zombies, sounds ebin as fug.
This unironically looks fun
>b-but Kojimbo
He's a hack and a faggot.
You're a hack and a faggot
You're absolutely right Kojima, as I happens I happen to be Hideki Kamiya.
block me prease
And 99% of Survive is made with assets Kojima made.
Survive will be a piece of shit because it's a rehash of a piece of shit game.
No, you fatass shills won't convince anyone that it's good.
MGSV was a piece of shit, and so will this.
Why do you pretend Sup Forums hasn't spent 2 years shitting on MGSV?
Seriously, why do you always do this in every single thread?
You ignore absolutely everything and try to force the idea that people hate it because no Kojima even though everyone here hates him and people dislike this game anyway because it looks just as bad as MGSV.
Just fuck off already, this game is going to be a massive flop and there's nothing you can do about it.
>this game is going to be a massive flop and there's nothing you can do about it.
lol. Screencapping this post for future laughs. Stay mad cuck
>so angry you have to look for someone in every thread to accuse of being your imaginary boogyman.
Because you are in every single Survive thread repeating the same shit.
Everyone knows.
And yes, it's going to flop for many reasons, because absolutely everyone laughs at this game's very existence, because Konami has absolutely no idea how to market it, and because the zombie survival fad is dead and it's all about Battle Royale and MOBA FPS games now.
Seriously, who's the audience of this game?
Who is going to buy this shit?
The Metal Gear fanbase hates it, the zombie audience is dead and won't even know the game exists, the fad it appeals to ended and it's only remain is The Walking Dead.
This game is going to flop and i'm going to absolutely love it because this is exactly what Metal Reddit Solid deserves.
MGSV was a piece of shit and this game will suffer for that, and MGS will finally fuck off from this industry.
Dude, not even Konami cares about this game.
Did you know Survive was at this E3?
Of course not, no one did, because Konami is embarassed of this game.
On top of that, they mentioned how the game is in the exact same state it did when it was first shown.
Konami at this point just wants to release this, make as much money back as they can from the 10 idiots who'll buy it and bury the franchise for good.
That sounds fucking badass
Yeah, that sounds epic as fuck, right reddit?
Randy pls
>accuse someone else of being reddit
>does the Sup Forums equivalent of a downvote
Yeah, how dare someone look forward to vidya and not be a jaded butthurt cunt
>b-but they hired my japans husbando and his tiny baby dick
People will suck this game's dick hardcore when it's revealed that it was Kojima's idea to begin with
It's literally the exact game that hack would make after watching Stranger Things and TWD and seeing how popular meme shit like DayZ was
>People will suck this game's dick hardcore when it's revealed that it was Kojima's idea to begin with
More pathetic excuses.
You have shit taste. Get off the board you pleb.
Yet another hero shooter?
Before Overwatch I used to frequently complain online that I wanted arena shooters to make a comeback. Had I known that they would, but they'd all ape the exact same art style and gameplay, I would have kept my mouth shut.
Fortnite was revealed 3 years before Overwatch
i like wildlands a lot so the concept os intriguing to me, but the focus on multiplayer has me worried yet again.
Survive being 99% MGSV is the main reason it's going to be a massive piece of shit, but you fat as fuck shills will keep ignoring that because the only argument you have to defend this pathetic piece of garbage is repeating over and over again
No possible arguments to defend this turd based on another turd.
i figure we'll see more at TGS, even if it's just the E3 demo
Yeah, MGSV with zombies replacing regular soldiers and more fog is so intriguing and mysterious, god I'm so hyped to travel through the same, empty, boring map but with more focus on grinding.
The same shit that MGSV was but with even more retarded soldiers, so ebin.
Funny how like 10 games were supposedly created in total isolation away from Overwatch, yet they all released in the same 1 year window with the exact same gameplay and art style. My oh my, what a huge coincidence!
Fortnite was at the video game awards in 2011. Overwatch was revealed at Blizzcon 2014.
I was gonna give this a chance but it's survival crafting-shit so not interested.
>He's a hack and a faggot
While that may be true, Survive still looks like shit.
You're a stillborn game
This exists? How did I not know of this
Konami too scared to announce a release date?
fortnite plays nothing like overwatch you dumb fucking blizzshill
I'd rather have them make more garbage spinoffs like this than ruin the main series honestly
>Mfw I don't even cares about the game and just want to watch Kojimadrones and Kojimahaters like it's an illegal monkey fight
Its just random Sup Forumsirgins and konami hired shills
>meant to be Peace Walker's Mother Base
>they just reused MGSV's Mother Base
This will never not annoy me.
>mother base never blew up it actually was abducted by space aliens and sent to zombie mars
Fuck Konami