Tfw there are now faggots who unironocally claim that Tomb Raider was never good

>tfw there are now faggots who unironocally claim that Tomb Raider was never good

>that shirt

breasts too large
arms too large
guns too big
abs too well maintained
legs too toned

what a gay


nice saggy tits

t. musclefag


t. justfag

not rly
looks like a man with tits


>liking masculine features on women
>calling other people fags

Why are vapid gym whores so hot?

There aren't enough girls that are buff and don't look like men.

I want to lick that navel

But legend was amazing even if it was short

This looks really good and believable. Too bad it won't ever be in the games or the movies.

It's the narcissism

user pls

That's a man baby.


Why are you so gay?

Wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
This on the other hand ...


Juiced up girls are gross

> tfw never get to rassle her to determine who is superior

desu you gotta be hyper-insecure to think women who are stronger than you is gay. these aren't exactly roided she-beasts we're looking at.

That's what a woman's supposed to look like

Abs are patrician.


my nigga

Yes but yours are too much young lady


Are they tho?

That's basically a dude, dude.

how much is too much?

Literally Lara.

I feel like narcissism is the single most unattractive trait in a woman though.

>that midriff
good lord

Patrician taste. Alice is a good example of how a girl can be /fit/ without entering roid monster mode.

>stronger than you
An average guy could beat the shit out of every "girl" itt.

Toned without looking like a shehulk is the best choice.
Stop posting men.

>these aren't exactly roided
Keep believing that.
Lara was never a lifter despite being able to push those 2x2 meters stone blocks.
But the thread is not even about Lara in a first place, right?


We can do better than that.

Honestly I would let Miss Alice have sex with me.

Post the Polish javelin lady

Original Tomb Raiders had the worst control scheme since inception of video games. Resident Evil/Alone in the Dark controls got nothing on Tomb Raider.

Only attractive woman in the thread so far, keep it up you closeted homosexuals.

>dat bicep


Honestly I'd cum the instant she would look at me.

A defined linea alba is the apex of hotness - you want that and nothing more

I wonder what type of man she likes. She's built like a truck.


Who's this?

I want to be bullied by Miss Alice!

Goodness gracious who is this goddess?

>that disgusting flesh


thank you hungry skellington

What's going on here?

Sup Forums:
>see a woman
>thats a woman
>woman works out
>ew thats basically a man
>see a man
>thats a man
>man transitions with estrogen and hormones
>T-Thats a woman!!


She's so cute, I want to wriggle my tongue all up in her asshole.

>hot muscular girls will never do porn ever

Why must you remind us of this?

I want her to jerk me off to completion onto her navel.

Tomb Raider? More like Fridge Raider!

I claim it.

You guys should really start working out, I saw a girl this cute at the gym yesterday. No reason for an adult to not work out barring disability.

That's what the filename says

>No reason for an adult to not work out barring disability.
hedonism, hedonism beats health every time.

the controls are not bad you just need to spend 5mins learning how they work. which is just too much to ask from the ADHD ridden retards who play games now. also resident evil's controls are fine for what they set out to do.

If you legitimately cannot tell the difference between an athletic woman and a hormone treatment man suffering genital mutilation then you are the problem m8. There are many characteristics; most notably bone structure, that hormone treatment will not change. The only reason why so many men get tricked so easily by traps is that plebs are conditioned into looking for sexual ques that are either easily faked (push-up bras, breast implants, fake eyelashes, make-up) or that men actually excel at over women (most obviously fair skin due to skin thickness and naturally longer eyelashes)

Muscle is a natural part of the female anatomy and men that decry athletic women are complicit to women's insistence on having no-effort and easily deceived standards. You can't fake an athletic physique.

Gay pegging shit counts as porn, right?

You will still keep bumping into walls guaranteed.

Fitness is the long con for hedonism. More healthy years to engage in debauchery and more success at it.

Should have posted this due to VIDEO GAMES.

nope not if you are good at the game which you will be if you play the game for longer than 2 seconds

>any "lesbian" video with muscular women
>they just sort of rub each other's arms for 15 minutes

>liking women who are on anabolic steroids

She reminds me of T2 Sarah Connor.

muscular with a healthy amount of fat is the best

you invest too much time you could have infested into being a glutton, degenerate drug user or a sex fiend. You might feel on top of the word if once you reach peak condition, but the road is way too long and not instantly gratifying.

I'm on TLR already.

Even moderate exercise has huge health benefits and all of the best debauchery involves socialization. Going to a club drinking and dancing is much more fun when you get female attention and maybe even bring a girl home. Going to an edm show and dropping M is more fun when you can top your top and look great.


My wife please be nice


This thread is relevant to my interests.


I like her lower body, but not the upper body. I like size on the lower body and just general fitness up top.

I've claimed Alyssa for years fag


I look great already, I don't need abs for female attention.
>undressing in clubs while dancing on drugs
embarrassing, don't take your shirt off gaybo, that's just being an attention whore. Be an actual whore.

I was claiming that tomb raider was never good, settle down. She's cute and all but I'm not the oneitis type. I saw a girl a little less attractive than her at the gym yesterday.

>tfw no Zarya gf

Goddess Rapture does, although she's like 40 now


Those things get so hot, no one is fully dressed except fat people. Plus I look great shirtless, I'll take pretty much any excuse, and I always get a positive reaction.


if you are on the forth game and you still haven't mastered the controls you might just be Dean Takahashi levels of bad