Dishonored death of the outsider

Waste of money?

Kinda liked Dishonored 2 despite the horrible performance.

definitely not worth more than $10.
wait for the inevitable price drop+discount in about a year or just the crack

I'm enjoying the shit out of it. I think it's worth the price but I've enjoyed every single Dishonored game, so your mileage may vary. Apparently, it's half as long as Dishonored 2.

Yeah I think the same about the price.
Steam reviews are also pretty negative.

>I'm enjoying the shit out of it. I think it's worth the price but I've enjoyed every single Dishonored game, so your mileage may vary. Apparently, it's half as long as Dishonored 2.

It doesn't say much because Dishonored 2 wasn't even long.

no really? I'm surprised

About 8 hours on average.

i thought Prince never licensed his shit. you can't even play Rasberry Beret on youtube but his likeness is in a game??

releasing a game unfinished like Dishonored 2 should be illegal.
Also DLC is selling for 39,99+tax?

>releasing a game unfinished like Dishonored 2 should be illegal.

Is performance the same as in Dishonored 2?

they released 300000000x patches to fix the issues on AMD and Nvidia but it doesn't matter the game was already garbage in alpha and it can't be fixed

Watched it on youtube yesterday, it's basically a 4 hour mediocre dlc. Daud dies in a boat while she's off doing some mission and the ending has no boss fight or anything.

Dishonored 2 is real good, though

If you keep buying the next 2 DLCs you'll end up with a 8hours of DLC for only 39,99+tax
great deal

>Dishonored 2 is real good, though
Looks great and level design is amazing.
But the performance on my i5-4670k and gtx-980 was pretty terrible.

>Daud dies in a boat
Thanks for spoiling asshole

He just dies of old age or whatever unceremoniously there's not much to spoil

>Daud dies in a boat
was that mentioned in a skippable cutscene? because i finished the game and didn't even picked up on that.

So they killed the two most interesting characters in the series in one mediocre DLC?
What the fuck

Yeah in one of those drawn type cutscenes

>Forced to play as a turbo cunt that should be dead
>kill off most interesting characters to try and make turbo cunt interesting and have something to do
I love this series but this is fucking horrid.

But user, not liking the turbo cunto means youre sexist and racist.

You're not sexist and racist, are you?

Billie is way cooler than Emily desu


Literally your fault then.

Yeah sure, i5 4670k is still better than all modern consoles and Dishonored 2 works like shit on i7 as well.

I'm playing the Dishonored 2 demo and it seems alright but I really wish the voice acting was better. At the part where Emily has a dream of the void she sounds outright bored, like it's business as usual.

i have a pretty bad pc and only had problems in the dust district

you can thank Anita and Bethesda execs for it