ITT: Say something bad about a game you like
ITT: Say something bad about a game you like
Metropolis Zone is one of the worst designed stages I've ever seen in any 2D platformer.
Dead Space got sluggish movements, fucking shit mouse acceleration, backtrackings, and overall not scary
The pathfinding.
The driving in Deadly Premonition feels like maneuvering a sled on black ice.
Aloy is the most annoying shade of "strong female character" since Granuaile McTiernan.
It will never get a real sequel
The story is fucking useless.
Total Warhammer is a lot more shallow than previous historical titles, and the DLC is blatantly overpriced.
New Vegas is a terrible fucking game to play
Early game Terraria is the absolute worst thing in the history of gaming.
Why? What purpose? This is conditioning to hate things I like and that's very few things to begin with.
It has only one gamemode and 24 missions
BotW had the weakest dungeons
the focus on a multiplayer mode lead to several features being cut since they just didn't get finished in time for the singeplayer
Morrowind's quests suck, all you ever do is fetch items, talk to people, kill people, and escort people
The combat is also terrible once you hit level 15~20 since nothing in the world is threatening anymore
Without mods it's a bugged piece of shit.
Combat is tedious and atrocious at first
Then it just turns into SPAM2WIN
If anything it's just a 3d visual novel with combat slapped on it to make it seem longer.
But god dammit, I love it to shit.
overwatch fanbase it's really toxic
You think so? The games I love the most are usually the ones I can be most negative about simply because I spent enough time with them that I know their flaws inside-out.
The whole game seems like driving on black ice.
It's weird how the AI starts targeting you from across the map if you scope in on them, no matter how far and even if you don't shoot
Watch_Dogs 2 has a terrible villain and mostly boring plot. Also, the camera is too far from the character.
The worst part about Soul Reaver 2 is there is absolutely nothing to do after you've beaten it. There's not a single goddamn secret.
The general content is mind-numbingly easy
Limiting Shipyards and Mage Guilds for certain cities was DUMB.
Also they never should've listened to the whiny bitches and instead should've sent them to play Might and Magic to understand what sorta world they played in.
Also I didn't like how they dropped the strategic aspect of the game in the add-on campaign and made you basically an RPG character with an army. You are a fucking general, why are you stealing cookies from a nice grandma, that fed your army?
The general threads are still going.
Despite the fact that it's probably the best entry in the series since the first one, it still has numerous problems:
>still doesn't feel like assassinations are the main focus of the game
>still stupid focus on race/gender equality
>for some reason we're still using the pseudo sci-fi as a plot vehicle
It's 8/10, but it's not perfect.
Did they release a second game, or have there seriously been ~2000 threads of the same shit?
craptawa shitjo is not a game
Exactly. It's a CYOA novel with a soundtrack. And it was awesome.
No, the only additional content that was released for KS was the alpha version restored by people from Steam.
Doom (the old one)
way too easy unless you purposefully handicap yourself
Doom (the new one)
glory kills are way too common and get old quickly because of this
Dark Souls
filled with clearly unfinnished elements
Dragon's Dogma
fantastic concept with okayish execution
while they're a nice part of the lore and story, the flood are terribly designed enemies
Oh hey how are yo-
Umm yeah I just wanted to ask i.
Its certainly NO no more heroes
>Wiosna played in my head while I was watching that gif
Going back and forth between menus to change camo
The whole Phantom Thieves angle in Persona 5 is criminally underutilized.
bloodborne has horrible frame dips, and the gem system is pants-on-head retarded as is
This is Sup Forums.
We don't like video games.
Random encounters and the camera has to center on the world map after each fight.
Super Metroid has an unskippable intro cutscene.
Morrowind's combat system is fundamentally flawed. You should not have a chance to miss when you have your crosshair pointed at a target, are in range of the target, and attack said target, all based on some combination of the Luck and Agility attributes and an arbitrary invisible "Attack" stat.
Even if it's not as atrocious as in Fallout 3, the gunplay in New Vegas is really bad.
The camera in Kingdom Hearts gets stuck on walls too frequently and is zoomed in too closely to Sora.
Aside from the completely broken npc fights Bloodborne is by far the easiest soulsborne game
Botw would be much, MUCH better on PC, but that goes for most console games though.
Sands of Time's combat is too simplistic.
Ultima Online has the worst fanbase/playerbase of all games,autism overflows.
I've learned to enjoy it
Saint's Row 2 on PC is genuinely a really shitty port job.
The story is ok, but the characters are insufferable.
I think this is more my way to think
Having to fight Orochi 3 times and the Ark in general is really unnecessary. I would have much preferred a final dungeon set in the Ark. Yami fight was a great ending though.
Some actions should have been doable at night after palace/mementos run.
Its just a fucking dvd, you stupid cat
The AI is really sub-par once you get the hang of the game
Almost most all of the bonus safe combination solutions are either too easy or too hard to get.
The 3D models don't work as well as sprites.
Otherwise, one of my favorite games.
that's arguably a good thing
Human Revolution's lack of melee weapons is really disappointing compared to DX1.
Morrowind's combat is shitty and mechanically uninvolved
Chalice Dungeons are boring
the swamp part of Witcher 1 was drawn out and annoying to get through first time around.
Second time it was still bad, but at least I knew what I was doing
AM2R relies a bit too heavily on previous metroid games for recognizable features and nostalgia factor.
danganronpa's fanbase is almost as bad as Sonic's/KH
>Mfw I solve the bonus safe combination first and I have no idea what the normal combination is
The first Dark Souls is not the hardest game, but the most unbalanced.
They game is either very easy or very hard depending on what build you choose.
R6 Siege, even though it is the most tactical shooter on consoles, is very unrealistic
lack of content
for me the first chapter or whatever of the witcher was miserable, once you got to the city it finally picked up though
The ai of the bigger enemies is WAY to easy to exploit
It's brain dead easy.
But god damn that soundtrack will bring me back every time.
Which one?
I'm curious to see if it was some predictable pattern or complete blind luck.
It's terrible second half and rushed story can't be redeemed by the very heartwarming and genuinely good adventure of the first few chapters.
Once you activate the resurrection chamber on each deck all the tension is sucked out of the game. Still fantastic.
I absolutely hated every single character in DM. They're all idiots.
Xana is hot, though. I'll give you that.
The combat and encounter design is horribly unbalanced in comparison to the game's Alpha and it's only able to retain some of it's greatness and depth because of how impeccably designed the original game was.
the combat is
the forging system not so much
I've barely played any of Nioh, but the armor and weapon designs are superior to the Souls games' in my eyes. Maybe I'm just a massive weeb. The controls are a lot better, having a bow equipped at all times is fucking great.
Laser-shooting monkeys are fucking silly
Git gud
It's not just weebery, the weapon and armour designs are all gorgeous, each and every one has lots of subtle detailing and while there's a more limited scope for weapon types, it comes with a greater focus and they don't let it keep them from making them all look very unique from each other, even with them just being katanas etc.
The controls are really excellent (though it would have been nice if they put dash and dodge on a different button since they already have no input delay), but even they fell prey to changes; you used to have to walk or dodge while locked on to stay facing the enemy which made movement actually important and killed the circlestrafe poison, and ranged weapon controls went through like two different revisions. At first it was tap R2 to fire a quick shot or hold it to nock/aim and let go to fire, then Beta had guns and cannons, holding R2 to aim and different ammo types were fired with Square or Triangle, but it also removed the quickshot. Alpha also had you equip just one ranged weapon at a time.
For such a badass game it has very low player count.
Combat is floaty and hits doesn't have any weight behind them at all.
I need a fucking manual to min/max with that forge system
BOTW feels empty
team fortress 2 truly feels abandoned by valve
The armor system is a anti-fun mechanic that makes fight drag on longer than they should. When you finally deplete enemy armor, you already won the fight so there is no point in applying status effects.
The stealth section of the tutorial with Anna is terribly implemented.
Great Glacier and Gaea's Cliff's are a fucking borefest and easily the worst section of FFVII.
I loved 1 and 2 but I just couldn't enjoy pre-sequel and I don't know why
I don't like being forced to have a rogue in my party just to open chests
i can't think of anything
Battlefield 1 is a revisionist mess and needlessly butchers historical accuracy.
I fucking hate the regeneration shit in Kiwami. if you dont have the heat action, its basically free health refill for bosses
Borderlands series is deeply flawed.and bugged
Dragon's Dogma has an empty vanilla world
Dark Souls games are reskins of the Demon's Souls that become more and more dumbed down as series go forward.
Can't say anything bad about Dirt Rally, Max Payne 1 and 3 (don't like the 2nd).
The Pawn system was a mistake
BBI is overrated
I love how entire story of HoMMV is a build up to a fucking hack and slash game with 1 choice and story so shitty and generic it could be set in its own universe away from Erathia
It's also one of my favourite games
not to mention that balance was pretty much non existant
missiles feel and sound weak
beam combos are hardly ever useful
power bomb effect is ugly
magmoor should've had a boss
respawning chozo ghosts (just why?)
Jumping felt wonky.
Ripley has just that little bit too much health, making the bossfight a bit tedious.
Wat game?