Rank your favorite series ITT

Rank your favorite series ITT


Never played LA

DS2 > DS1 > DS3

BB > DS1 > DS2 > DS3 > DeS

I'd also acknowledge that DS1 and DS2 have shit parts, and that DS3 and DeS have amazing parts.

3D Mario ranking:
Galaxy 2>3D World>64 >=64 DS>Galaxy 1>3D Land>Sunshine

Odissey might surpass Galaxy 2 but who knows.


>Sunshine last

Tf is your problem bruh?



Revelations isnt THAT bad, but in comparison,yeah

Why is there so much hate for Phantom Hourglass?

t. someone who has only played Phantom Hourglass and no other Zelda games.

Prime 2 > Prime > Super > Zero Mission > Prime 3 > Samus Returns > Fusion

the temple of the ocean king

It's the burden of having critical thinking and zero nostalgia bias.

Halo 3 > Halo 2 > Halo 1 > Halo 4 > Halo Reach

Haven't even bothered with 5, also always wondered why people like reach so much it was pretty avg to me

Good ranking. I've been thinking recently about how the first AC was actually my favorite one despite being a bit repetitive sometimes.

I went bananas

What happened there again?

The only bit I got stuck on was when you had to shut the screen and open it again to get the seal on the bottom screen.

Fight to death

Light Suit best suit

>my favorite is at the bottom

fuck you all, Fusion is great

Over what? Those aren't the same series.

original DK is so basic and bland, I get you might have nostalgia for it but it's in no way better than Returns or Freeze

Yes it is
Everything else is just greater
Though now that you mentioned i completely forgot about Other M, so yeah put that in the bottom

For me

Not ranked=not played

You had to redo it after each main area.
Also, forced timed stealth in a non stealth game


Haven't played 0

possibly, I just happen to like more linear games and the setting/atmosphere is nice
I've played Prime and it had some serious strong points, but the overdone backtracking, Chozo ghosts and the artifact hunt kept it from true greatness to me

Sunshine > 64 > Galaxy 2 > Galaxy 1 = 3D World > 3D Land
I have high hopes for Odyssey.

BotW > MM > TP = OoT > WW > SS

BB > DaS1 > DaS2 > DaS3 > DeS

0 > X = 5 > 4 = 3jp > Joint Assault > 2 > Asault Horizon Legacy

Shouldn't Other M be in this?

Completely forgot about it, which makes me really happy

im gonna divide it in 2 sections cuz its better this way

3d zeldas: OoT > TP > WW > SS > MM > BoTW > ALBW > ST > PH > LCT > TH

2d zeldas: MC > ALTTP > FSA >OA > OS > AOL > LA > FS > ORIGINAL ONE


Super > Prime 1 > Prime 3 > AM2R > Prime 2 > Fusion > Samus Returns > ZM > Hunters > Pinball > Other M > Metroid Original > Metroid 2 > FFDogshit

no its on this order bro:

Super > Prime 1 >>>> Prime 2 > Prime 3 > AM2R > Fusion > Samus Returns > Zero Mission > Other M > Pinball > Hunters> Metroid 1 > Metroid 2 > First Hunt > Federati.... Does this one even count ?

Shadow of Chernobyl >Clear Sky > Call of Pripyat


Metal Gear Solid:
PW > 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = V > GZ > PO


>top down games with 3d graphics are 3d zeldas
zelda 2>LA>ST>zelda 1>albw>oos/ooa>PH>minish cap>alttp>FS>FSA

Why does everyone hate Skyward Sword? I thought the art and music were fantastic, and the sword duels with Ghirahim and Demise were fun as fuck. The boss battle with Koloktos is probably the best boss battle in the entire series.
I agree that Fi was really annoying, and the reused dungeons were a disappointment, but everything else was great.

you should play 6 my dude its fun

I don't hate it, I just don't like it as much as most zeldas.
There's 0 freedom to explore, the best part of the series.


I'd love nothing more, got no way to do it tho
Just buying a 360 ain't a option considering my third world origins
