Tell me about this word and the people who use it. What is their deal?
Is there a correct circumstance to use this word that doesn't make you look like a thin-skinned faggot?
Tell me about this word and the people who use it. What is their deal?
Is there a correct circumstance to use this word that doesn't make you look like a thin-skinned faggot?
Other urls found in this thread:
i can tell you're very tough and serious because you posted a picture of a man smoking
It's like shitlord, so you can't use it without revealing your tumblr nature
Now back you go
>and the people who use it.
The kind of people who hold their coffee mugs with both hands
There is nothing that doesn't make you look like a thin-skinned faggot when you complain about something in a videogame.
We will post less threatening smoking men next time, sorry for the inconvenience. Until the issue is fixed and the thread 404's please give us feedback on the preview for the next OP picture.
Not when the word is used within the same context. A game's "toxic" community can be ignored and/or walked away from. When you have to team up with randoms to do a raid or something, your options are to tough it out until the end of the raid or just not partake of that content with random players.
the toxicity
of our city
of our ci-i-ty
Awesome, now I'll always hear that song in my head when some sensitive retard says toxic
Thanks user, you made my life a tiny bit better
You're not thinskinned for not wanting to have people spam niggerfaggot and praise trump or scream at teammates all game.
It's dumb childish behavior most of us don't want to put up with when we are trying to have fun playing a game
Fuck off nancy.
Never thought I'd get a chance to use these again
There are mute buttons for a reason.
You sound 14
If anything some rando filling text chat with "NIGGERFAGGOT" makes me smile
it is just people who don't like to be called out for fucking it up during a match or can't be bothered to mute people on chat.
I honestly never had much problem with besides niggas that spam the chat endlessly, like lenny face on tf2, which is a problem i can solve by simply ignoring it.
You sound like you have been drinking from plastic water bottles since you were 14.
It's a problematic term that dog whistles SJWs
I work a nine to five job listening to and dealing with peoples complaints, and I like to play video games in my spare time. Some of the games that appeal to me include team based multiplayer games like Overwatch so sometimes I'd like to play them.
However when I've been working all day, I don't want to go home only to hear some 16 year old kid who isn't playing with the team screaming down the mic at any and every mistake any player makes and throwing insults at everyone. In fact no one wants to hear that, but my tolerance for it has dropped now that I'm working to the point I simply don't play games like that anymore.
You can call me or anyone else who uses the word "toxic" thin-skinned if you want, I don't really give a fuck, but I don't play these games to listen to people shit on each other and whine. There shouldn't be any tolerance for people who actively attempt to bring the experience down for others, just like an asshole who won't shut up in a movie theater should get kicked out.
Hey it's fine as long as you don't leave them in the sun.
There are report buttons for a reason too
So you're 16 and that's your first McJob? How have you not learned about muting yet you insufferable cunt?
Because that's extra work for people who did nothing wrong, and the person screaming at others will be doing it in the next game, and the next game. I'd rather the devs attempt to change the retard's behavior through negative reinforcement (like a small child or dog) then force dozens of people to mute the guy every time he joins the server/joins a match. Overwatch can't have a votemute button either because the games last for such a small period.
>I'd rather the devs attempt to change the retard's behavior through negative reinforcement
Good for you and the dev, you can still mute people in the meantime or just ignore them you thin-skinned faggot
>Overwatch can't have a votemute button either because the games last for such a small period
It can't? It physically cannot? It's absolutely impossible to program a mute feature unless a round of a video game takes 20+ minutes?
>just mute them!!!
Why the fuck would I play a team game in the first place if I didn't want to communicate and play with my team? The default should not be two or three members of a six man team saying nothing besides insults to each other, and the others having to mute or ignore them, it should be people just fucking communicating about the game or being friendly. This isn't a lot to ask.
I don't know how other people may use the word, but I use 'toxic people' as a way to explain the type of person someone probably shouldn't hang around with.
Usually people who are extremely unhealthy, to the degree that they will endlessly drain and or use other people without giving anything back.
There's a bit more to it then this, but hopefully you'll get what I mean from that rough example.
Though a lot of people will throw the term out left and right as a way of needlessly defending themselves without having any real logic to back it up, say, sjws, or feminists. So, go them for giving yet another term a bad stigma.
I have no opinion in terms of 'toxic communities', since Im not a social butterfly enough to get involved with them in the first place to have a opinion.
Why would you play a team game alone in the first place?
>if I didn't want to communicate and play with my team
Not what muting is you underage fuck. Stop running from one extreme to the next
Oh shit. I can see it.
>tfw no new episodes til November 2018
Fucking hell
yeah why dont they just use real words for adults such as 'kek', 'SJW', 'cuck', or 'how come nobody talks to me and Sup Forums is the only place I can successfully socialize'
I'm gonna call you a retarded faggot for not using in game mute options.
So does the term toxic apply to those who attempt to kick you out for not doing well enough or is it only applicable to the way someone speaks?
If it's the former I could see where people could be coming from.
its used in exactly the same way as people here use cancer except using cancer isn't pc
When your friend is getting mad at video games, they are toxic. It's pathetic, why are you even playing if it's upsetting you, just walk away.
That's nothing new for the series.
>and the people who use it.
The kind of people who don't like the venture bros.
>just ignore them
No, I want those people out of the game. So do the other people playing in the server with them, and now so do Blizzard. Overwatch is a team-based game that requires you to communicate with your team members; if one person is just screaming niggerfaggot epic iDubbzTV compliation into this microphone instead of communicating then everybody on the team is at a disadvantage.
>It can't? It physically cannot?
No you pedantic fucking idiot, adding a votemute option to the game would be worthless because the games last for so little time.
>no new episodes til November 2018
Jesus, at least I finally have a date, thanks user.
>Is there a correct circumstance to use this word that doesn't make you look like a thin-skinned faggot?
pokemon battles
Are you fucking retarded? Do you hoenstly not know what a mute button is? Vote mute? Seriously?
Goddamn you're an idiot. I fucking hate you subhumans who started playing videogames 3 years ago and now have to force your stupid bullshit into everything
People being "toxic" are no any more detrimental to the victory than people who are just shit at videogames. Should baddies also get purged because they ruin the teamwork oriented aspect?
>caring this much about winning when you aren't even playing with a full stack
Great, now I'm gonna pay special attention to what way I hold my coffee because I honestly don't know if I one hand or two hand.
He's wrong but you're worse
How am I wrong? The answer to the problem is muting people who you don't want to hear/see their messages but apparently that is no go because you NEED teamwork. You are not getting teamwork with shitty players eaither. I'd rather have nigger spamming sperg in my team that can achieve something rather than a deadweight polite flower. I can't mute his incompetence.
Cradling a coffee mug is effeminate as fuck. If you already do it, stopping isn't going to fix the underlying problem, which would most likely be a hormonal imbalance.
Its just one of many, many signs of testosterone deficiency
mostly at this point i'm just laughing at what you're willing to put up with to win a fucking video game
>a thin-skinned faggot?
In my experience, the 'toxic' one are always the thin-skinned ones.
>omg sub optimal pick i'm gonna throw
>omg we didn't get it on our first try we're doomed i'm gonna throw
>omg you guys suck i'm the only good one why do you shitters bother
>omg you're all blaming me stop being toxic you niggers
Well you see this is your problem. For you it's "putting up with shit". It does not bother me anywhere near as much as you think.
Depends if the person listens to constructive criticism or not. If they whine about the host and other players being try-hards then they can fuck right off.
I only do this in this in the dead of winter to warm my hands.
And there's the difference between Reddit clowns like you and people who've actually been on the internet longer than 2 years
You think it's "putting up with" anything, but to people who aren't idiots, someone spamming nigger absolutely does not matter at all. I know you cannot imagine not getting triggered by evil bad words, so you'll just have to take my word for it: We don't care
it's funny because toxic could be a useful term but there's just so much shit rolled under the one word it's just become a catch-all term for "someone doing something I don't like"
Is it ok if it is a really big mug without handles? Makes me feel ching-chong-sushiroll japanese.
It's used to describe people who are more focused on making others experience miserable instead of just playing the fucking game and acting like a reasonable dude, both extremes have ruined it though and everytime I hear it nowadays my mind always pictures either Sup Forums newfag making fun of SJWs or an actual SJW.
That's just over a year from now, it's great news
>using the term "toxic" to describe anything that doesn't involve hazardous chemicals
So glad I never fell for the Overwatch meme.
The problem is that there is no better word to substitute "toxicity".
What is your problem anyway? What's so bad about the word "toxicity"?
I know what a mute button is retard, the point is that if I just mute him the guy being a shithead doesn't know he's being a shithead. I want people to KNOW that they are ruining other people's games and are getting punished for it. If they continue to act like that I want to KNOW that they are no longer able to play the game and are permanently banned. Fuck those shitheads and fuck anybody defending them. TF2 letting you know that your report on a player contributed to getting that player muted or banned was a great fucking update to the game.
The point of this update is to SOLVE the problem of shitty players, not accommodate them.
I avoid the word because it's overused by faggots but I feel like it does a good job of describing playerbases that are shitty enough to ruin decent games
They're the type of people to speak with a very nasal and whingey voice.
Remember when you were a kid and you started getting frustrated at a game you couldn't beat?
If you were that one kid that didn't listen to your parents and stop when you got too frustrated, but never used that frustration to get better to beat it, then chances are you're the kind of person that uses the word "toxic" in the context of competition.
That doesn't make sense. What the fuck were you smoking today?
Using the mute button also may not always solve the problem. Sometimes muting a toxic player may solve things in the immediate term because who won't hear/see them making death threats, racist slurs etc. but then there's the chance the player may take their toxicity to the next level and purposefully do things ingame to jeopardize your teams chance of winning the game. Plus you muting them doesn't stop them from aggravating the rest of your team mates, an argument ensuing and your team becoming less in synch
Basically if someone is being a fucking cunt in a way that purposefully negatively impacts the experience of others for no good reason they're being toxic.
Camping a lowby in WoW over and over again is the best example. You're basically getting enjoyment off of wasting someone else's time repeatedly and ruining their game experience. Once or twice is fine but repeatedly doing it to the point they have to log off is a dick move
If you care about winning enough to where you get mad at randoms but don't make an effort to party up with other people, you're a retard and there is no helping you.
It's used by fuckheads who think "cancerous" is offensive. They mean the same thing though.
Didn't Overwatch devs coin the term?
>Didn't Overwatch devs coin the term?
What? No
Tumblr has been using it for ages for any behavior they deem offensive, similar to shitlord
Probably an autismo who doesn't understand the way they act isn't proper and are upset they're labeled it.
Soft people. Having said that I can totally get where devs come from. I'd ban a Sup Forums sperg if the data showed he was driving off even 2 or 3 other customers.
>people play online team based games without a full party
>people are fine with having their limited play time ruined by shitters and le ebin meme lords
>in the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen
lmao it must suck not having friends.
Toxicity = Shitters ruining the gameplay with ragequits or griefing
SJW shit = Naughty words in chat etc.
>mute all forms of all chat (all chat, team voice/text chat)
>play ranked
>do well due to situational awareness so I know what the fuck is going on and what I could (try) to do to win
Haven't ran into any shit yet.
Really? I never heard it prior to Overwatch
I don't expect people to be educated just don't "backseat gaming" and moan when you die ffs that shit is annoying.
Well how much contact do you usually have with tumblr and SJWs?
I've read it loads of times cause I used to read the "retarded shit you found on tumblr" thread on somethingawful
Not the guy you are quoting but I've seen it way before overwatch, but still rare. I think it gained more traction with LoL and later with Overwatch.
They should know better than to engage in PvP. Stay off of pvp servers and don't go into contested areas while you're flagged. Its like being allergic to peanuts and then walking into a Five Guys or Texas roadhouse.
The term is constantly used too often to describe any and all shittalk and is often used by badmins for a reason to ban people who hurt someone's feefees
tryhard is also better
A bit off topic, but TF2 had the best moderation of any team-based game in the 2000s.
>Valve did not enforce any rules that didn't involve cheating
>Bans for racism/flaming/etc. were entirely at the discretion of private server owners
>Plenty of places where people could rage to their heart's content
>At the absolute worst you'll get votekicks spammed every ten seconds and have to play somewhere else if you get removed
>Access to the game was never restricted unless you cheated
>Could leave a game at any time for any reason at no penalty
Once devs started getting involved directly, you started seeing feeders get away with murder and anyone who told them off were the ones who got punished. Fuck games like that.
The usefulness of the word "Toxic" is that it suggests something which, left unchecked, gets worse and worse and does more and more damage. Toxic behavior in a playerbase, such that it exists, is behavior that not only makes the game worse by its presence, but also has an inexorable tendency to spread and duplicate with time if it isn't removed.
IFF you are the sort of person who feels rudeness/mean words ruin a game, it's "toxic" because shit talk does tend to breed further shit talk. Of course if you don't mind shit talk, it comes across as pointless censure. Griefing in general tends to fall under the "toxic" category because people who get griefed tend to grief others in turn (I suppose it's sort of like bullying in that way).
I would say it could go the other way, though; the idea of a "competitive meta" can also be pretty toxic, since the overuse of certain strats spreads quickly and makes the game unfun to play due to the rapid narrowing of the game's scope. This was a big problem with Anarchy Reigns, actually, because the game was fun until people figured out certain broken exploits and that rapidly became literally the entire multiplayer experience. In a game without regular balance patches, highly competitive players can be toxic too.
You can't do this in the absence of dedicated servers
>any coffee mug bigger than the standard espresso one
You're drinking dirty water, not coffee.
Pretty much this, TF2 is pretty much my most played online game so I'm really having understanding where these guys are coming from.
I can only see it make sense in games like Left 4 Dead where "toxic" people can kick you within one millisecond for not appeasing them.
How about a reporting system were the toxic players only get to play with toxic players? No banning needed, just install another bracket.
I think dota did that. I knew a guy that runs his mouth a lot that got put in the retard queue and now he just doesn't talk, so I guess the system works.
I remember fapping to this video when I was younger.
Does that include complaining about my ban for being a racist shitbag?
reddit post
i saw a lot of it with LoL but that was it
>Camping a lowby in WoW over and over again is the best example.
There was a term for that already though. It was called griefing and the person doing it was a griefer. It didn't originate from nor was unique to WoW and really only applied to videogames. Why people decided to use "toxic" over it is beyond me.
To me, it's anyone that talks shit no matter the situation. You could be winning a game but some fuckhead has to yell at the top of his lungs because the team didn't go on suicide dive with him or when you're not winning fast enough so they jump off the side of the map/kill themselves as if they're trying to prove a point. It gets worse when they inherently target a single person on the same team. It could be a shitter or a demigod, if they said something or did something wrong, the harassment thrown at them just doesn't stop. From nitpicking plays to just calling them a faggot every 30 seconds.
basucally, a toxic player is easily identified as the person the team unanimously hates or doesn't care for. This can get to the point where even if you're on a team of shitters, the toxic player is the one you can hate more than the shitter.
I've just always called those kinds of people massive faggots.
When people's rage starts turning into threats and indiscriminate insults.
Anyone who really deserves to be called toxic willl clearly pass the "REEEE" barrier. At that point, instead of "You're toxic bro" and "This is why we're losing.", you (temp)ban the fucker .
You're right, which is why developers robbing players and potential server admins of any agency/choice is a pathetic display.
Imagine a world where Blizzard hosted competitive matches exclusively on their servers and dedicated servers made up the rest of the game? Server browser isn't the same. You're still beholden to the limitations of the game and the report system. People wanted custom servers but they only got a mode where they can dial parameters up or down and none of the other freedoms dedicated servers afford the playerbase. Nobody bitched about racists in TF2 because they would just play on servers where they would get permabanned in 24 hours for saying nigger. And people who were compelled to use that type of language would just play on a different server. Racists still get punished and communities can stay clean, but there are alternative options for people that don't involve permanently banning them from participating in the game at all.
Maybe if developers gave gamers more freedom to do what they wanted and bring back the options they explicitly took away, we wouldn't have this problem that's existed for decades be studied like some kind of epidemic that just started popping up. Oh, but that would mean dissolving this "esports" mindset and letting consumers think for themselves.