I caved and bought this piece of SHIT

I caved and bought this piece of SHIT.
Recommend me some fun builds, haven't played DS2 since release when I played it on the 360. Did a shieldless rapier build back then, that was pretty fun.

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Daggers powerstanced.


I really like axes and I like that the bandit axe is the best weapon next to the mastodon halberd, but it sucks that they made all greataxes have shit AR. At the very least, the Gyrm Greataxe (double sided one) has decent AR and the double-sided axe moveset that's slightly faster and uses less stamina than a UGS.

>this game is SHIT
>but I've played it before and had fun with it

Guts build. All str and greatsword with leather armor. It's really strong mid game you 3 shot bosses.

Also pyro/dex build, its weak af but pretty fun. I have over 300 hours in the game and these two are my favorite.

make mage character that can cast all types but can't do shit melee wise
also make it a cute girl

40 STR/40 DEX quality build
Min/Max for flynn's ring, trust me, it's great

Your goal?
Get the Bone Fist.
Fuck it, get two Bone Fists
Power Stance them
Kill every thing.


uninstall wizard build

Early hex build to rape everything

Im playing as a wizard but I am not having fun. I have 40Int/20Fa but I feel pathetically weak compared to melee.

Not only that but choosing between fire/lightning/dark/magic and doing pitiful damage when you get it wrong is annoying. You also need to manage how much casts you have left and its all a pain in the ass.

Why do people like playing as wiznerds again?

That sounds fun to be honest

ez mode for cucks who like to sit back and shoot things from a safe distance

And what do you mean, choosing the right element/spells? There's Soul Stream and that's it.

When the game had just come out, that was how people would speedrun it. They'd go hex build, get the hexer gear from the one dude on the way to Huntsman's Copse, and blast through the content with the hexes that use souls to do more damage or w/e.

Magic in DaS2 does a fuck ton of damage outside of the DLC areas, so you're actually just retarded. A Hex character trivializes every boss except for like, Velstadt.

It's not. Enjoy using dark orb and nothing else until you get GRS. That was my pure hexer experience when the game first came out, lotsa shit got changed so I dunno what the caster experience is like now.

>buy DaS2
>install shader and controller plugins to make it not look and play like ass as much
>get softbanned for """cheating"""
>get put in a separate pool for multiplayer where everyone is using hacked stats and trainers
>no appeals process whatsoever

Powerstanced Gyrm Greataxes was probably one of the most fun builds I've done. The stat investment was insane though.

Well, yes and no. Magic in these games works in a way where it's pretty much useless and completely non-viable during the first half of the game, and then rapes everything later on. They can't seem to get the leveling curve for it right.

Early game with caster builds is the most tedious shit ever.
But hey, at least it's still better than faith. What's even the fucking point of having faith, which mostly specializes in healing spells, when you have unlimited health restoration via gems anyway?

Offhand great weapon, right hand light weapon.

I had fun with a greatlance/straightsword guy.

I'm on NG+2 and I don't even know what tis power stance is.

Is that just how you call wielding two weapons but two-handing just one of them?

I would go with a shieldless rapier build but thats just me

>I hacked the game and got put into a group full of hackers.

How do you figure out if you're softbanned anyway?

Attacking with a weapon in your offhand costs more stamina, it should probably be the other way.

>DSfix is hacking
>fixing messed-up controller deadzones is hacking

No it's when you access the actual dualwield moveset by holding the two-handing button (if enough stats, else it just becomes two-handing the left weapon).

have you ever swung around a huge ass gravestone... ON FIRE?

What are these great amazing OP hexes I missed that fucks everything up the ass? I just beat the iron king and spells seem pretty mediocre to me.

>DSfix is hacking
I run DSfix and haven't been hacked.

>fixing messed-up controller deadzones is hacking
Yes. Enjoy your soft ban.

>I run DSfix and haven't been hacked.
You can't be banned from 1 at all, retard.

resonant soul and great resonant soul. it doesn't work out too well unless you are mid-high level, because it requires a decent investment into both INT and FAI to do decent damage. But when it goes right, you hit like a truck and it casts fast as hell.

Used to be able to 1-shot players with GRS, good times.

In both DaS1, 2, and SotFS I've had DSfix. Nothing ever happened to me or the numerous people I play with.

Hex build is pretty cool, and pretty much the only Dark Souls where its plausible since DaS2 gives you way more freedom with level allocation due to the level range being higher.

>Soul Memory
What were they fucking thinking? I'd at least understand if it only counted souls put toward leveling/upgrading/purchasing stuff. But any amount of souls whatsoever? Beyond retarded. And the agape ring is the shittiest hotfix imaginable.

Glad they fixed this in DaS3, but it fucked up a ton of other stuff for PVP instead...

They really needed to bring back more weapons and sets from DaS2 into DaS3. I was so dissapointed with DaS3's shitty weaponry and almost every set being from DaS1 or some random one-off that has nothing to do with anything, and then they destroyed the Llewellyn set on top of that.

At least they brought back my weaponfu though.

I never played SotFS, is it dead on PS4 now? Tempted to get it and see how different it really is.

I see now. thankyou user

Yeah, the only thing I really liked about DS2 was the variety of interesting and unique weapons. In DS3, most of the stuff is so generic and been-there-done-that.

B-but my precious soul memory...
Seriously though, while that system has its flaws I'll take that anytime over being invaded by faggots with full maxed equipment at SL1.

The deadzone is an intended feature so that you can walk in straight line then walking. It doesn't affect your movement when you're running. It doesn't affect combat and PVP because you're always running.
Have you ever played DS1 and tried to walk the beams in Anor Londo? How many times did you need to adjust your stick or even completely stop because your character won't walk in a straight line?
Retards who install this fix just because they heard about "deadzone" meme deserve to be banned.

I recently started playing SOTFS because I only played vanilla without DLC. I'm waiting less than a minute to get summoned for boss fights. Not sure how this translates over to PS4.

You can tell when you're powerstancing, because your character with slightly raise one weapon.

>deadzones are a feature

Yes, imbecile. Because by default they do not exist. You need to EXPLICITLY add them to your game engine for deadzones to exist. It's not something you just accidentally fuck up, retard. And I explained you the reasoning behind it.
Also don't post your own avatar, it's against the rules.

>B-but my precious soul memory...

Dude, the game is fucking dead. If you encounter players at all, they're going to be in the 12m+ bracket. It takes multiple playthroughs to even come close to 12m anyway.
PS4 is marginally more dead than PC. It's hard to get invasions and bellboy raids, but summons do go through, especially in the DLC. PS4 is actually a really good port, mostly solid 60fps

>The deadzone is an intended feature so that you can walk in straight line then walking
I could walk just fine in all the other games.

>Have you ever played DS1 and tried to walk the beams in Anor Londo? How many times did you need to adjust your stick or even completely stop because your character won't walk in a straight line?
After disabling camera correction, none. Not that anything in 2 requires that precision to begin with.

>Hack game.
>Get banned.
>Whine like you were wronged somehow.

>controller fix is hacking

>After disabling camera correction, none.
Camera has nothing do with it. If you diverge your stick in DS1 even just by 1 degree (which is completely impossible to notice) your character will diverge by 1 degree as well.

>Not that anything in 2 requires that precision to begin with.
Nothing requires deadzone fix as well. It's just a meme.

Defend this, Souls babies.

Protip: You can't.

>If you diverge your stick in DS1 even just by 1 degree (which is completely impossible to notice) your character will diverge by 1 degree as well.
Your pad is garbage, user.

I wonder what the actual reason for the infamous earthen peak elevator was.

Did they accidentally make the elevator go up when it was supposed to be going down?


>a feature, they said

Are u new to video games? It's normal to have desert levels a few steps from ice levels a few steps from desert levels.

I'm arguing against it, stupid.

Dual Caestus

ds1 world was built and planned before the story was ever written.
ds2 was put together by a B-team who didn't even think about the world building process and just developed as they go.

>If I move my stick only for 1 degree it should not register
>if I move my mouse for less than 1 cm mouse pointer should not move
>If I press keyboard key for less than 20 ms it should not type the letter
That's not how input devices work.

They just fucked up. There was supposed to be a huge volcano behind the peak and you can even see it on preview image of the area when teleporting to the bonfire. But then just like with overlapping maps they just didn't manage to pull it off.

To be fair, it's not the ONLY reason the controls in DaS2 are shit. There's a variety of issues involving the animations, delayed input, adaptability, floatiness, and the imprecise controls that want you to stick to the axes.

It doesn't fix everything, but it does help.

all undead basically have dementia, get confused easily. when you're playing ds2 you're playing it through the view and mental state of an undead

Edgar Figaro build
Enough str and dex to hold avelyn(auto crossbow) and channeler's trident(drill)
Attunement for one slot, poison gas (bio blaster)
Bow to every female character then try to be as nice as possible (let invaders kill you, black crystal out of invasions, die for phantoms etc)

It's because the game was lazily made, rushed, and they just didn't give a fuck. I guarantee you that the individual areas were designed completely separately, and then they just stitched them together after the fact.

The level design in DaS2 in general is dogshit. Both in terms of how you play through each level, as well as how they're aesthetically designed. Most places are just a series of empty square rooms that look like they came out of an N64 game.

That's not what I said at all. His chink controller is clearly busted if what he described is really happening.


No, you're just simply retarded.
If you diverge you stick by 1 degree the controller registers it as change of input.
In DS1 it turns your walking character by 1 degree.
In DS2 it does nothing because of dead zones allowing you to walk straight even if you're slightly imprecise.
Download a program for remapping mouse to your gamepad and try drawing a straight line with you controller.

>explain the reasoning for explicitly added deadzones
>he still posts his memes
You can walk only in 4 directions so that you cannot accidentally fall off the cliff. But you have full smooth 360 degree movement when running.
Why are some people on Sup Forums so fucking stupid?

>trying to rationalize Drangleic's world design

Bruh, you can see Heide's from Majula and it's far away in the distance. Then you run through a short tunnel and you're magically there. Stop trying to make sense of this. They clearly didn't give any fucks about making a cohesive world.

Flat out shit design and visual communication.
Iron Keep is supposed to be in some sort of crater lake atop a mountain according to the devs so the elevator went up.
Also, that elevator is actually behind the windmill in which you never get any farther up than like one third of it but since the whole windmill is fuckhuge and most of the exploration happens inside it makes your way up to Mythra feel higher than it actually is and you might think that you are at the top of the windmill at the end.

muh imarshin

Except diverging your stick by 1 degree IS noticeable. Either you're trash or your controller is. No one ever asked for deadzones on DaS. Hell, no one ever asked for deadzones period.

>defending bad controls
>unironically using "it's a feature!" as an argument

I've seen everything now.

except thats not how it actually is

No, just proper world design. Although I guess you don't need to worry about properly putting a world together when you just stitch together different areas in a row and rely on bonfire warping between areas.

>fall off cliffs far more often in ds2 than ever in ds1 due to dead zones suddenly appearing
it's a feature

Do you not know what hacking is?

And nobody ever complained about DaS1's movement being imprecise or sluggish, but plenty of people do make this complaint about DaS2. And furthermore, they went back to DaS1's controls for BB and DaS3. Everything points to DaS2's controls being a fucking grievous mistake, but then there are retards who will defend literally anything.

>proper world design

>people should be banned for controller fixes and ENB shaders

You don't get banned for ENB shaders or DSFix. Stop saying this.

>Except diverging your stick by 1 degree IS noticeable.
Nice memes, retard. Diverging your stick just by 1 degree in walking mode requires less than 1 mm movement. I see you have never held controller in your life.

Here is my xbox controller, Slightly dusty since I haven't used it in a while.

It really doesn't matter either way. There's specific explanations as to why certain areas connect the way they do and retards just ignore them.

Not discounting the fact that DaS2 was cobbled together in about 6 months.

DS2's attack controls are unresponsive as hell due to the lack of wind-up frames in the attacks.
In DS1 you would initiate an attack and could still choose a direction for a few frames - something you can't do in DS2.
If you want to attack something in front of you and then behind you your character would do just that in DS1 while in DS2 he'll first swing to the side or in case of larger weapons won't budge at all and still attack in front of him.

>its so you dont walk off cliffs! its to help you!
>during walking. the one time most people dont fall off of a cliff other than standing still
>in the same game that is known for adding bullshit just to make it "harder"
>but the shitty controls is to help you!
>during a time where you dont need the "help"

that is the most retarded thing ive heard all day. DS2 apologists really are completely delusional.

No wonder you're complaining about precision, Xbox sticks are garbage and have gigantic deadzones by default. Try a Dualshock.

>but plenty of people do make this complaint about DaS2
Memes. Nothing but memes. Ask those people how exactly controls are imprecise in DS2 and they start mumbling about floatiness, sluggish, something about weigthless and other buzzwords. No examples, no webms. The only webm they ever post is which actually shits on DS1. There is not a single place in DS1 which requires precise 360 degree walking. But there is a place where it needs precise straight line walking (Anor Londo's beams) and it fails miserably there.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

(fist weapons)
(two of them)

>>during walking. the one time most people dont fall off of a cliff other than standing still
I don't think you played DaS1 if you think walking along the rafters wasn't perilous.


You can build literally whatever the fuck you want in DaS2 and it will be viable.

The weapon and magic balance was one of the games only strong points.

Weapons also have longer startup frames, well, everything does really. Recovery frames too.


Or it may be because they don't want you walking 4 hours to get to a new place. But, no. Incoherent world design. Got it.

>everything I don't like is a meme
DaS2's controls are shit and you know it. You don't see anyone complaining about imprecision or sluggishness with Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, or Bloodborne. Why? Because the controls for those games work, whereas they're shitty and broken in 2.

Yes, retard.
You can walk only straight lines in DS2. How the fuck do you fall off the cliff if you only can walk straight lines? Did you intentionally turn your camera so that straight line walking would kill you? How retarded are you.
Try going to Anor Londo's beams, close your eyes and walk them till the end of one of the beams. In DS2 it's super easy if you position your camera beforehand. You just go straight line and never diverge. Not so much in DS1.
How hoard is it to understand.
Now tell me a single example where you need 360 degree walking in DS2. A single fucking example. Because DS1 babbies still didn't name a single one.

I bet you like Fallout 3 and Skyrim too, right? Fuck off, you filthy casual.

>current year +2
>still defending terrible controls

Does From pay you to shill, or do you do it for free?

this is actually completely true

>Xbox sticks are garbage and have gigantic deadzones by default.
Found the retard. It' a common knowledge Xbox sticks are miles better than anything PS4 ever made.

Good response. Well memed.