Takes 3 to 5 mins to get into QP on a Sunday afternoon

>takes 3 to 5 mins to get into QP on a Sunday afternoon

What the fuck happened?

blizzard banned all the """""""""""""""""""toxic""""""""""""""""""""""" players

Mods plz remove this toxic thread.

That's what you deserve for being European.

Heyyyy, Jeff Kaplan here.

We looked a some of our data and the game seems very healthy population-wise on our end, so maybe try to fix your internet connection or change the region you're looking for a match.

>Only 1% of players are toxic, don't worry
>20 minute queue times post-purge


It's dead, me and my friends dropped it in November. It's kind of funny how blizzard boasts about 30 million copies but never publishes player numbers like steam does. Overwatch was the true and original flavour of the month. One day it's 10/10 goty with millions of drones and the other it's dead. Just look on twitch- pathetic view count and most of the streams are Korean.

Meanwhile it takes pubg 3 seconds to find a match 3am in the morning

Matchmaking happened.
No one ever stops to think about the sheer fucking amount of variety in player locations, stats and grouping matchmaking has to sort through.

Yes but that's because

>Desperately tries to find 11 other players on the same skill level as you

>Random 100 players

Lawbreakers killed it.

you forgot

>the games are completely imbalanced
>even in low competitive game you read that it takes time to find "equal" opponents
>even with the waiting the games are completely impalanced

I had matches with people who are more than 1000 sr under me. Also the throwers are increasing. It seems like the few people who are playing don't care for the game anymore.


your problem is that you live in the third world

It was taking me 4+ yesterday on a saturday afternoon. Fucking game is dead lmao, everyone realised it's a pile of shit and moved to something better.

All you ever get in qp is 5dps expecting you to tank or heal them aswell. Fuck this game.

>What the fuck happened?

It was a fad, hyped up by streamers and ex-tf2 players.
Now everyone moved on to the next popular game, that is PUBG.

what are regional servers?
are americucks this bad at school?

people got tired of the Jeff circlejerk and moved on to games with faster content release

Blizzard are being stupid, they are cracking down on banter to the point that people are just not wanting to play anymore.

Playing a game like this and being nice is pointless, the whole reason to play is to be kill people and enjoy the banter.

>third worlders playing a game that isn't ftp

yeah nice try

At least SMITE matchmaking is better again, especially when they allowed to multi-queue into different mods at once. Was pretty abysmal during summer. Even Siege-mode has ok matchmaking now which is unheard of.

Overwatch games air on Disney Channel, it's a game made for 12 yo kids or girls