Only complaint is unskippable cutscenes

Only complaint is unskippable cutscenes

Other urls found in this thread:

Combat is bad

Find weakness, stunlock to death
No customization

Primrose can allure, Olberic can beat a bitch up. What will the other party members be able to do?

Scare, bribe, deceive, impersonate

All I could think of

3DS quality game on the switch only... Into the trash it goes.

>Sup Forums on announcement day


Why does Sup Forums do this?

I played the demo

It's bad

>You will never be Primrose
Honestly, what the fuck is the point of even living?



I played the demo

It's good


I have a serious case of Who the fuck cares?

you also have a serious case of entering threads you don't care about and getting mad about it


That soundtrack brings me right back to the PS1 JRPG era, I'm already sold

i wish the game was more colourful at times, and that there was less bloom

art style is literally the only thing going for it.

I wish they'd redo FFVI with these graphics.



It's like Sup Forums is bunch of different people with different opinions.

how much health does helgenech have holy fuck

About 3k HP.
He is easy as fuck to kill just keep a high amount of bonus stabs incase he gets angry after you stun him.
Looming shadow is annoying but he tends to use it less as the fight goes on, he usually does backhand.
If he does gets angry he can fuck you up easy.
I took him out at lv4 and used the fire gem that is in the dungeon before the boss to kill his flunkies.

Interesting concept
Graphics look great on the switch, actually didn't like it in trailers
Great music


i lost to him now i have to sit through the cutscene agai nFUCK

is there anything to do after i just beat him? I can walk around now


>complaining about no customization in a working demo

Just make sure to hit him 4x then use the single target shadow dance for 400 damage, if you use the power that ups damage it goes to 650 but you only get 3 rounds of it so its not worth it.
You can travel the desert and go to the other towns. There are sub missions and also you can go get the knight if you are Primrose.
If you are the knight you can go get Primrose in the desert town.

It looks like shit. Neither old school nor 3D. Just overall UNSATISFYING.

First day
>only people who played it
>salty sonyfags who noticed people like it

I adore HD 2D and the scenarios have a lot of potential however it is rough around the edges.

>shops are just menus
>no option to sell inferior gear and auto equip upon buying new gear
>battle transitions are jarring
>less bloom
>need to see more party members to judge potential of the battle system
>random encounters might have too much HP considering the break system

other than that 8/10 Day One Buy

drones didn't give a fuck about Bravely. Why Octopath?


Cause Bravely looked more like Fire Emblem, Octopath looks more like their precious Final Fantasy. It's a great throwback and they hate it

Bravely was actually massive shitstorm material when it came out, it's just old at this point.

Contrarians. When Octopath Traveler is released, Sup Forums will hate it because the rest of the internet loves it.

>Cause Bravely looked more like Fire Emblem, Octopath looks more like their precious Final Fantasy.

I always thought it was more akin to the FF 3/4 DS remakes.

Sony!? More like ... sorry!

>Octopath looks more like their precious Final Fantasy

this might be my nostalgia for SaGa or "le honeymoon" may mays but i care more about the two characters in the demo than most FF protags.

I'll wait for the PC version.


damn dude you sure rek'd him

There is genuinely a coordinate effort by a bunch of faggots to shitpost LITERALLY every new game discussed off the board.
The literal only times they haven't managed to succeed thus far are with games that got way too much attention on Sup Forums for them to overpower and appear like a mob of people who hate the game too.

I fucking hate it. And I fucking hate that I feel like I'm the only one who notices it.

For poorfags, and as someone used to snes jrpgs, what's the game about?

Are you retarded or underage? That's just how public opinion works. It was already cool to throw shit on new games on Sup Forums in 2007. Only the excitement of people looking forward to a game can trump the cynicism. This game? It looks like shit, has no character, plays trite and brings nothing really new to a market starved for a good jRPG.

Loving the music.