Grow up watching AVGN

>grow up watching AVGN
>he's always drinking that one kind of beer
>many years pass
>come of legal drinking age
>finally decide to try Rolling Rock
>it's fucking shit

It can't just be me, right?


He's just some average dumb American, what did you expect?

Have you tried to drink it on the roll n' rocker?




He doesn't like the bear either. He was a poor-ass post-grad and just bought beer he could afford. It just stuck.

That's actually kind of the point of the beer. It's part of his character.
The Nerd is this regular dude with simple tastes, who drink cheap beer, and bad video games piss him off.

>waiting with beer until you're legal

Nothing wrong with rolling rock, you just don't like beer, user.

>breaking the law
Nigger detected.

Meh it's a bit on the lighter side of things, but it's definitely not the worst thing out there.

Every beer is shit.
It's just something that people pretend to like so they conform to social expectations.

Why do people still act surprised at the autistic/virgin/NEET behavior of other anons?
What do you think happens when you have no social life, and *perhaps* a couple of nerd friends, if any? There's literally no reason to drink and smoke and fuck.

>he thinks beer is shit because he mostly drinks corporate piss
pleb detected

Little bitch detected

Found the fedora.

It's an acquired taste. Just most people out there drink bullshit like budweiser or light beer and that shit is garbage.

you don't buy cheap beer for the taste

He's on the decline while Mike is still enjoying his 9 inch dick and his youth

>le xkcd ebin meme
No. Stop.

When will they learn?

Damn, that projection.

You don't buy it for the taste period.

>grow up watching AVGN
>he's always drinking that one kind of beer
>many years pass
>come of legal drinking age
>finally decide to rewatch AVGN
>it's fucking shit

It can't just be me, right?

i was just a lad when i started watching AVGN and now im a man

This, holy fucking shit. I don't understand how people drink beer to get drunk. My stomach always gets full before I get shitfaced. I prefer a cheap vodka, cyka blyat

who /coors banquet/ here?

>Buying stuff just because you saw some e-celeb on YouTube using it

I hope it's just you.

Since this is an off topic thread then I'll just share something because I have no friends.
>Be 20
>Very anti alcohol/drugs kind of person
>Think alcohol is disgusting
>Never been drunk once in my life, hell never even finished a can of beer
>Being autistic as I usually am, I feel superior to other retards my age whose only goal in life is to go out and drink every Friday
>Today my family made me try a sip of sake for the first time in my life
>It's very soft, doesn't burn the throat/doesn't have a disgusting taste like most other drinks I've tried
>Family asks if I liked it
>"Disgusting, if it has alcohol I hate it. Never do this to me again."
>mfw I actually liked it
Now I understand how you always see people in animoo getting drunk off this shit.
I am scared of myself now, I have very poor self control.please help

Explain how I'm projecting.

Sup Forums has the rolling rock meme and /fit/ has the sips meme

there's nothing wrong with drinking user, I find it more enjoyable than narcotics or weed

Just if you find yourself constantly drunk or in a hangover the day after instead of achieving a nice steady buzz, you're doing it wrong

>I don't like beer, so everyone else doesn't like it
You're shit.

Actual nigger detected

You sound like such a little faggot. I fucking hate you.

Best to drink beer with food that goes with it fresh burgers and fries Drinking it alone will end up giving you that water belly feeling

I used to love getting beer drunk, but over the years, tolerance has made it damn near impossible. Like you said, I just get full before I get drunk and it's a very uncomfortable feeling. I still enjoy having a good beer socially, but go for cheap vodka at home. Buying beer for home drinking feels wasteful.
>tfw poor gaming alcoholic

im partial to pizza with my beer

I have self control issues too

I dont know how to fix it, sorry, I still play WoW on a daily basis and cant think of anything else to play

>not drinking and smoking while playing DnD.
Get better friends.

any alcohol is best worth combining with food

I once drank a 300 ml high alcohol beer before going to sleep thinking it would let me fall asleep faster but it only gave me insomnia

it actually does taste good when you're really thirsty
the sweetness of some beers literally scales with how thirsty and hot you are at the moment
I can drink same beer after hard work and ti's delicious, but when I come to the pub on a cold afternoon after a day of doing duck all the same beer tastes like fucking shit and I have to force myself to finish a single glass

I don't mind it, I like pretty much anything that isnt IPA and even then there are a few of those that I don't mind.

Wow user you're so intellectually superior.

>Playing D&D at all.
Get better friends.

its a white guy drink.

People who actually believe this are fucking retarded. Beer is good, low-test numales won't understand.

It just takes like water to me.

>hate the taste of any and all alcohol
>have a taste of Stella apple cider
>its actually very tasty
>drinking some this very moment out of my Stella glass, you know the one Sup Forums

feels good to finally have something I like

>grow up watching anything on Youtube
I feel old.

>he doesn't pretend to be a fey elf and enjoy the unlimited interactivity of table top games.

At least you can still drink alone m8. I've had a bad year and any time I drink, I just get sad.
Still, My fellow vodka brother. People just don't understand when they say it tastes nasty, Who gives a shit about the taste, suck a few shots down and shut the fuck up

>street fighter 2010 episode is 7 years old

>tfw kidney burns when I drink alcohol now


tfw you're not enjoying an IPA right now

Call me a faggot, but I'd take whisky over beer any day

I can feel your insecurity through the screen


The last time I seriously drank was in the evening of last christmas and the result was that I was focused on lego until some time in the afternoon the following day

D&D players are just normies with weird tastes. The only reason you failed to socialize with the rest of society, is that you keep bringing up shit no one cares about like fey elves. But if you had interests in say a sport, then you could completely adapt to regular society.

You really don't understand the kind lacking social life I'm describing.

It was actually water most of the time.

>malibu and pineapple juice
>people poke fun at me for drinking a bitchy drink
>don't care cause it actually tastes good

beer is vile

I mean, out of all the adjuncts, Rolling Rock is my favorite, but it's not a great beer by any standards

Just don't go to a liquor store, friendo

god Randall Munroe is such a fucking faggot

Careful mate, got some beer in your head.


My Stella glass was stolen off my door step. I will never not be salty about that.

>implying I'm not just a normie with wierd tastes as well.
I'll grant that I don't have a particularly robust social life or a lot of friends, but I'm perfectly comfortable with that.

He spent most of his education stuck in a special needs class. What do you expect?

Rolling Rick is shit tier beer, you're right, OP.


>>implying I'm not just a normie with wierd tastes as well.
Actually, that's exactly what I AM implying.

fedora faggot

>never knowing the joys of a good oatmeal stout

Plebbiest of the plebs.

Hasn't he acknowledged how shit it is? Isn't that why he drinks it during his videos?

I tried Rolling Rock last year when I visited the US. is not awful, just very very plain.

Stop using this as an insult.
Testosterone is associated with subhuman niggers and violence like islam.
You should eat a lot of soy to lower your test so you can act as a civilized human being

>People who argue over brands and types of alcohol
Always a dick-measuring contest to see who is the most "adult" because drinking is the cool adult passtime. It's the root of alcohol fetishism.

Shit tastes better. Sue me.

lel, it's the poor man's liquor. And I drink it on the reg.

I'm not a huge fan of beers but Ive enjoyed hard ciders for years.


I bet you also enjoyed hard cocks for years.

My mistake then. Not sure why you'd look down on dnd though.

I dont like beer
vodka and juice is where I am

Why drink it if you're not in it for flavor? It's not like there aren't other cheap liquors.

Coke and rum every night for 4 months is a good way to ruin your life

cuba libre chico

>nerdy friends don't try out beer
Did you have any friends at all when growing up?

if we gonna talk beer
>best tier
Belgian ale
Pale Ale
>great tier
Imperial Pale Ale
Brown ale
>good tier
Red Ale
Blonde Ale
Pumpkin Ale
>passable tier
cream ale
rice lager
>shit tier
american adjunct lager
malt liquor

keep trying new, different beers
chances are you'll eventually find one you'll like

this is why i drink rum, atleast thats got some actual flavor

I'm only shitting on D&D, because you tried to pass it off as this cool thing that nerds do to socialize, and me and my friends are lame for not partaking. Typical normie think.
>Yo, I smoke and drink with my friends, so everyone else on Sup Forums does too, right? WHAT?! YOU DON'T?! YOU'RE LAME, LOL, GET BETTER FRIENDS.

Not any who drink. Why is this surprising to you guys?

>Beer comes in many flavors, more than any other beverage out there in the entire world
>It's shit cause I said so

Do you ever wonder, if retarded people know they're retard or if they're oblivious to their situation? I'm thinking the latter, cause you're one DUMB mother fucker.

you just have to understand how alcohol works

>implying liquor tastes good
I just wanna get drunk with minimal drinking/expenditure. Any "taste" in alcohol is acquired. I bet you mix your drinks. Ice counts.

>>it's fucking shit
thats the joke user

change bear to all alcooholic beverages and its true
