Vidya pet peeves

Little things that annoy you for no good reason.

I dislike it in FPS games when you find a new gun and the game stops you in place for a few seconds while your character holds the gun up at different angles to admire it.

If you shoot during the animation, you can end it, so it doesn't really stop the gameplay, unlike the interactive cutscenes or picking up a key.
At least in this game.

I'm not talking about Doom in particular, it's just something I've noticed in a lot of games lately and I'm sure not all of them let you skip it.

>game is loading
>open the xmb to pass some time etc
>game pauses it's GODDAMN loading process
Absolutely fucking obnoxious.

>plays an FPS
>FPS where gun violence is the main point
>screenshot is doom, the most over the top ultra violent game for the sake of it.

I don't think First Person Shooters are for you user if you can't buy into the experience to the point where a new tool to progress in the game is presented to you and given a moment to savour the majesty of the upgrade.

bet you voted for hilary

I like that fuck you

>unskippable cutscenes
>bonus rage if game is designed for multi playthroughs

>putting discs into the machine
>buying disc version means something I can sell later rather than throw my e-pennies into the e-void

what do?

I preferred it in the original games and pretty much every old FPS where you'd find a gun and simply use it.

>fight through level and clear all enemies
>devs get lazy
>enemies respawn and you have to fight back through the whole level again

what the fuck?

>pause game
>it's ambient noises are still playing

>alt tab out of game
>game music/noises still playing

what's the fucking point then?

I respect your point of view.

I don't play that many FPS so DOOM was the first time i really experienced it so I can get the over done angle.

>menus are animated in such a way that you can click the option that you were previously hovering over

>game says there will be thousands of NPC's, locations, and quests
>it's literally just the same dozen copy pasted around

Well to be fair, if you find a gun on the ground irl you wouldn't just use it. You'd need to inspect it, see if it's safe to use, working properly, loaded, etc.

true, but most battlefield weapons are designed so you can easily see if a round is chambered. then again, you need to check the magazine so you're not surprised that there's 2 rounds left and you quickly run out of ammo

>devs can't come up with interesting/logical ways to get enemies into an area

This pisses me off to no end. I'd rather have an empty room than fight another wave of enemies. At least that way, I can have a breather

and games aren't irl. should your character stop every 2 hours to take a shit?

>Press X to cool cinematic kill
>Most of the frantic gameplay is limited to small locked off arenas

Nu-Doom was shit

>unskippable fucking logos when you start the game


If you're shitting every two hours, I'd have some questions about your digestive track

I like it when the corpses stay there, it's like a trail of death you leave behind

>flashlights can run out of batteries

Shhhh dont say that you ill get swarmed by nu/v/

>weapon/armor durability

This is literally never fun, ever

>game plays a deep bass note upon every cinematic kill
Why Dishonored 2? I even turned off cinematic kills in the options.

>gunfight in room
>riflefire and explosions for 5 minutes
>open door to next room
>enemies inside act surprised I pop out

Nigga, I live in backwoods Georgia and I can hear my neighbor literally a mile away practice shooting

B-but i-it does that even in real life! After like ≥10 hours.

>invest money in the game
>you get advertisement from it

>flashlight batteries last for one minute

is it weird if i actually like stuff like that

in LA Noire, for instance, I like the slow, gingerly pace that Cole handles the evidence. It makes it really immersive

It's just so fucking annoying. Like why do it? What purpose does it serve other than to force you to sit in a corner for 5 seconds until it's full recharged? It's such a waste of time. There almost never a consequence for letting the batteries run out, and all it does is inconvenience you.

Really? I like when that happens (obviously when you pick it up for the first time only). Lets you savor the moment a bit more. If it happened every time, sure it'd be obnoxious. The one off nature of it is fine IMO.
Also, it's situational - games like Quake 3 would be totally out of place for it.

Am I the only one that wishes games had a surrender/retreat mechanic? I mean, if you're a mercenary and you see the protag wipe out 20 of your guys in 30 seconds are you really going to fight to the end?

>gear purchasable in shops is always already inferior to current gear, or will be 3 seconds into the area the shop directly precedes.
>Useless money, where there's little to no reason to spend it, even on basic consumables.
>Best gear/spell/armour/loot in game is behind hardest boss in game.


You keep guns forever in DOOM. I thought it was pretty cool, it's not any different than the little cutscene that plays when getting a new powerup in Metroid Prime.

Like the guns, first time is fine, but every time? It's just annoying (outside of actually needing that time to load the game properly. But how often does that actually happen)


i don't need to see the same fucking logos every single time i start the game. fine, make it unskippable the first time i start it, but every time afterwards it is just a huge nuisance

Dawn of War 2 had a retreat mechanic. Was super helpful.
(Totally different genre, but you didn't specify)

Retreating is a possibility in a lot of games. I guess most people just reload and avoid the encounter though.

>you character has rifles, shotguns, grenades, explosives, fucking laser weapons
>come to small gate or wooden door
>need to find the key


I agree with you. I can't fucking stand not being able to skip them. Especially if theyre long ass logo animaitons that last 3+ seconds. Like god damn man, I just want to play, not sit there for 100 years.

Why don't all games just have the title menu come up with all the logos from other companies/etc in the corners and on the sides? Big title screen in the middle with "start game, load, options, etc" and then all around the boarder would be the other logos. Much less annoying and less intrusive.

in front mission 3 and you can force enemies to surrender and abandon their mech which lets you claim the parts

>it's supposedly a good thing that instead of cutscenes, the game leaves you in control of your character, but all you can do while plot shit is happening is hop around the confined area you're in while NPCs talk

>increasing graphics options too far loops back to low settings
>none of the options are consistent about what the highest setting is

>wants realism but also want them to do a dumb movie trope
shooting locks is a stupid idea that doesn't always work

>highest/lowest preset option doesn't max/min all of the advanced options

>no way to skip it on your second, third or tenth playthrough

>NPC walks to a place.
>Your run is faster than their walk.
>Your walk is slower than theirs.

Why? Why?


Weapon sheathe. Be it for swords for slings for guns. Almost no game has done it at all, let alone done it right.

>Game has dense vegetation and foliage to hide in
>AI can just simply see through it and you can't
>All the enemies on the map also know your precise location and can accurately shoot you from the top of mount everest

Doomguy wanks over super shotgun every time he picks it up (and there are at least three of them in the game)
but he doesn't fucking stop moving, and there are no enemies in sight anyway OP is a faggot

>mouse acceleration is on by default

I could see it making sense in a combat situation, so you can catch up to them if you take cover for a moment but also don't feel like they're lagging behind too much, but it's fucking annoying otherwise.

>sprinting causes the fov to increase and the edges of the screen to blur

>Gun just magically attaches to your back.

At least gears of war explained it with magnets on their backs

>npc isn't programed to do anything ither than walk through the middle of every enemy encounter
Take some cover of something, jesus.

>game starts in 800x600 fullscreen
>fucks up your desktop icons and other window sizes and positions

I like admiring the weapon but it's true that you shouldn't be forced to do that

>Playing DOOM3 on veteran and getting body blocked by spawning Imps and Maggots

don't waste that ammo boy

I hate it when bosses have forced "phases" where they run off/turn invincible after taking a set amount of damage and gloat.
Especially in a game designed around farming or multiple playthroughs.

Especially when the game doesn't make it clear whether or not the boss has turned invincible during the phase change.

shotguns, grenades, explosives

Level scaling.
Absolute trash mechanic.

He means enemies retreating. If youre some dumb gang banger, or even a soldier, and see a fuck ton of your close friends shot/slashed/magicked/exploded, are you going to stay and try to fight the unstoppable maelstrom of death, or fuck off in the other direction for reinforcements, or just never come back.

If it's a third person game, and you go inside, the camera zooms in to avoid clipping with the walls.

It really was , from the shitty starter pistol to the corridor-arena-repeat levels I couldn't even muster the energy to beat the first level.

what is the alternate option here

This. I've always wondered if it would be better if the game just put you in a cutscene or made you immovable.

Perfect Dark did it.

Then again Perfect Dark did a lot of things that modern shooters completely fail to grasp.

Max Payne 3

Such a great fucking game, completely ruined by unskippable cutscenes.

Make the obstructing walls transparent. Some games do do this although they have to be careful about revealing the void.

>Fatal Frame 2
>pause game
>sitting on bed talking with friend while we finish eating Taco Bell
>watching screen
>suddenly faces appear on screen
>friends phone rings
>forwhatever fucking reason, he had laughing kids as his ringtone at the time
>we both freak
>make my friend change his ringtone

It's worse then the boss' weak point is only exposed after they use a certain attack, but their attack pattern is completely random.

I'd like a game where there wasn't a battery feature, but as the game progresses, your batteries die and your light starts dimming, until you finally lose it for good.

The mechanic makes sense in games where your batteries don't recharge.

>tiny amount of enemy types
>some of them being stronger, rarer encounters
>this means you spend 90% of the game fighting the same couple trash mobs that don't change from minute one to hour one hundred

>mission has to do something with NPC
>either escort
>or you are chased by it
>or both
>on a previously cleared level
>the game makes you revisit it

>Escort walks faster than you walk but runs slower than you run.

>Have to escort NPC
>NPC keeps attacking everything they see and getting their face smashed in

>Enemies explode on death

>have to travel across the map because of a quest
>fast travel can't be used because you haven't visited the location before

>inna hack in slash with no decent reusable ranged attacks

The way developers model hands in racing games, more specifically "sims".

Who the fuck holds the steering wheel like this? It's not even practical.

>Enemies that split into more enemies upon death

>doesn't have his hands at 10 and 2

I don't understand what's your problem with that. That's what i'd do irl.

>NPC runs face straight into scripted enemy spawns
HL2 on hard is another game entirely

This. What the fuck is mouse acceleration for anyway?

If at first doesn't work then you are not trying hard enough.

Farcry 1?

Mouse acceleration serves the useful purpose of enabling both precise movement via slow mouse movement and quick imprecise movement via fast mouse movement. You can't really ever turn it off, most mouses have inbuilt acceleration logic in the hardware to smooth movement and Windows has it's own acceleration logic that cannot be turned off. Most people actually like their mouse working this way.

When people bitch about mouse acceleration in games what they are usually really bitching about is a poorly tuned acceleration curve and it's usually like that because it was designed for use with thumbsticks, not a mouse. The problem with a lot of games is that changing the acceleration curve to better suit a mouse renders the game far too easy because the whole game is designed around how bad thumbsticks are at control and precision. Thumbsticks is why, for example, enemies in Resident Evil 4 run towards the player but stop a few meters away from them and start slowly shuffling around and this enemy AI, along with shit like how easy it is to aim at small things like thrown weapons, is why the game is piss fucking easy on PC in comparison to the consoles.

>character leaves the party
>lose all the equipment they had

>have to reload
>slow ass tacticool reloading action gets me killed

Yeah what were they thinking? You can't even mod that shit out.