It's sad because it's true.
It's sad because it's true
no, actually you're retarded
i didn't want to be the one to tell you but here we are
I bet you are excited for the new xbox
i bet you're a moron
What would my capacity for intellectualism have to do with posting on Sup Forums - video games?
>"magic" crystal
>can't bring back tech from the future
>but can somehow limit every piece to tech right now.
>"Dude lmao it would take more then 100 years to get 4k 120fps on console"
damn, this thread is fucking garbage
time to send it to the shadow realm, with this 7
personally i dont think consoles will ever get 120fps.
if they arent doing it now, why would they do it in the future?
>implying there is only one kind of magic
For all you know the crystal had chronomamcy as a dump stat.
I still don't really understand poor people. When I see a new console which can potentially offer a new, fun experience, I weigh the pros and cons, then if it's good, I buy it.
When a poor person sees a new system which is potentially enjoyable. They work their hardest to shit on it and ruin it for others, just because they themselves can't afford another system. Just look at the whole Nintendo Switch thing. There's people who post daily threads just to shit on it, just because they can't get it themselves.
>n-nah, they just dont want it
Then why shit on it? What would be the purpose of that? I have no interest in sewing machines. Guess I should be on sewing machine forums shitting on them. That's apparently what all under 25 year-olds do with their spare time.
imagine being in 1992 and wondering why consoles aren't doing 4k
Post more
Keep going, thread is garbo anyway
>under 25
Oh user trust me, there's plenty of shitposting 30 year old fucks on here
thread is karbo
except that doesn't work because you can see a clear trend from then and before then of a gradual increase of image resolution.
Yet there is ZERO increase in frame rate in the past 15 years.
Poor people will ignore this to avoid being outed. Good post.
TV manufacturers already tried to make 120hz mainstream when the 3D craze started, that failed.
Consoles won't get to 120hz simply because no one who buys a console gives a shit or has the equipment.
>capacity for intellectualism
thank you
>woman paying your college debt
Huh? Is the author daft? Where the fuck does he live where this happens?
>posting on Sup Forums - video games
This is so straight forward It gave me a chuckle
Look at that german shepard eyeing up that lady oh baby
God bless Bugs (easy on carrots)
How do you reduce society to the optimal number of people?
Put estrogen in the water, we get cute traps AND they can't breed
But america already does that yet all you see is fat lards.
>Emily Youcis
I still can't decide if she's doing this for the lulz or not
Increase the dose
I fucking hate tourism so god damn much, you literally can't enjoy anything in peace and quiet unless you're going to some extreme places
We need another plague.
I have a suggestion.