Ok, now that a couple of months have passed we saw the almost everyone on this list did at least SOMETHING on switch...

Ok, now that a couple of months have passed we saw the almost everyone on this list did at least SOMETHING on switch, so what is up with the developers left?

>codemasters coing jack shit, but we'll consider
>platinum being vague bastards teasing shit and then doing nothing
>from software sitting on its ass doing nothing
>take2 crying
>thq being incompetent hacks

Other urls found in this thread:


I think a Dark Souls port is looking increasingly likely

What the fuck happened with THQ and Take2?
Did they really drop out of supporting the Switch?
What the fuck man

Almost all the people you crossed out OP are doing stuff for the Switch.

OH, I get it, but THQ Nordic and TakeTwo are making games

>reading comprehension

Isn't Take2 the company that owns Rockstar?

Take2 is getting that La Noire made and also NBA

>reading comprehension
That's the point you fag
Only the four studios in a blue circle have done nothing with the Switch
Also, what the fuck has Konami done for the Switch?

Yes, TakeTwo is making NBA2K and LA Noire.
THQ Nordic is making that RPG.

T2 is porting LA Noire
THQ is porting some indie games

>THQ Nordic is making that RPG
Would it kill you to be at least a little bit more specific?

Take2 is releasing the sports games, WWE games and LA Noire on the Switch.


Konami made Bomberman and teased a possible new Castlevania

>only piece of shit companies left

Switch is giving a no games vibe

I don't remember Namco and Konami doing anything yet

Super Bomberman R

Battle Chasers and Sine Mora

Only that?
No fucking wonder it feels like nothing, it's literally nothing
I give Konami until next March before dropping out completely, it's clear they don't care

Both THQ and Take Two are making games for Switch, but I think that OP refers to THQ saying that the Switch wasn't powerful enough to handle all their games and Take Two saying that their games need to sell very well so they keep supporting the Switch.

, and Namco released Namco museum and Xeboverse 2

This isn't the problem, wii u had the same level of support in the inital release.

It's what comes after in the second wave in year 2 if those same devs are releasing new games on it.

Would give my left nut for a Silent Hill for the Switch. Would be neat if SH1 could get an actual remake instead of a wagglan tech demo.

You know what? I would love to see both ninja gaiden sigma games come to the switch, maybe with a few things that may have been cut out.

Yeah cuz Konami really care about anything other than Pes and milking MGS.

Also Nintendo kids are not allowed horror games.

>wii u had the same level of support in the inital release.
Not really, the Wii U recieved ports that were several years old for the most part while only getting one or two modern games that were also cut to shreds.
With the Switch it's getting games that have been released in the previous year or this year made specifically for the system and with the exception of Fifa and Rayman they've not yet been cut to shreds.

>Spike Chunsoft
bunch of mystery dungeons
probably another danganronpa or zero escape port


I'm tired of those shitty ports. Either put black on or nobody cares. Thank fuck the xbone X might give it new life despite costing 500 bucks.

Year 1 games are selling, so year 2 will have even more games, rest assured.

Layton x Phoenix Wright x Zero Escape x Dangan Ronpa collaboration project. I cannot say much more.

I don't understand how you could even imagine that happening, especially the remake


>Also Nintendo kids are not allowed horror games.
Which is why every Nintendo system has them right?


Since Disney released the capcom disney NES games I think Konami should try and bust out the old TMNT NES games.

I would love a remake of some of them. And give us another 4 as well while you're at it.

Danganronpa seems unlikely. It's mostly for Sony and PC.

>the Wii U recieved ports that were several years old for the most part while only getting one or two modern games that were also cut to shreds.

Not really, Black ops 2 was on Wii U as well as ghosts which the switch isn't even getting them. Splinter Cell BL, Mass Effect, Tekken Tag 2 and Sniper elite 2, NBA and Darksiders 2. None of these were more than 5 years old and some were simultaneous releases

Yeah but uh that doesn't count because DELET TIHS

And they sold badly. Nintendo parents don't want to buy their kids horror games.

Also I'm talking about Nintendo from Wii and up since that's when every parents realised that was the console for "kids" not teens.

Codemasters will end up papping some serious racing game on the switch, dunno why they're being all mysterious on if it's is dirt or something else

We'll most likely get Wonderful 102 or Bayo 3.

>And they sold badly.
Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS is the best selling version of Revelations in general which includes 2.

Has Fromsoft shown anything new at all yet? It's been ages since I heard anything from them.

There was talks about Dark Souls running on the switch

Bruh, revelation games are about as horror as the Zero escape games.

We get a shitty F1 port.

>Nintendo from Wii up
You're only digging your metaphorical grave here, the Wii is exactly where Project Zero/Fatal Frame started turning into a pseudo-exclusive Nintendo franchise
>2's remake on Wii
>4 on Wii
>5 on Wii U
>Spinoff on 3DS
If the series' going so horribly why do they keep going? Even ignoring PZ and RE, one of the Wii U's launch games was Zombie U for crying out loud

And of course the goalpost started moving

Yeah, Sup Forums memes.

Dark souls 2 can't even get a stable 60fps on ps4.

Are you really going with an "it doesn't count!" argument for a famous horror series?

>Dark souls 2 can't even get a stable 60fps on ps4.
Nothing gets a stable 60 on PS4

Being realistic here for a minute, more than half of those developers are gonna drop out in less than 6 months

That's because the PS4 is hot shit.

Keep crying Nintenlards

OR, they are working on games and they aren't shovelware like they make for the PlayStation so it takes time.

Bomberman blew their expectations away so they will continue to support the Switch.

It was a literal statement by the devs themselves, you memester.

>not from software's infamously bad optimization

Almost every game from them has inconsistent frame rates starting from last gen. Still remember chromehounds dropping FPS when explosions happen.

Idort sonny jim.
I own a PS4 and it's hot shit.

Take 2 is NBA and LA Noire

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Last time i checked the devs were done with dark souls. Only Bamco could jew a port in.


It's only been six months, dude.

>some shit blog
>"According to one of our sources"
>some arab blog
>same arab blog links its source back to the original blog

Come on, literally a pointless read.

Namco museum, its pretty good

wow dead games nobody gives a shit about insteaf of GTA

they totally care about the platform

It's getting a port to the Xbone and PS4 at the same time.

from software has went completely silent after finishing das3, reportedly they are working on a bunch of games one of which is an RPG but nothing concrete

>Spike Chunsoft
Danganronpa Trilogy on Switch would be perfect, but its very unlikely to happen.

They would probably just make a Zero Escape port.

who exactly wanted la noire on switch?

Who exactly wanted it on PS4/Xbone?

They're the one studio I really want to put something on the Switch. Murder VN/Puzzle shit is a perfect genre for it, and I'm holding off playing V3 until we here what their first release for it is.

>Platinum Games: Bayonetta 1 and 2 switch ports with enhanced performance, visuals, and new costumes. Also Wonderful 101 port
>Fromsoft: Darks souls 1-3

The fact that people STILL believe From will port Dark Souls to the Switch is hilarious
Switch cannot even run DS1, how the fuck do you expect it to run 3?
Just accept it, From is not doing anything with the Switch anymore

>Care most about From and Platinum
>Still silent

The wait is killing me


It runs doom boi

>laura dale

At 360p with 20fps sure


Not that i particularly believe the rumours, but how can the Switch not run DS1? The game is fucking 6 years old

The Switch is a 10 year old hardware in terms of specs

Platinum is allegedly working on W101 and Bayo/Bayo 2 ports, as well as an original game. Everyone else, I'm not sure.

No. Stop.

So were the consoles that ran DS1. It's considerably more powerful than the PS3 and 360.

Is there a camera on the Switch controller? I want to buy NBA 2K18 on it but there's no point if I can't take a picture of myself for the character creator.

If switch can run doom and wolfenstein it can sure as shit run souls

There's a screenshot button on the left Joycon.

Well the fact you give a response like that makes it even more likely when it does get announced

No one got a Switch for power, they got it for portability and because it's Nintendo.

The fact it's actually getting a lot of good third party and the best people can muster is "my power" is honestly fucking pathetic at this point.

Keep in mind most people who own a Switch most likely own a good PC and PS4 too so they don't need to be told something they already know.

Honestly at this point I'm fairly certain the people who call the specs argument as a last resort are underaged baiters still don't get the Switches success.

I'm not asking about screenshots. I'm asking about a camera to take a picture to import into the character creator.

>doom and wolfenstien II get announced
>i-i-t can't run it!

You're grasping at straws

It's just shitposting, user. For months these people used to post that one picture saying "This is why the Switch will fail" listing precisely the lack of games like Doom and Wolfenstein as their reasoning, and now that they've been both announced they got to find a way to downplay their importance. All of a sudden threads are filled with shitposters arguing you should avoid FPSes on console in the first place

>Inb4 From Software's only contribution to the Switch is a port of Monster Hunter Diary

Unless they give it gyro controls, you probably should.

Just stop. Where was all this mouse elitism when the game was only on PS4 and Xbone? I get it, controllers offer less precise aiming, but that hasn't stopped people for generations so i don't see how it would now. And both the games in question are mainly for single player

I don't give a fuck about the PS4 or Xbone, and I have a switch. If this game doesn't have gyro aiming, I'm not fucking buying it.

Hopefully they're making new games and not just porting shit like most others.

>from software
What could it be....

I know, it's like how I've been talking about L.A. Noire and people literally just think I'm there because of Nintendo and not because I both love the game and would love to try it

It's just more of the same old consolewar baiting

Not that guy, but that's really nothing to brag about desu. RE:Revelations on 3DS was the literal only version of Revelations in general for over a year.

Code Masters are known to be slow hacks, so it may be a while before we see anything.

FromSoftware is most likely releasing their next Souls-like game as a Multiplat title for all 3 major consoles but aren't ready to announce anything yet.

PlatinumGames does have a good partnership with Nintendo so likely we'll see Bayonetta 1+2 rereleases, and hopefully Bayo 3. Plus keep in mind they recently just released Nier Automata and only recently had Scalebound Cancelled, so whatever they do next it's likely it'll be a while before they announce anything.

Spike Chunshoft - who the fuck are these guys.

>Spike Chunshoft - who the fuck are these guys.
Danganronpa is their most famous title