Senran kagura is a good series

>senran kagura is a good series
Um, sorry sweetie, none of the Senran Kagura games after 2 on the 3DS have been any good.

They've never been good. They've always been janky musou games that sell with the power of anime tits and ass and famous female Japanese voice actresses.

Shiki ruined the sequels.

I don't really enjoy any of the games, but I'm always in the mood for busty anime babes, so I have no problem with them.

I wanna fuck that gyaru slut

The games should have more breast impregnation

Yeah, the games arent that good. But i love the ccharacters and their antics. except Yumi

I yearn for the day there's a genuinely good titty game.

Pandering to Yumi and her awful fanbase in Japan is what is killing SK.

The only game I played was 2 (and a bit of SV before I refunded it) and it's a boring piece of shit. There's so much room for a good game but it's segmented to little rooms with only a few enemies each because half the processing power went toward making the tits jiggle, and there are still performance issues on top of that. Each mission only lasts a minute or two before booting you out so it can load some more. The dressing room wasn't even that interesting, the entire outfit was a one-piece set only available in a couple colors, most of which sucked. I'll bet you only like it for the breast slider DLC, which I didn't even bother getting.

Shiki is good, but Daidouji, now we're talkin!

Shiki is garbage though, regardless of the game.

I've been here since people were talking about the first and to this day I STILL don't know what you actually do in the game.
You gotta have serious worries when you see a game and NOBODY is discussing the gameplay.

It's simple user, you game.

It's a musou. You punch mooks/bosses and their clothes fall off. Also lots of repetitive special move callouts.

Most of the art people post comes from a mobile gacha card game, which should tell you everything you need to know about how the fans feel about gameplay

Why is Mura such a fatty like holy shit every game she's getting fatter, lazier, and stinkier!


Most waifu games are like this
Just look at persona threads for another example

>sorry sweetie
aaand shit thread.

Now that's a bit of a wild comparison. Give Persona a little more credit then that.
At least that's a game where you actually have to think and have time management.

Sure is!

A better example would be Neptunia



I love kemono friends.

They took her.

>Senran Kagura games after 2
There has been only one Senran Kagura game released after SK2 so far, so that isn't saying much.


there was shinovi versus, and there was estival versus. Then peach beach splashj came out in japan and releases tuesday in the west.

Shinovi Versus was before 2.

Shinovi Versus was released a year before SK2.
I highly doubt that OP has played Peach Beach Splash to really make a meaningful judgement on its quality.

Which means they're taking about Estival Versus. Which, by all accounts, certainly was disappointing. But that doesn't really say much of anything about the series as a whole that it had one poor game.

Well that IS unfortunate. Cause now. I've gotta snatch, EVERY mother fucker birthday

You want gameplay? I'll give you gameplay.



That's not smug, looks like cocklust to me


You're right.

SK 2 was shit though. How the fuck are you going to not put in a block button? 4/5 "battles" were stunlock fests


I totes love Shiki

How do they keep getting away with this?!

They're an excuse to ogle, play dress up and play as beautiful girls. That's enough for me.

Back then we actually talked about the games, so you should already had a good idea what the series is about gameplay-wise. We actually had plenty of people shitting on the gameplay with actual legitimate reasoning and there was actual discussions about it.

I fucking hate what EV has done to these threads. Beach episodes were a fucking mistake.

This franchise has always been shit, user. Barebones gameplay, awful music, bland character development, etc, etc. Only desperate virgins buy them to begin with.

the only thing I dislike about SR is how 95% of the girls have exactly the same body, they just swap the head and outfit


The series was okay until EV came out. The improvements from Burst to Deep Crimson was really good and it looked like they really tried to make a good game. SV would be alright if it stayed as a spin-off. Bon Appetit is dogshit while EV is where they decided to stop trying and just turn the series into nothing but fan service. I know Burst and Deep Crimson has fanservice too, but it also has a decent story with nice character interactions to balance it out with. Such a shame the series is turning the spin-offs into the main games while remaking burst into EV styled gameplay instead of Deep Crimson styled gameplay. I really wanted them improve some of the flaws with Deep Crimson since its gameplay has good potential to become something great.

>Idol garbage

>3DS Senran

>wanting even more cancer

None of the games are really musou for that matter.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

>hair down Rin


Yumi has an icy vagina.

How are they not? You're button-mashing through hordes of enemies.

you and the entire nation of japan

You haven't play a single game in the series have you? I bet you call yourself a fan even though you just shitpost in SK threads with the same image dump and the same reply like "fat smelly neet", "i love yumi", or "have you ever hated a character so much that you". Even if you do "played" a single game in the series I highly doubt you did anything other then mess around in the dressing room. SV and EV both play like a really fucking bad Musou.

Who cares, post more best girl.

No you're not. You're being brainwashed into it! Regain control over yourself before its too late!

>play like a really fucking bad Musou.
The key word here is "like", they are still not musou.

Just like this user said Your just beating up hoards of weak enemies in a 3D environment. It's just watered down and simplified, but it's still a shit Musou game.

Again, that makes them alike, but Musou is not a genre, is a franchise. The first 2 games on 3ds are about beating up a bunch of weak enemies too, the 2d perspective doesn't make it much different.

>you will never grope her belly

I just want to see them in cute clothing and them singing!

>not sweaty
If you're gonna memespout at least do it right

Yumi a shit.

Valkyrie Drive

Came by to tell you user, no, VD is a pile of trash. I've never played an SK game but I had a choice between the two on the Vita and I picked this and I can't name a single redeeming factor of this game after 10 hours of gameplay.

-Combat system with enough depth to remain interesting
-Fully fleshed characters with distinctive move sets each
-Great level design
-Hidden collectibles and missions spread through all the stages to break the monotony
-Multiple game modes to extend its longevity
-Actual, good writing with plenty of character development
-Two different ending routes
-Very fun multiplayer modes

-Game is too easy
-MP coding is poorly optimized and tends to crash


Looks good.

That sounds fun. Hopefully a simultaneous western steam launch this time.

I only care if the gameplay is fast and responsive. I hate waiting for animations to play out only to get stunned by an enemy.

Dear god no, two Beach episodes in a row was bad enough already. I never want the series to ever delve into idol cancer.

>talking shit about my wife

That sound´s way too good to be true.

>is it good?
>did I have fun?
yes, now post more shiki

I think the series is okay. Just that. My only concern is Takaki getting so lost in his love of life and hometown that he ends falling into the stigma he claimed he didn't want to, of the games being completely uninteresting save for the fanservice.

big fat bat tats

>EV, New Wave, PBS, Bon Appetit
Yeah man, just one.


>on discord
Ah yes, same source as "Daidouji dies", "Ryouki will be back because fans want her", and my favorite "Yagyu is important in 7".

>Bon Appetit
Both are pre SK2.

>-Actual, good writing with plenty of character development
The dialogue is terrible. They never fucking shut up. It's awful and repetitive drivel most of the time too.

>Daidouji dies


>They never fucking shut up.

Because that is how you actually develop your characters.

>It's awful and repetitive drivel most of the time too

Only the start since it has to introduce and entirely new setting along a batch of new characters to the audience.

Why didn't you marry your senran, user?

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read related to SK

I want to marry and impregnate Shiki while holding hands and kissing the birth mark next to her mouth

>impregnating a 15yo

This is my favorite video game character.

>with those birthing hips
I don't think so Tim

Well an user married a nep so... i guess i can try.


Would any of the senrans be okay with you groping them or are they all just a bunch of lesbians?

>Time management


Literal perfection. I love her.

But user surely you wished you had a marriage certificate with your senran

Do you have to finish the game to get the kissing/ rubbing minigame in estival, I have the US PS4 version?

stopped reading here and cringed