Dragon boss

>dragon boss
>attempts to seduce protag

I like dragons

Bittenhard needs to go back to his old artstyle. His new one is too smudged and messy.

>attempts to make an off topic thread on Sup Forums
Wow i hate when that happens

Dragons have fur?

The Chinese Lung dragons do

I bet you think scalies =/= furries too.

It's the same thing, you want to fuck anything that isn't a human - that means you're a furry. If you call it any different you're a pretentious fuck.



Furries expect demi-humanoid structures, eliminating a wide range of "anything that isn't human"

Scailies are furry tho.


This, it's sort of like being attracted to aliens.

How the fuck have not outlawed furfaggotry? Shit's one bad day away from being bestiality.

>Shit's one bad day away from being bestiality


>Meanwhile faps to loli
Cry fucking harder, pedo.


That's legal in half the states and in half of Europe iirc.

If you live in Canada, the latter is legally permitted.

Animal marriage soon.

How the fuck have not outlawed FPS games? Shit's one bad day away from a school shooting.

>fall in love with step-mom
>step-mom turns into a dragon
>fall in love with step-mom's clone
>still in love with dragon step-mom
>can't choose
Pic related is the end result. Don't fall for dragons, Sup Forums.

No it's not.

You underestimate how many furfags are on Sup Forums.

Go fuck a horse, furfag

Sup Forums has liked dragons in particular for years now.

Nah, furries are into ferals too, it's a pretty broad umbrella. But it all falls under xenophilia.

You're right that furries always want too many humanoid features, though. You know how hard it is to find anatomically-correct bug porn?

desu, dragons are massive whores in most traditional fantasy novels. They shapechange to a humanoid for to have sex though.

non human creatures like: fembots, aliens, all kind of antho humanoids included the animal based ones, "monstergirls"...

in XIX century was used to refer the atraction for non western cultures and women

It comes from the basic desire of all males wanting to fuck all the females they can but with predilection for the exotism

exotism: this is the key word