In this ITT: Gamer fuel

in this ITT: Gamer fuel

That's like the water of drugs

At a $1.09 a can you'd be stupid NOT to drink it

OK genius, what's the water of videogames, then?

>Gamer fuel
That's like putting sugar in your gas tank, user.



Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.

Mario or Tetris.

I guess Dr. Mario.

Not him, Pong, Tetris, or Snake.


good times son. I love playing old master system games after smoking. Might do that now actually.

more like putting sugar on our awesome petri dish filled with fun time bacteria.

>in this ITT
>in this in this thread

>in this ITT


Fucking degenerate loser.

terrible graphics, we all know water is blue, not white

Weed has never agreed with me. Every time that I've smoked it I just ended up feeling really ill, with the specific level of ill depending on how much I had gone through.

What's it supposed to feel like? Apparently I'll never know since I'm seemingly weed intolerant or something.

>nu Sup Forums

I has shit reviews but with that alcohol content I suppose it's not about flavor. Where do you buy this? I have yet to see this in NYC

I don't know much about weed, I paid $40 for this. Will it get me high?

>nu Sup Forums

good shit dude

Some people just act differently to it, whenever I smoke I'm just usually relaxed and I enjoy playing games more I like to match it with acid for a better time desu

R8 my za

>gamer fuel
a proper gaming session results in you realizing you haven't eaten anything in 8 hours

Some of the most successful people that I know have done drugs at some point in their lives and almost all of them have smoked weed at least once.

The only thing that separates alcohol from other drugs is that the government decided to life the prohibition on alcohol and not the other drugs arbitrarily.

How come every faggot that smokes this shit gets inherently bad at any game? You feel good while you should not because you play like shit.

>not taking LSD while gaming

>spinach and white sauce
Gays are NOT welcome on Sup Forums

why are you eating grass?

My man, I love watching movie on acid, though the only games i play on acid are single player ones.

Good trip:
relaxed, worries become forgotten distant memories, hungry, lazy, more focused on whatever singular task you're doing, mulitasking becomes almost impossible, but you're also easily distracted. Music is better, food is tastier, enternertainment is more entertaining.

bad trip: nausea, paranoia, pressure inside skull, paranoia, inability to have one complex thought (they call this smoking yourself retarded), heart pounding, paranoia.

>negatively reacts to an old as fuck convention
>looking for anything to grasp at