Female Character Design Therad

Western or Eastern?

Cherrypick-Free edition.

I don't like the asian eyes so I'll take western


Why not both? Hot characters are hot regardless


they look like real women

>team silent
>not japanese

>liking real woman
>falling for the 3dpd jew

Eastern >>>>>>>>>>> Western

I have a racist dick, so western.

Either. Because I'm not a disgusting weeb with yellow fever.

Why did you put heather in western you fuckin retard


Source on the bottom left in the Eastern one?

It all looks ok to me.
How boring

You could've at least thrown in Mass Effect so we'd have something to troll about.

>not West

Fuck off you damn racist.

So what was the basis of your choices here? Just random females? Because there are definitely better choices on both sides. West also needs more jaws and East needs more bobbleheads.

All of them.

>Realistic facial proportions
>People who cosplay them actually look close to their video game character they cosplay

>Unnatural big proportions
>Not real facial proportions
>Often unrealistic body proportions see Lightning with her incredible big head compared to her body
>All look the same

West always wins baby

Poland aka Witcher is a western country because it belongs to Middle Europe you mongoloids

fug u nigger poland is slav not western

Western, because I'm not pedophile.

Eastern ones look too neotenic.

fuck off tripniggerfaggot

Some western, some eastern.

>2 Witcher girls
>3 KT girls
>2 FF girls

>The Witcher 3
>Silent Hill 3
>Life is Strange (Square Enix)
>also cherry picking

Just look at the "diversity" "females (male)" and you see the """"western"""" gaming

Resonance of Fate.


>Wanting to fuck a baby with a womans body

Can someone rate my taste?

>baby with a woman's body

Pretty good user.
You're okay.

>>Life is Strange (Square Enix)
>What's a publisher

>baby with a woman's body.

With western its a mixed bag often filled with somewhat more distasteful treats; some of their women looking very butch and unattractive, some looking like drug attics, and others appearing too bland. The cartoony ones are the only real appealing designs and even then it reeks of Pixar imitation.
For East; they largely resemble the same and look like dolls, but beauty and design aesthetic are the main focus so it works. Their skin just needs to be less plastic looking. Also bonus points for Japan for actually caring about fans and producing fanservice, the West does the exact opposite while being condescending soap boxes.
Winner is East.

>You prefer right because you are
>possessed with yellow fever
>afraid of real women
>underage kid

You can pick one.

Western because blizzard makes up hard with God tier waifu after waifu

Both,but more so for Eastern.

west looks like women.
east looks like plastic dolls.

i'll go with west.

Is this a picture of a pope sniping fucking Luther King?

well its westerner than Japan so..

Western (excluding Overwatch girl) because they look like real women.

Eastern is fantasy designs and level of perfectness that humans can't achieve without spending millions on lots of plastic surgery. Asians in general don't like reality.

Why did you post the same girl in different wigs for the eastern side?

>Eastern is fantasy designs and level of perfectness that humans can't achieve without spending millions on lots of plastic surgery.

Lol, you just need some fucking make-up LMAO.

I'm a dude and not a faggot, so why would I need make up? Offended weeb.

that tracer isnt even from the game

>Guan Yinping
Fuck off Guan poop.

But I'll pick eastern since I love asian women, specially russian and japanese ones. Koreans are shit tho, but I dig their plastic surgery politics.

>>possessed with yellow fever

What's the issue with yellow fever? Some asians are really cute/hot/etc., and as long as you see them for more than just a porcelain doll that you can fuck at will, they're more fun than your usual Hwyte.

>asians are dolls

>asian aren't real people

I thought this sites distorted views was a meme.

When did Sup Forums get so flooded with normalfags? What's wrong with this board?

See Which one are you?

I guess the best westen is better than the best eastern.
But in general the eastern desing is better.

>not having yellow fever must be because you're a normalfag
Okay, bud.

Eastern every time, was the reason i married my wife, the eyes!

>liking any asians means you have yellow fever.

You started first.

You are so retarded. Why didn't you just follow this to get more replies?

That's mostly the case, my dude.

>Silent Hill
>Nu-Tomb Raider CGI


nigga you high?

Right has middle of the road examples while right probably has the better samples of the west.

I'll choose right. Left is too 3DPD for me.

The only correct answer is realistic Eastern design, where the girl has western facial features.
In other words, a cute western girl designed by Japs.

well right become something normal so.

>westrash """"females""""""

half of eastern are the same fucking face with different hair, you can do better than that, OP

>including the redhead pig
kill yourself

I'll choose the pedo. What now?

>an Idol.


The girls on the right look too Asian. Even the supposedly White ones (Serah, Rem) look like Asian.

no they don't
asian women look like white women with down's syndrome
these girls are actually pretty

such an absurdist reaction. sexual evolution has come full circle. for a while, natural sexual choice was curtailed by a real patriarchy, the institution of marriage which was more tied towards financial and diplomatic gain -- the husband and wife liking each other was the least important factor.

breeding then become more about familial relationships than sexual attraction, and monogamy became part of that institution.

in the current era, especially in the west, it has come back to what it naturally was -- based largely upon sexual attraction/skilled ability to participate in mating rituals. the result is that, as it was in prehistory, the breeding is centered around a small pool of men sough after by a larger pool of women.

naturally this leaves a pool of men without a mate. what this pool of men does should be of no concern to these feminists, whether they fuck a doll or not should have no influence on them since the kind of people likely to fuck dolls as mates werent likely desired by anyone anyway.

theyve already rejected this caste of undesirables, what is the point in bothering them any further? why not just let them go off and die alone. i dont see how it affects them

denial weaboo.

>asian women look like white women with down's syndrome

Are you on the spectrum?

Because men having sex toys/dolls is wrong but women having these is right, aka double standarts.

I appreciate your thoughtful insight user, but if your intent was to show their ipocrisy through reason you could've done it in a much easier way:
>dildos: perfectly socially acceptable, a manifest to women's sexual independence
>fuckable dolls for men: absolute creep tier, only for subhumans who can't insert themselves in society

fuck you user

These are by no means average.

I bet you wonder why you can't get an average gf like these?
top kek

The right is only superior to the left as a fap material.

ye old western sexy armor > Japanese lewd

silent hill is a japanese game

>Posting a hack


3 and 6 are definitely mixed. 5 might be.

>witcher 3 and silent hill 3 made by american companys

>Thinks Silent Hill 3 is a western game.
Get of the internet you fucking child.

>dildos: perfectly socially acceptable, a manifest to women's sexual independence
>fuckable dolls for men: absolute creep tier, only for subhumans who can't insert themselves in society
They aren't wrong, though.
Only a creep would bother with something like that, instead of going out and meeting girls yourself.

Women fear losing the power sex gives them. Even sexless betas can be compelled to do things by women even when sex is obviously not part of the bargain, just because male instincts are that strong. Like Twitch camgirls. Men will pay actual currency just to be momentarily noticed by a woman.

Sex robots threaten to take that power away, and without sex, women know they have nothing. They cannot compete with men physically, intellectually, or in terms of skill level at any task. Any kind of independence or power they built for themselves stands to be lost because they no longer have their bargaining chip.

Why do you fags give a shit about this nonsense? You guys have become equally as stupid as the sjws at this point. Way too much complaining over irrelevant shit like.

well i think that dildos are a little bit different, dildos are not necessarily a substitution for a sexual relationship, and in some cases are used during sex with a man/another woman.

a doll, particularly for some people is a complete substitution for a romantic relationship, where the doll is loved essentially like a woman.

i think a different comparison would be if women had life sized dolls of handsome men that they started to choose over real men, with the dolls being perfectly handsome. which might sound worrying if you're just a regular guy, at first, until you realize 99% of those women were extremely unattractive permanent virgins.

for me at least, rather than feel threatened, i would feel kind of sad for them, because i would think a doll could never really replace a real relationship, no matter how pretty they are. but at the same time i would know i would personally never want to be in a relationship with them, and thus cannot help them.

Its like the Where's Waldo of why the OP is a mongoloid.

But why is it like that though?
It's masturbation in both cases, why are we used to see dildos as a naughty pleasure but any sexual toy for man as degenerate?

I like western more in terms of game play but my dick says eastern.

I'm pretty normal, right?

>Cherrypick-Free edition.
>fanart and japanese games on the western side

Why do you think west = america? Damn americans think they're the center of western civilization.

Martin Luther, not Luther King.

>My dick says eastern.
>I'm pretty normal, right?
No, you're pedophile, fuck off.

Because owning dolls means you are so detached from reality, you winded up buying a replacement for a girl.
The analog to a dildo would be a fleshlight, not a fucking doll. They're only masturbation aids and not a substitute for a healthy relationship.

pls don't steal my name newfriend


Team Silent is japanese, user.

women are looked at as passive sexually, a dildo is something to use in between suitors, or it can be seen as a way to compensate for the lack of sexual prowess of a male partner.

men are seen culturally as sexual aggressors, if a man is using a sexual toy it is seen as a conscious choice, rather than seeking a woman, he is using his efforts on a toy. the implications are then derived from there -- why choose a toy?

it is by cultural definition a stand point he has to defend.