What video game was ruined because it got popular?
What video game was ruined because it got popular?
MMOs in general
Mass Effect
All of them. You cannot refute this.
Cute girl
This, absolutely. All good things are ruined by their fanbase.
>MMOs in general
Based brainlet
MMOs thrive on popularity
All of them.
I still blame Portal.
>My experience in a game was ruined because it became popular.
who is that semen demon?
Persona 5
Profitability = quality
And you call others brainlets?
A fucking child, you creep.
The Elder Scrolls.
Entire western video game industry.
>he thinks MMOs with 500 peak population are good
Piss off retard.
Generally it wouldn't be a single game ruined retroactively by becoming popular (unless there's some sort of retarded critical update that ruins the game because of popular demand), it would be future entries in the series that would be ruined by changing drastically to the new audience rather than the original audience, which may drive said original audience away.
Weebs games. Too many niggers and "unironic" weebs play them now.
>disliking something because of the fanbase
When will this meme die.
How come brainlets can't see past such pettiness?
I don't think I've let a fanbase dictate what I do or do not like in my life.
>MMOs thrive on popularity
I want you to steal Obama's time travel machine and go back to about 1998 and play some Everquest for a week. Then you come back and tell me how the community is somehow worse than, say, World of Warcraft. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Because any of use actively playing MMOs in the 90s will gleefully relay tales of the amazing communities that existed, how players were able to shun assholes out of the game without needing GMs, and how they didn't even need a loot distribution system because only about 1 in 100 people dared steal loot off a corpse because reputation was everything and everyone knew each other.
MMOs died when normies got their hands on them.
None of them, you fucking autists.
Nah, I'll stay. How do you feel about that?
Piss off retard.
Team Fortress 2
I want to use those twintails as handles.
why doesn't Sup Forums make the lolis happy?
Nope. Mario and Zelda games are better than they ever were.
Your favorite vidya.
Nope. Guess you'll to deal with it.
Because we rape them instead.
>A fucking child, you creep.
relax. he probably meant the one on the left.
Fucking THIS.
I remember back in vanilla wow a hunter stole my robes, i think it was robes or pants at least from strath. Niggas rep was ruined and every guild on the server outlawed him. He quit shortly after, at least on that character (and to get to that lvl in vanilla back then is literal WEEKS of game time)
Piss off, retard.
Every series that started strong then got bought up by the likes of EA i.e. Dragon Age and Mass Effect
When will brainlets learn to read?
He didn't say it's a dislike of the fanbase, he said it's their effect on the game itself. Like Mass Effect being dumbed down to appeal to the masses.
Mario and Zelda games were always popular though. We're talking about games that became popular after more installments.
This is a stupid statement. It's the same principle as LAN parties. 5 quality friends/players are worth 50,000,000 people you don't want to know. It's not how many people are crowding the servers and snatching up all the resources/mobs so there's barely any to go around. The only ones that matter are the ones you talk to. And you can do that with 5 people. Or 50 if you want to raid. Quality over quantity, always.
I will also stay.
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Smash Bros
Dark Souls
Piss off, retard
>reputation is everything
Sounds like an easy way to make shit up about people and ruined their game. This kind of game is not all sunshine and daisies, dipshit.
Anything Japanese related is shit now. Stupid fucks love making "memes" and shit out of it.
The first FNAF game had a pretty good atmosphere, but the developer went full retard and made pleasing the twelve-year-olds who don't know or care about animatronics and horror, they just want more "lore" and more rehashes of their favorite characters.. Turning what could've been a pretty good horror series with a refreshing premise into something that's worse than pretty much every major horror franchise I can think of.
user, he's not talking about games that have terrible fanbases he's talking about games that became popular and the developers ruined subesquent games to hold on to that popularity.
WHy are you playing an MMO then instead of some small multiplayer game, dumbass
>(and to get to that lvl in vanilla back then is literal WEEKS of game time)
Everquest takes about 2 years to reach max level and alternate advancement, playing 12 hours a day. And that was in the 90's, before there were over 25 expansions. Also, when you died, you lost 1/5th of your level which is easily 3-6 weeks of work at higher levels.
I think the implication is more franchises that got worse because their larger audience caused them to undertake tactics that ruined the quality of the series.
For instance say a game got really big so they decided to start making one on an annual cycle.
Or another one decided to casualize gameplay so even more people could play despite its complex gameplay being the original draw for mosts
It does happen though, especially with multiplayer games, or games that are still being developed (early access, DLC, or sequels).
I am forever salty about what console fags did to this franchise
>a fucking child
A child who specializes in fucking?
Good point.
>Can't even understand basic sentences or what they imply
>Calling others autistic
>Sounds like an easy way to make shit up about people and ruined their game.
You missed the point. You're thinking in 2017 terms. In the 90s, no one would just make up shit. The internet was a different place and not nearly as bitter and angry, especially MMOs. It was chill. No one ever talked about griefing because it barely ever happened. It's amazing how well a machine runs when made of quality components. You kids will never understand. You can't comprehend an internet that's not a hate distribution platform.
It really does ruin my enjoyment a bit knowing how many normalfags were raving about it. Seeing that pathetic attempt from the social justice crowd shitting on the faithful translation for being "awkward" helped a bit though.
>A fucking child
The best kind of child.
>WHy are you playing an MMO
I quit playing MMOs around 2006 for that exact reason. The scene is garbage now.
Sound amazing.
Fire Emblem. Nintendo saw the waifufag bucks in the distance. Awakening was okay, but if the future entries are going to be as trash as Fates, I don't want to play the series anymore.
Ya'll some nasty lil niggas. I hope your penis falls off in a tragic sexual encounter.
Its time to wake up and realize how sexy they are.
> In the 90s, no one would just make up shit.
Bullfuckingshit. I had my game ruined because some asshole was salty that I got a piece of gear and he told people not to group with me because I'm a ninja looter. I had to fucking quit the game because I couldn't get a group. The internet was always a hate distribution platform, you were just ignorant, stupid, or too fucking young at the time.
>Persona 5
That would imply that it was an underground game in the first place, ut alas its the sequel to the biggest weeb game of the last generation
Blizzard as a company. But had not been for WoW though, the company would have been shut down in 2006
I don't even want to know what kind of mental gymnastics your brainlet brain pulled to come to the conclusion that that was what OP meant.
Same goes for you brainlet fucks: See
>faithful translation of being "awkward"
>ut alas
what did he mean by this?
And Persona/SMT was much smaller than it is now. If I had a dollar for every normalfag that claims P5 is the best SMT game despite only playing the first one I would be a very rich man.
Mass Effect arguably.
People were drawn to the series because of its world building and interesting unique characters.
Then they turned it into a dumb shooter.
Full retard.
A bunch of 'em, consolization is a real thing
Crysis is a big example.
Path of Exile
World of Warcraft
two I can think of instantly, still pains me to realize how shit they have become
Sounds like you
>1.) chose friends poorly
>2.) had no friends to vouch for you
>3.) everyone believed him instead of you
>4.) you really did steal loot and are bitter you got called on it
... this is all on you, dude. There were at least 3 other people (possibly as many as hundreds if it was a global raid) present that knew of the situation and could have diffused it. The fact that they didn't tells the tale. You fucked up or had a bad reputation to start. Don't blame the community.
If little girls want me to not be so creepy maybe they should stop being so damm sexy! Check mate!
Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Star Wars: Battlefront, Fable series, Minecraft
Notch was making steady, big updates to the game until he got like a billion dollars incredibly quickly, went on permanent vacation, and "released" the game despite not meeting any of the goals he said he was aiming for.
what happened to poe
>what console fags
you mean ubisoft? blame them for the state its in
Seriously its not our fault. Maybe the little cutie should not wear such a short skirt.
Has there ever been an example of a developer stripping shit out or casualizing a game to appeal to a "wider audience" that has actually worked and not backfired?
>Eve online
>Never popular
>Avg 30k players
Everything died when normies got their hands on them.
Season passes
Game rehashes
Console gaming
Pre orders
Early access
All these things happened because of normies
Mad Thad pls stop, you're almost out of jail.
Any game that got a sequel that changed it's mechanics to appeal to more casual audiences
None of them.
You are just a little fag who gets upset when other people start to like what you like. The problem lies in you, not the game.
Dead rising
Pretty much everything else
Goddamnit onii-chan, why you have to be like that?
Fallout franchise was ruined thanks to it's popularity.
did they finally remove the fun preventing timer?
They drive me crazy man.
The series has always been on console