How will it compare to 64 and Sunshine?

How will it compare to 64 and Sunshine?


Sunshine stinks I don't care what any of GCN faggots say, it's the weakest 3D Mrio by far, awkward FLUDD bullshit, barely any actual levels in favor of a quest structure that doesn't really work, and let's not forget endlessly hunting for bluecoins. Odyssey will probably be on par with SM64, in other words really fucking good.

It'll be like 64 but with actual camera control

It'll be like Sunshine but with actual fun.

Definitely better than Sunshine
Probably a little worse than 64

Unless they add in Coin and Red Coin Moons, which I doubt, it can't be worse than 64.

>can't be worse than a masterpiece
Feeling pretty confident in modern Nintendo, are we?

There are moons you can buy for 100 coins, if that counts and I'm sure you don't have to get all the regional coins in one go, so the game is kind not to have you comb all that ground for it.

sunshine looked cool and since we had nothing else to visually compare it with, we bit into it. It hasn't aged well, worse than sm64.

>No linear platforming sections for intense challenge and Nintendo fell for the open world meme once again.
Galaxy 1 +2 are still the best in the franchise.

Sunshine is better than 64. 64 was great but Sunshine is the best 3D Mario. Thinking 64 is better is just nostalgia. Tightest controls and best atmosphere. Odyssey will probably top it.

Not op, but there yet to release an average true 3d mario game. There not gonna let it happen when the stakes are the highest they've ever been

Why do babies always whine about blue coins? Do you retards not know it's optional?

>No linear platforming
user you're just shitposting right now. Odessey even has 2D platforming.

>Galaxy 1 and 2
>intense challenge
there are linear platforming sections too btw, New Donk has them in some of the buildings

>assuming something is not in the game before playing it
When will it end?

It will be the best 3D Mario game.

How is collecting blue coins any different from a level like rescuing the penguin in 64? It's still exploration collectathon platforming except sunshine has better physics, controls, graphics and sound quality.

No. Some people don't know it's optional. Some people played Galaxy or 3D World and found out that 100% completion gets you a new level. Some people played 64 and found a cameo when they 100% completed the game. Some people had high expectations for 100% completing Sunshine, and if you think that's their own fault then you are the scum on my boot and I want you off this website.

>grab penguin and deliver it to its mom
>get a star in the same level

>find 1 blue coin out of 10
>save prompt
>eventually go back to Delfino and spend what you have
>several of them are hidden is retarded locations like the urns in Noki Bay that can only be accessed in one specific mission

They're not the worst addition to a Mario game but I prefer how the moons and how they're handling them

Because a blue coin is 1/10th of a star and it serves no purpose other than to pad a game. Not to mention, in the context of the game, it should be illegal to sell shine sprites since they are what powers Delfino and it makes no sense

So because some people are misinformed retards you think it's shit? Your criticism is invalid pleb. Why do all of the edgelords think it's swag to hate on Sunshine when it has the tightest controls and a non shit overarching story with fun gameplay and interesting areas.


Second post best post. Sunshine was garbage.

>why do people whine about the game having 1/3 less missions compared to 64 and having them replaced with possibly the most annoying collectibles since DK64?

Show a little empathy, you autist.

Padding a game isn't always bad. How is this even a complaint when all of the 100 coin stars I've never once seen be complained about?

>Fossil Falls only needs 5 moons to advance to the next kingdom
a bit concerning

How come there's no music playing in the levels?

At the end of the day, exploring in Sunshine is more enjoyable than most of what 64 has to offer so the point is moot.

Only 3 hit points? wtf

maybe they already had a bunch

A non shit overarching story huh?

Except for the part where they arrest Mario despite him landing on the island long after the crisis already started and had him take part in a rigged trail.

Oh, and not to mention he's still on clean-up duty even after plenty of citizens can see that there are two Marios running around town with one clearly painting it dirty.

And this power source that keeps the island bright and running? It's got some Pinatas just holding on to them. This shit is so essential that they don't mind letting some randies holding on to some of them, not to mention the blue coins. They're holding their power source behind a paywall and yet they arrest Mario before those fuckers?

Yeah, your story is shit. It's not like I care about the story for a fucking Mario game, but to say it's a non shit overarching story is factually wrong.

Sunshine imo has a better hub world over 64 for sure, although the castle was still done quite well. Sunshine feels lively, 64 is a ghosttown with a couple toads

>I never played Galaxy 1 or 2.
wtf indeed.

maybe it doesn't have as much moons as the other ones.

>he gets his by goombas

You don't look very hard then because the 100 coin star challenge is always shit. It was shit in 64 and it's even worse in Sunshine because the stage layout can change based on missions and you might end up selecting a mission where you end up with 70something coins desperately looking for more when there's none, and you realized you wasted your time.

>Bob-Omb battlefield only needs 1 star to advance to the next level
It's not really a point user.

Still infinitely better then 64s one page sticky note of a story and whatever shitty narrative the galaxy games tried to use. When your only argument against my points is story in a MARIO game you know your wrong

You don't have an argument. You said you had fun and didn't say why. That's a statement, not an argument.

Haven't played Galaxy since I was a kiddo. I would hope there's more ways to die unlike all deaths in galaxy where it's just shitty platforming physics

>Haven't played Galaxy since I was a kiddo.
Leave, underage faggot.

Oh wow, that is concerning actually. I guess it did look like one of the smaller kingdoms considering the concept was a little more basic, but still. Do we have the moon limit for any other Kingdoms?

Only? You should be complaining that it -requires- five moons to advance to the next kingdom. Linear bullshit. Are the others worlds even worse?

Said it had the tightest controls of the series, fun gameplay and for sure the most interesting areas in any mario game did you even read the post? The galaxy games were all uninspired and boring, 64 had some bright spots though

The Direct trailer made the kingdoms look fairly small.

Hopefully that's just the nature of the trailers. Looks fun.

odyssey looks great overall but i still can't get over how shitty new donk city looks

18, fight me

>not a kiddo


20 for New Donk
16 for Sand and Wooded
18 for Luncheon

The kingdom order also goes
>Tropical/Poison from the Direct
Based on amiibo boxart

It will surpass Sunshine
There is a possibility it will surpass Mario 64 but I doubt it.

I guess that's fine then. I do wonder if you'll even need to complete a Kingdom's story to move on or if you can just do whatever you want once you get the limit.

Sonic adventure DX HD is looking good. Are chao gardens confirmed to return?

In just a few months, people born after 2000 will be old enough to browse at 18.

Time sucks.

I'm sure it will surpass both in some ways but also be held back by some of its ambition. Does anyone REALLY want 60-80 moons each level? Because of that large number, my guess is that stages aren't going to change/have additional elements that are added like 64. You'll probably just go from moon to moon while in the level. I like that you'd go out of the stage after collecting a star/shine, it gave a breather and sense of reset to the games rather than just a collectathon non stop.

And I'm convinced this is just baiting. Half the areas are just beaches or resort-type areas. There's not a whole lot of variety in them. But hey, when they work, they really really work. Like the rollercoster, the poison river, the pachinko level, the chucksters, all masterpieces.

I especially love the part where you're forced to play every level, even the ones you don't want to play, since you don't fight the final boss with a star count, but by fighting Shadow Mario on every level. I love the middle finger I get when they game tells me I have to play all of the first 7 missions of every level even if I'd rather skip it.

And man, those secret courses really made me appreciate how neutered Mario's standard control scheme is. Never have I experienced a game where less control somehow, as you put it, gives you tighter control. It's a masterpiece how could I be so blind. Sunshine is the best game ever. My only gripe is that I can't give it an 11/10.

>is that stages aren't going to change/have additional elements that are added like 64.

There are objective based moons that changes the level.

>that HUD
Did they fall for the minimalism meme? It's so colorless compared to other Mario games.

14 yo acting like an oldfag. kek. brainlets need to realize people can't choose when they were born and should be happy there supporting the industry they shoot cummies over on this board

>I enjoyed being forced to play most of the missions in order in Sunshine and Galaxy.
What do you mean "what".

They did, sadly, but I think it was done for better visual clarity on the small Switch screen

The menus are all travel brochures though

I'ma let you try that again user. Type slowly and coherently, try to make some goddamn sense this time.

I like minimalist HUDs, they are less distracting

Looks much better than both to me. The biggest hurdle in surpassing those games would be the movement, and it looks like they nailed it. The world aesthetics, level design, and sheer variety of things to do all seem vastly better than 64 and Sunshine. Not to mention the more unquantifiable things like the attention to detail and love that they've poured in with the deep cut outfits and such

>inb4 "it's so tedious to collect all those damn moons and you don't even get a good reward"
If blue coins trigger you faggots I don't know why you think you're going to like Odyssey.

You just sound like a baby at this point. WAAAAAAAAAAAH I HAVE TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME TO FINISH IT.

>Did they fall for the minimalism meme?
Have you seen the switch menu?

something about the aesthetic that bothers me.
very crazy taxi like.
good enough if you were blazing hell through a city, but not convincing if the point is to explore it.
just feels like a fake city created for the sake of being in a city.

What the fuck are you talking about? I love the game. My favorite levels are the sand bird and the watermelon level because I love getting my dick chopped off

>did they fall for the minimalism meme
Ah yes, very minimalist compared to pic related

atleast 64 had coloured symbols


Eh yea it's nice to have some color but the transparent stuff is more functional.

Everyone seems to forget there's a day/night mechanic that changes up the world. Like in the desert where those skull dudes come out and the pyramid rises out of the ground and in new donk where it's a thunderstorm with that huge centipede boss

It's fast and it gets the job done. I have no complaints, lack of themes aside.

But in the latest Direct it was revealed there's over 50 moons in the desert world.

69 total moons, 16 required to access new worlds
the dotted circles are what you need to leave the kingdom

ahhh thanks

We don't know how that works though. The way I think it'll work is half the world will be during the day, then you'll do something along of a miniboss against one of the broodals, then the world is filled with more enemies during the night.

You think each world will have 2 bosses? That'd be great

Best post in the thread

When Nintendo stops showing off half their fucking games in Treehouse streams?

Fossil Falls is the first level of the game after Bonneton wich is a tutorial level

Jesus christ, this is exactly what's going to happen when the game is out isn't it.

Why the hell is this image on a tilt?

It's not, the UI is tilted in-game

How did I never notice this, I played the game at E3 too.

Mario's movement looks really weird in this game, like he can only move forward at a constant speed rather than pick up momentum through jump dives and stuff

It wasn't like that during E3. It was changed in the gamescom build.

I don't know why you think the implementation of the moons will be as lazy and repetitive as the blue coins. I am sure that the shitposters will suggest that though. Will probably compare them to koroks for a one two punch of bullshit bait

It wasn't tilted at E3, they changed it for the final build

I suppose it won't have a Dutch academic analysing it down to its last wrinkle in 20 years time.

You need to collect things in a collectaton, Koroks make more sense in a mario game

I hope they let you change it in the options but let's be honest
>decent options
I'm sure I'll get used to it

You think that'll matter to shitposters? And koroks made plenty of sense in Zelda, as there were more than you could ever need, and there's no need to collect any more than you want

Who collect coins in mario anyway? They're that thing you get because they're cool and they gives you 1UP. i was highly disappointed when NSMB2 was entirely themed around coins. i wanted more power up in general

>Some pornstars and models and fiddling my diddle to are actually younger than me

Meant *i'm fiddling

you buy souvenirs, clothes and hints on where the next moon is with coins