Why do we hate it again?
Why do we hate it again?
because you won't stop spamming threads about it
it is shit
By this point it's obvious the sole reason is because it's not on ps4.
Everyone in real life likes it (incluing non fanatic ps4 owners), it's as uncontroversial as you get
Literally the 5th thread about this shit game today. Why the fuck is Sup Forums so obsessed with streambait??
PS4 cucks mad
Because it's popular
lmao no
Its fun to shitpost
Because it's a poorly designed, shitty ripoff of a ripoff of an Arma mod that brings nothing new except a garbage engine that is used for an embarrassing attempt at 3d platforming, is attempting to deflect its many clear flaws and buggy code by being 'still in beta' despite having a full public paid release, paid dlc, and even official tournaments, and is being held up more by community popularity and streamers than on its own merits as a game.
More or less good idea, if stolen from someone who stole the idea of someone who stole the idea of someone who stole the idea of Battle Royale.
Shit execution, piss poor programming, overbearingly authoritarian-leftist-leaning developer with a huge mouth, and the typical cancerous community that results from that. And the fact that the very concept of the game makes it impossible for you to be separate from said community.
>watch a motorcycle hit a tree
>rather than ejecting the driver and killing him
>the motorcycle just bounces around comically
>including on the drivers head
>lands on wheels
>keeps driving around
A microcosm of the shittiness of this game.
Because it's an unfinished game, that's sold at full price, and has additional pay lootboxes.
Its popular and gives shitty streamers preferential treatment. The game itself however is pretty much fine.
>streamer bait
Is it your first time on Sup Forums?
Nigger, what are you talking about? If you flip on a bike you're taking serious damage, if you hit your head during a flip you're instantly dead/knocked out. That's the main reason I don't ride motorcycles in PUBG.
>see what the fuss is about
>buy the game
>it's really fun
>get banned the next day for "harrassing" a player
>get a Steam refund
I wanted to like this game. I really did.
Now that the (initial) dust has settled, how big will it get?
>biggest game this year (achieved months ago)
>biggest game this gen (looking extremely likely)
>biggest game since minecraft
>biggest game in history
Not on Switch/PS4 which is like half of the threads on Sup Forums
>achieved its playerbase by having 70% of it be chinese bots
>talking about them on the steam forums results in a ban from forums and the game
will there be a release for ps4 soon? i fucking hate steam
>join a match and be put in a waiting lobby with 90+ screaming, memespewing middleschoolers with mics
>waiting timer expires, get put in airplane with screaming, memespewing middleschoolers
>jump out of plane, collect supplies and run around an empty field until you get shot by a screaming, memespewing middleschooler
>get banned if you manage to kill someone and they happen to be an eceleb
truly the biggest game of our generation
love is stronger sampaï, delete this until complete deletion, pls.
Fuck off
>Watch a streamer play it
>He is driving with a car for minutes without any interactions of other players
I dont get the game
source : your ass.
stay buttwasted.
No PS4 release date confirmed also this game would feel awful with controller aiming.
It looks pretty fun honestly, I like games where your shit can all be lost immediately.
I don't have a good PC though
Because we hate Hunger Games.
I was at the DMV a week ago and the 30-35 year old neckbeard doing licenses was calling out people's numbers, followed by "winner, winner chicken dinner!" Every other employee was in their late 50s or 60s. At one point, one of them commented "I guess she is a winner, she's going to get her driver's license."
>and has additional pay lootboxes.
As far as I know, paying to dress your character up in a skirt or a trench coat is purely aesthetic. It's not like it gives you an advantage in the game.
>>biggest game this gen (looking extremely likely)
All it will take to take the wind out of its sails is for other good battle royale games to come out to compete with it.
bc we are console babbys
Will PUBG survive niggergate?
Fortnite's version is better
because it's a game designed for twitch streamers and youtubers and I am not either of those nor am I interested in watching either of those
Because PC gaming is shit
because it's popular
you do realize that the phrase "winner winner chicken dinner" has existed for decades right
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
How about forming your own opinion retard
The "Roman salute" has existed for millennia, but when someone does it today, it's associated with Hitler.
I can't decide if this is ironic or not because it's too stupid otherwise
neckbeards did not make that phrase popular at all though
Sup Forums told me to
>biggest game this gen (looking extremely likely)
Considering it's an extremely PC oriented game by nature this isn't happening. Console market is just too big to let a PC exclusive game to be considered game of the gen by a wide margin.
I literally just said what happened. It's not anything more than a report of reality.
Don't play coy. You know what he was thinking of. I bet you called kids "gay" when you were in school, and when the teacher called you on it, you said "I mean, he's gay like in the happy way."
>streamerbait early access trash
>shit like this happens constantly due to shit netcode: oddshot.tv
>microtransactions in a $29.99 early access game
>games can be won with almost zero kills granted you camp and get lucky with the zone placement
>"""professional""" tournaments won by players with low single digit kills, see above
>paying customers banned because streamers have bitchfits after every death
>paying customers banned for using car horns
>paying customers banned for playing a glitchy, bug ridden game: youtube.com
>a literal Twitch-chat controlled player can finish 3rd in a game against actual players: dotesports.com
>matches full of idling bots farming drops
>devs literally getting PTSD from tweets
>PUBGfags only defense of these points is "b-but look at the playercount" and wojack images depicting Sup Forums as upset
Mostly because of obnoxious summerfags and the fact it's not as innovate or groundbreaking as people claim. It's just a somewhat serviceable battle royal shooter when literally no others exist.
unfinished and completely unoptimized piece of trash
Once again proves that majority of "gamers" have no taste.
Because I auto hide the PUBG threads and you faggots still keep making them without mentioning the name of the game in the post. Please, start doing it.
cause it's popular
You gotta be a pretty big asshole to get banned in a day.
>>shit like this happens constantly due to shit netcode: oddshot.tv
lmao why is the grandpa so angry? just move out of the way, git gud
There's a desert map in development, though....
yeah but WHY
Because the game is broken in many ways and people are still throwing money at these incompetent devs
>"""professional""" tournaments won by players with low single digit kills
the game isnt about who gets the most kills
its about who can survive longer
How is it broken?
You can't reasonably expect to win in this game. That's like complaining how unfair life is cause you weren't born rich or white.
Netcode and optimization mainly
Devs are releasing lootboxes instead of fixing these issues
I don't hate it but it's fucking annoying that my friend won't shut up about it. He plays it all the time and when he doesn't he's watching e-celebs play it
"surviving" is a retarded objective, then. if you're rewarded and have a better chance of winning by camping and playing like a scared little bitch, your game is flawed.
Because we get 20 daily threads all about how Sup Forums hates the game?
I pre ordered DayZ a few years ago
at least this game is finished, Its a bit simple but good fun with a group
Bugs that impact gameplay like in oddshot.tv
Gee, it's almost like the game is still in development.
>Devs are releasing lootboxes instead of fixing these issues
I'm so sure that a random consolebaby has the inside scoop on the game's development team.
thread really should have ended here
I play it and kinda enjoy it, but saying that I dislike it triggers a fuckload of redditors.
If it wasn't for threads saying
the game would never be mentioned in the entire board.
Look at the general in /vg/, a place focused on discussing the game and it died days after the game came out, and now it only lives on empty bumps.
>Bugs that impact gameplay like in oddshot.tv
This and also vehicle collision
And I'm not even talking about the tons of bugs and glitches
>the game is still in development
Most Early Access games are less broken than this one and the devs are not drowning in money
I don't own any console
Minutes?? Holy shit dude thank you for confirming me not getting this
>if you hit your head during a flip you're instantly dead/knocked out
lmao no. Your character has no collision when sitting in a vehicle. You fall out then the speed gets added to your fall speed which is usually insta death.
Only the 3 seat is garbage, 2 seat bike is easy pz. Remember to hold shift when riding bikes too.
There is no deflection. It is unambiguously in early access. You should not expect a fully polished or complete product if you buy something in early access. You are making shit up to be upset about. What the fuck does "3D platforming" have to do with a multiplayer deathmatch shooter?
>streamerbait early access trash
>shit like this happens constantly due to shit netcode: oddshot.tv
This happened two months ago. Even so, I strongly doubt this happens "constantly", especially given people are not commonly run over in this game.
>microtransactions in a $29.99 early access game
For a month, paid to charities and a tournament. They wanted a chance to test the system before launch. I know they went back on what they originally said about loot crates, which was a PR issue in my eyes. I don't know why they waited so long to announce them.
>games can be won with almost zero kills granted you camp and get lucky with the zone placement
Aggressive players like your average top streamer nonetheless win more games and get more kills than the average player. Still, late game white circles need work.
>paying customers banned because streamers have bitchfits after every death
>paying customers banned for using car horns
>paying customers banned for playing a glitchy, bug ridden game: youtube.com
These are legitimate, contentious issues. More PR and community mismanagement.
>a literal Twitch-chat controlled player can finish 3rd in a game against actual players
How many kills did it get?
>matches full of idling bots farming drops
That's not the game's fault. Nonetheless they're implementing measures to deal with this.
>devs literally getting PTSD from tweets
One guy, and yeah he was being a fag about it. That doesn't have much to do with the game though.
>PUBGfags only defense of these points is "-but look at the playercount" and wojack images depicting Sup Forums as upset
Sure thing, pal.
There's that word again. Broken implies that the game isn't usable. If that were true, then you wouldn't have to search so hard on the internet for these rare misrenderings and lags that affected gameplay for other people. You'd be able to open up the game yourself and show that it can't be played in its current state. I have the game on an SSD and I've never had an issue. It definitely isn't optimized, especially to run from an HDD, but calling the game broken is being a drama queen.
>comparing the influence of some random computer game to literally Hitler
>rip off
>made by the same guy
That looks really rad, why dont more games purposefully mess with the environment? Next to books games are the easiest way to have dream like nonsense and yet all games push to be normal and realistic, why? There must be other people that would love interacting with a world very different than ours
>Broken implies that the game isn't usable
Not necessarily
It runs like shit despite having PS2 era graphics. My rig needs an upgrade but I'm not gonna do it for a single game.
The basic way to play the game is like this:
early game:
>a few interactions with other players, scrambling to kill each other with low tier weapons
>combination of luck and skill
mid game:
>looting almost done, finding better guns by now
>using cover, sniping other players, engaging with other people sniping at you
you can choose which range you engage other players with, or if you engage other players at all, which gives players of different skill levels the ability to enjoy through this point in the game
>use of skills at a variety of levels, some luck
late game:
>you might get lucky and find an air drop with a great gun or powerful scope
>high skill demand for key components of the game, like using cover, killing other players from a variety of positions and at a variety of ranges, peeking, hearing where bullets are coming from, planning ahead
>some luck involved to get top 10, but mostly skill to get a chicken dinner
This, you made the EXACT same thread yesterday OP you fucking dork
>It's this faggot again
How much are you getting paid?
Jesus I hate that this garbage game is getting so popular, and I have around 300 hours in it.
It's a soulless mess of premade assets put together by an incompetent developer, gunplay feels slightly better than H1Z1 but still worse than everything else.
They should release mod support now and make people fix their piece of shit game, because they surely can't.
Yume Nikki.
You're also rewarded for ambushing and killing people with better loot. It isn't a flaw if you have the choice to do either. Sounds like an arena shooter is better for you
please, show how to win in the final circle by camping. no one cares about the 90 who die before the final 10. kill count means jack shit.
Because it's a bumpy landmass with cubes bought from the asset store with standard shooting mechanics bought from the asset store and like 20 lines of coding with a 30 dollar price tag.
There are better games that do the second thing
fuck off h1z1 shill's drumpf lost
as long as a retard like you stay away from PUBG, it's fine.
Even if he didn't, he'd get promptly banned, so don't worry.
Enjoy your own imminent ban and waste of $30 too.
Shroud, a streamer with 30k viewer just got banned for teaming. Sup Forums and le precious streamer meme BTFO.
People who have never watched Twitchfags get banned for "stream sniping". People get banned for honking horns too often. People get banned for "cheating" when the buggy mess of a game glitches out and they can walk through walls.
Instead of focusing on fixing said glitches, the devs implement loot boxes to "pay for a tournament", as if their game hasn't been the top seller on Steam at 29.99 for months.
>pay to playtest game
>get banned
ultra kek that man got what he deserved for playing this "game"
>stream sniping
What the fuck is stream sniping