Can we get a suikoden 2 thread in here? Who's in your final party?
Can we get a suikoden 2 thread in here? Who's in your final party?
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>thread dies because nu-Sup Forums hasn't played it
Sorry user your thread will die like mines did lol. Don't be to salty about it :)
>There are faggots who think Suikoden 2 is better
Dude. No.
At what point does something becomes /vr/?
Suikoden 2 is literally, according to the designers themselves, the game they wanted to make in the first place, They felt they didn't know enough about making jRPG's to realise their vision so they made a heavily cut down version of it and hoped to make a sequel which would be the real deal
Is my only option emulating this?
Honestly I don't know. I wish there was board specifically for 6th gen and 7th gen games because both Sup Forums and /vr/ don't discuss those kinda of games unless it has waifus and is main stream enough.
It's on the PSN store in all regions
>tfw I can't put Nanami in my final party
Is getting 1 and 2 on the Vita a good way to play them? I once started the first game on a ps1 emulator (?) a long long time ago and I remember enjoying it a lot but never finished it. I would like to start over again.
Suikoden 2 is the best Suikoden.
Suikoden 1 is the tale of two men, father and son, who clash over the future of their country in regards to their ideals, both of them believing themselves to be correct and literally being willing to kill one another over said ideal.
Suikoden 2 is the same thing except that the golden ending for the game is both sides realizing they can forgive one another due to the power of friendship and then the main character's sister is alive somehow.
Suikoden 2 is utter shit compared to Suikoden 1 outside of the QOL improvements. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
One of my favorite games of all time but it's been a few years since I played it. Trying to remember all of my final party. Hero, Oulan, Luc and Viktor are all i remember at the moment.
Amazing game, I need to replay it.
>Front Row
Georg (Physical Offense)
Hero (Healer)
Valeria (Physical Offense)
>Back Row
Lorelai (Support/Buffs)
Sierra (Magical Offense)
Clive (Long Range Offense)
I would play it if it was available on anything other than this shit.
the fuck are you talking about
kill yourself
I don't really remember.
I'm about to play this for the first time. I hear some of the characters are really hard to get, should i use a guide, or just go in blind and accept i probably wont get them all?
>because the perfect ending is worse the game is worse!
no, 2 is better. though I agree about the perfect ending, which is why i didn't, and wont, do it.
Sound argument.
Go fuck your sister.
Joey dies.
playing 2 after beating 1 will let you carryover returning characters levels,some equipment and weapon boost
>and then the main character's sister is alive somehow.
Just like Gremio was magically alive somehow?
4 is one of the best suikoden games of the series
people who disagree can't appreciate good shit. remember when everyone shat on windwaker because of the raft travel mechanics?
now people love wind waker
it's the same thing with Suikoden 4
Use a guide, or at least look up the heroes that you can miss. If you dont get all 108 you get shit on. But goddamn is this an amazing game
I love Suikoden 1 and playing Suikoden 1 first (and importing data) makes Suikoden 2 more memorable but there is no way in fucking hell that it is superior to Suikoden 2.
It's as good as any. I was kinda hoping someone would've added the playstation translation to the PSP versions but it's unlikely that'll ever happen.
Suikoden 3 and 4 were both abominations. Suikoden 5 was alright but felt derivative and had absolutely terrible optimization.
Suikoden 2 is shit.
It has an edgy villain with an edgy story.
Suikoden 1: Father fights against you for the empire and thinks youy're a terrible son
Suikoden 2: Some shitty villain who just wants to kill things tries to take over another country because he has mommy issues
Gee what do you think has a better story?
2 is better and I only beat 1
I disagree, because the antagonists in Suikoden 1 are all internal.
In Suikoden 1, the plot is entirely about the internal conflict of the kingdom. It's about the rebellion versus Barbarossa, etc. All of the conflict is derived from the fact Wydine wants the Soul Eater Rune and Tir escapes with it. This conflict leads to Tir and Teo McDohl dueling to the death, because they can't resolve their ideological differences.
Suikoden 2's plot tries to be strong, but the majority of the main actors on the plot are external. Luca Blight drives most of the conflict, and Jowy and Riou don't really hate eatch other or oppose one another. During the "best" ending, they decide that they can just fuck off and be best buddies.
It's not a good story, by comparison.
I'd give Suikoden 3 a pass because I loved the idea of the separate parties each having their own stories to go down, you getting to decide on the 'main' character further down the line and Luc's scenario where you find out his motivations
>Hey guys, I wasn't brainwashed by her at all. All the decisions I did to fuck over the country I did out of love. Now I'm going to jump off this balcony, lol
Really makes you think.
better than the King in one being a retard and the Witch's bitch because
>The pussy game is ridiculous
I liked Suikoden 3 simply because you can win battles you are supposed to lose. Nothing pisses me off than fighting unwinnable battles in RPGs, or the battle cuts short because you're going to win, but you still "lose".
Is it a joke that people actually think S2 is the best?
I want to play Suikoden 2.
But should i play Suikoden 1 before playing 2?
In Suikoden 1, your idelogical conflict with your father leads you to duel him to the death, possibly having lost one of your retainers who bought the time for you to flee with his life.
In Suikoden 2... Most of the bad shit is the responsibility of a third party, and you and your best mate are just pissy with one another.
Not exactly the same scale.
Luca Blight never complains about his history in-game though. You have to read supplemental material or really read into subtext to have any concept of his motivations. Luca Blight is among the best psychos video games have to offer and his boss fight is hype as fuck. He also gets bonus points for being a Xiang Yu expy
And besides you could play this both ways. The entire reason for the conflict in Suikoden 1 is that Barbarossa Rugner is pussy whipped by some evil whore. This isn't really a fault since Suikoden thrives on what can easily be dismissed as petty human conflicts.
Ok, please tell me why Suikoden 4 is good. Honestly, without the fast forward button on traveling by boat, it would have been unplayable.
This screen is really got me and i think Suikoden 2 true ending was so perfect, it's worth getting 108 star of destiny just to watch it.
what the fuck, there was a way to speed up the boat travels?
>i don't remember the 6th
The ideal in S2 was ending the war and its conflict. The war was over and Highland surrendered, along with the Beast Rune being beaten back. There was no reason to kill each other except for the Runes rubbing each other the wrong way. And at least Nanami's survival was plausible and explained unlike "Gremio is back because you caught all the Pokemon."
>Jowy and Riou don't really hate eatch other or oppose one another. During the "best" ending, they decide that they can just fuck off and be best buddies.
I thought that was the whole point, that despite their friendship their positions as leaders of rival factions put more pressure on them than they wanted and they couldn't just stop the war like they previously planned out of the responsibilities they had to their people. It's only after Luca has been disposed of and the whole Beast Rune thing had been cleared up that they could abdicate their responsibilities and try to go back to how things were between them.
'best' endings in Suikoden tended to be unrealistic anyway due to the idea that everyone survives, even people who are supposed to die for story reasons. It's more for completists than anything else.
>you will never visit Harmonia
>you will never know Hikusaak's true intentions
>you will never get to visit the other continents
>Pesmerga and Yuber will never have their final confrontation
>oh, here's Tierkreis
>In Suikoden 2... Most of the bad shit is the responsibility of a third party, and you and your best mate are just pissy with one another.
No, it was about ideology and historic inevitability. Suikoden has always had call backs to Chinese history. The conflict continued due to the inevitability of conflict and unification between the two kingdoms (as Suikoden 2 follows themes inspired by the Chu–Han Contention, and the earlier assimilation of numerous smaller kingdoms that finally culminated with the Qin unification of China).
The latter plot was not motivated by personal passions but duty.
I played Tierkreis for about 10 hours. Does it ever feel like a Suikoden game?
:Loved that scene and the curbstomping that ensued afterwards.
>The entire reason for the conflict in Suikoden 1 is that Barbarossa Rugner is pussy whipped by some evil whore
That's a more cynical way of looking at it. He said himself: he fell in love with her, and tried to change her, but he lost his kingdom as a result. He then killed them both via suicide. The music just hits home as a tragedy.
It was a great way of showing that Jowy was getting just as powerful on the other side of the fence but still had some tie to his old self.
I agree. My point is how easily you can dismiss it in that fashion rather than acknowledge it as a human tragedy.
Hold R1. Or it was L1. I can't remember which one, I played it about a decade ago.
Theres no remake or convenient way to play it. You either need a PSP, PS1, or a masterrace to play it. Fuck that.
>swaps his quarterstaff for his sword
Is there a better way to express Jowy's fall from grace? Inexcusable.
You can play them via PS3 PSN download.
I'm pretty sure Suikoden's 'Emperor was supposedly manipulated by an enchantress but was immune to her charms and genuinely loved her' was a call back to some other piece of chinese literature.
Houshin Engi tangentially related,.
Feels good
ok :(
Just started. I heard there are missable characters. Should I worry about that?
>he doesnt own a ps1
kek nu-Sup Forums right here.
>not playing it on PS2
why would you needlessly suffer so?
>missing manual
feels shit
Suikoden has outdated mechanics, who the hell would want to paly that?
iirc you can always go back to previous lands, but there are characters who can 'die' and screw you over. At least check out the instructions for the Pahn duel, because that's nearly impossible to get right on your first try.
Hey I bought it not as a collectors item but as a kid who wanted to play a quality RPG. So fuck manuals I'm not going to read that shit.
Might as well just pirate the game at this point
Pesmerga, Georg, Viktor in the front
Mazus, Hero and Luc in the back, sometimes i switch Viktor with Camus because i have a hard on for the Rage rune, even though Mazus makes the game so trivial.
Debating on going to my lgs and getting their physical copies of suikoden 1 and 2, is it worth?
Suikoden 4 and Suikoden Tactics were the best
S1 and 2 are good for "nostlagic" purposes but they're shit games in general. and they're expensive.
I mean at least Leknaat explains that thanks to gathering of all stars she was able to resurrect Gremio.
She said she couldn't do this again but they obviously wanted to give you a reward equal to that of the first game so... they just did it anyway through plot reasons. If you got the alternate ending at Tinto you'd fucking know how badly Nanami wanted to end it all.
They both had good reasons you can't say either is 'utter shit', they thought about it.
Yes there are missable characters. Realistically without a guide you will miss some of them. I can think of one or two who are ridiculously well hidden too
Joey is the worst. He's a traitor to his country who dumped his poverty family to marry into enemy royalty. He also made no effort to stop the war or the beast rune sacrifices.
I thought you were supposed to kill him at the end so he could repent, and was very confused when I got a shit ending.
Konami is a shitty company.
I would get it, in the event they exit gaming.
stay salty
>Suikoden 4 and Suikoden Tactics were the best
absolute shit taste
Unless you are some type of peculiar collector or obsessed with playing it on original hardware its better to play an emulated version of the games. Suikoden 1 has not aged well mechanically but is a very fast playthrough. Suikoden 2 is a gem although the mechanics are pretty fundamental by today's standards.
what game do I play Sup Forums?
No one will blame people for pirating this game at this point. Konami doesn't give a shit about games not related to gambling, and they are $5 to $10 on the PSN.
I think new generations should play it, no matter what or how.
Threads of Fates - Mint's route
Or you can play Thousand Arms until the voice acting causes you to turn the game off in pain. There's a reason dating games shouldn't have english voice acting.
Not really. No duels, no army battles, not even the same world, so no trivia or references about the places we know. I also hated how they tease you with a traditional world map at the beggining just to drop it and have a glorified location menu latter. You still have a castle and the stars of destiny. I liked the soundtrack and the plot is not too bad, but it just doesn't have anything to do with Suikoden with that pararell universe thing. As a stand alone game is fine but as a Suikoden game I think is shit.
Alright then, guess ill pass on it, store said they had like 5 other people asking for them so they could only hold them for me till the end of the day if i decided i wanted them
I always used Shiro with gale + double beat. His base stats are insane and with those two he just did monstrous fucking damage just biting twice each turn. The silver wolf could never stand a chance. Riou was the healing bitch, Shiro 1 shotted everything and the other 4 were meant to protect Shiro and Riou.
Also I think the Luca fight is the best fight in any jRPG ever made. They knocked it out of the fucking park, it's absolutely perfect.
Tir McDohl
This is objectively the best party.
It was one of the most epic fights in RPG history and it wasn't against some magical being or super powered deity.
Just a guy. A really psychotic guy.
I love how Suikoden 1 has those old school covers that has almost nothing at all to do with the game itself.
Legend of Legaia is a hidden gem of PS1.
Luca's easily one of the best villians in a JRPG. I loved how insane and powerful he was.
>tfw there are actually scum living in this world that didn't return to the cliff at the end of the game and just left Jowy to die alone and abandoned