Who is the best Cyber Athlete?

Who is the best Cyber Athlete?

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>Cyber Athlete

Certainly not InCholesterol

Not the best but the most enlightened one.

Only answer


isn't it obvious


what game does he play?

Isnt that the kike who told his goy friend to kill himself?

the best == the cutest

Lowtestiny is a brainlet cuck.



Pretty obvious, yeah

The one that matters

>Hitler salutes
what the ****?

i'm getting fewer and fewer chances to post these sc2 memes

Fat fuck

>Sucks at SC2, yet got paid to do it anyway
>Plays Warhammer
>Marries Miss Oregon USA 2011.

Is there hope for us all?

>cyber athlete

Shaking My Headstiny he isn't enlightened. He is still reeling from the defeat he faced against Sargoy.

This guy is a massive asshole, who in discussions, keeps asking people to clarify their arguments instead of just going with the flow of the conversation. He is so dumb.

>Sargon "our universe isn't deterministic" of Akkad

He's a hyper anti intellectual.

Dude, you're dumb, just stop.

He's great but I prefer Flash

>keeps asking people to clarify their arguments
no, he tricks them into saying things they actually don't mean eg. JonTron

>Ace of spades tattoo

>I know exactly how neurons work down to the lowest detail
This is why i know Destiny is a fucking retard.

Destiny is pretty funny to watch ironically. He has no real positions, he's just a counter counter culturist. He pretends to be a liberal when he sounds like he has never talked to an actual liberal in his life.

Hey buddy why am i dumb.

>Let me argue a false premise and then become upset that the other person balks at it and then proceed to drop 10+ faulty statements ripped straight from Salon/Huffpo/Slate to try to overwhelm my opponent.

He has great entertaining content, but check out his lecture with Shawn Dawson - the guy can't grasp logical scope at all.

My man, he does what you're talking about exactly by making people clarify their positions, it's such a fucking dick move.

Hey morons, where do you get these statements from, i see you drones parroting the same stupid shit whenever Destiny is mentioned.

You wouldn't understand if I told you, dummy.

this is how Donny two scoops affects us

>Pick any random Destiny video
>Watch 2 seconds
there is your proof faggot.

Neurons follow the same laws of physics that everything else does which makes their behavior deterministic.

So you 've never watched his videos, only the counter videos in which you're given a set of statements you can parrot against someone that is capable challenging your world view.

gaming takes just as much skill and deication to succeed as traditional sports

>We still don't know everything about how our brains function.
>We still don't know how everthing works at quantum level.
>We don't know what, if any, there is to be discovered in the future.
But ayy, maybe you just figured everything out and hog the information for yourself.
Or maybe you're just a dumb idiot posting on Sup Forums

Destiny has a great format(tackling interesting subjects each week, one hour debates with strangers or just talking about a subject passionately) but more often than not just spouts conjecture or really stupid opinions with zero basis other than being counter cultural.

Are there any actually good channels that I can just listen to in my car while I'm driving? Just not alt-right retardation or "classical liberals", people like Molyneux and Sargon come off as genuine fucking retards. From what I've seen, metokur is pretty good.

literally just watch his debates
he constantly restates the other person's argument in a way that makes them sound racist or dumb. sargon noticed it and callled him out, where jontron cracked jokes about it and now he's team hitler's nazis. anyone can watch 5 minutes of destiny """debating""" and see these faults.

WHen is Korea Time coming back? I miss FlaSh schooling broodwar babies and Jaedong

What the fuck I'm playing dota now

>fails at dota
>take a break and stream random games
>gets banned due to cheating
>comes back to dota
>fails again


Getting to The International even if you're in the last place still gets you fucktons of money. Not a fail.

Destiny doesn't rephrase things, he reduces and nitpicks until he finds something he can try and fight and then when he can't win that fight he changes topics.

Destiny is a terrible debater and part of the cancerous trend on the internet where people don't have arguments, they have fights, so it's a bunch of idiots slinging insults mixed with fact over and over without an ounce of ethos or pathos to actually make these arguments even possibly swaying to anyone. People care more about winning than being heard

>win ONE tournament
>be top 10 most earned esports master
yea uh thanks valve..

>he qualified in the least competetive region
>got nowhere in the tournament
>this means he's good enough to be the best!

>Destiny is pretty funny to watch ironically.

i remember when people though he was pretending to be a piece of shit.

>The International
Mason's team got 370,000+ usd from it, that's at least 50k per player granted the 10% for the team. He's succesful so far.

Because that's a bad thing how exactly?

i assume this only includes tournament winnings and not any sponsorships etc

My point is that getting to TI guarantees a player 10k USD and that's not a money you find walking in the streets but by playing in TI and afaik Mason's team got 9th place

>do esports for years
>one guy gets into TI, gets last place, and still makes more money than you
>all this only because the company behind the game has unlimited funds

and that's good enough for "Who is the best Cyber Athlete?"

WEll of course not, that I won't deny. He's just being memed by /d2g/

How do you know he isn't? He's basically a living strawman, making liberals look worse.


dude asl is on this week, look at the vods.

korea time tonight (tomorrow morning)

So it's bad because of possible jealousy, gotcha.

Thanks! So it starts tomorrow?

Well they got there? That's not an achievement?

>keeps asking people to clarify their arguments instead of just going with the flow of the conversation

>guy destiny is talking to says x
>destiny repeats back x
>I didn't say x

This is literally he does. When you hold retarded opinions, and someone repeats them back to you, you're not getting baited, you're just digging your own hole.

well day 4 of the round of 24 is on at like 4am, 3 days have already gone through. Go to AfreecaTVLive youtube channel


really makes you think

My boy Stork is back in top form, get fucking hyped

He's using dickmove tricks, and it's obvious to all non autistic assholes.


Stargirl is cute

If dickmove tricks are pointing a mirror at your retarded opinions then there's absolutely nothing wrong with this.

>Watch GOMTV on 144p or something
>Don't even play Brood War
>Still no game stream will ever top that

modern asl is still fun, tastosis hasn't lost it's touch

relies on cheese and map advantage. He'll get destroyed in the next round when real players come in

flash (bw)
kuroda (3s)
rapha (q3, ql)

last is the best t after flash though.

Rapha is such a legend and still so humble.

rank DD

L 1

Emperor Hirohito on visit to Nazi Germany (1942, colorized)


last has been steadily placing lower and lower, he's overrated.

The older players are starting to get back into it and the young guns that filled the void will be slowly pushed out

sSak new 2nd best terran

I know people hate League, but Faker is legit one of the best players in any game ever.

only if you actually suck cocks for a living


There was never any doubt.

The only true answer


I really, really like this guy

He's not even the best assfaggots player in the world