ITT: Overrated games
ITT: Overrated games
your favorite game
This has got to be the holy trinity of overrated fucking games. They're boring and control like shit. And the stories are lame and pretentious. They insist upon themselves way too fucking much. I bet TLG is just as trash.
Ocarina of Time
grrr golly gee willikers I'm so angry you said my favorite game is shit aaaaaaa grr I'm so pissed and mad now you a**hole
Anything that is praised but has less than 30 fps is a tragedy against humanity.
will peecucks ever recover from based bloodborne?
I have a ps4 and I think this game is overrated as hell
I have a ps4 and I think this game is one of the best games out there currently, and the praise is more than justified.
Just because it's one of the greatest on ps4 doesn't make it good. It can be the best but still be awful which it is
Guys, just because something is overrated, doesn't mean it's bad.
It's not really that popular outside of Sup Forums.
I'm not saying it's one of the best on the ps4 alone, read the post again and this time try to pay attention.
Fuck this franchise, for being such unremarkable games they sure do get lots of praise.
Just because you don't think it's good doesn't mean it isn't. It's great
Imagine how sad and bitter your life has to be to create this picture.
this, a thousand times
> not including HL 2 and Portal 2
I have a better idea, OP.
ITT: Kino video games.
Hows about you go back to redddit without a fuss
>it runs at 30 fps
>therefore the rest of the game is invalid
At least relative to the other Souls games
>Pretty short
>Fewer builds
>Fewer stats
>Fewer weapons and pieces of equipment
>Fewer RPG elements in general
>Restrictive gimmick weapons
>Less replay value
Its good, its just far from the best Souls game. Felt less like an action-RPG and more like an action game with some RPG elements.
the kinoest
>It has 30fps so it's bad, everything else is irrelevant.
What a retard, holy damn.
I agree, Pewdiepie is overrated
but has best gameplay
No, it does not, for many of the reasons I listed above.
Some screenshots looks like beautiful paintings. Seriously, Bloodborne is rawd.
Sup guys don't listen to this faggot I bought a PS4 last month and just finished Bloodborne, I fucking love it.
What other Sony Exclusives should I play now? I didn't own a PS3 so you can recommend me remakes.
So far I finished Bloodborne and Digimon Cyber Sleuth.
Only Sony exclusives please I own a PC for Multiplats.
>Dude it was a dream all along
Here's your (you)
The last of us
FFXII zodiac age
World of Final Fantasy
>Pretty short
I'd rather this game be shorter in length instead of running out of Steam like DS1
>Fewer builds
>Fewer stats
I don't see this as a negative, they're streamlined to include stats that matter, as opposed to something like Resistance
>Fewer weapons and pieces of equipment
Bloodborne weapons have 3x the moveset of Dark Souls weapons, without copypasting 10 times within the same weapon group
>Fewer RPG elements in general
Agreed, but it really depends on what you're looking for in the game
>Restrictive gimmick weapons
Don't know what you're trying to say here
>Less replay value
Replay value depends on how much you like the game
after Bloodborne Souls games feel so boring to me. Too slow, less dynamic, lack of of awesome transforming weapons and too much humanoid enemies. Bloodborne gameplay is much better.
should be
>games I pretend to dislike so you will think my tastes are sophisticated
>Implying it actually runs at 30 fps
It does.
that cutscene from ds3 where prince lothrics mute crippled brother crawled out of the shadows like a bishonen ogre was pretty fucking kinomatheque
>I don't see this as a negative
Less depth, and in part results in fewer possible builds, which also in turn hurts replay value. Removing equip load also results in fewer different builds. I'll argue that restrictions, when not overly severe, foster creativity and diversity. You're not always able to just use what's best, you have to make concessions, consider trade-offs and think outside the box more often, resulting in builds that will play differently.
>Don't know what you're trying to say here
They are functionally not very different from simply equipping two different weapons in any of the other games. I can carry a straight sword and a big hammer and swap between them as I please, much like BB's transforming weapons. However, I'm also free to mix and match as I please, I'm not stuck with what is essentially a pair of weapons that I cannot unpair or change up. So yes, while these paired weapons in BB might have more moves than a single weapon in Souls, I have fewer overall options and possible combinations, I have a handful of these paired, transforming weapons instead of a larger pool of individual weapons I can mix and match as I please, creating the combos and pairs I like. I wish power stances would come back too, that further encouraged using lots of different weapons together..
Bloodborne just removed or dumbed-down too many of the RPG and character-building elements from the other games, and as a result I feel it has less replay value and less depth as an action-RPG. It's still a good game, it's just missing a decent amount of what makes the Souls games enjoyable and worth playing over and over again.
>t. never played BB
stop posting anytime my dude.
Persona 5
Any random weebshit
Yakuza 0
>the world revolves around me.
It's silky smooth stable cinematic 15fps
You realize you can equip two weapons at once in BB right?
so you're going to really pretend that the framerate was not an issue?
>They insist upon themselves
Can anyone tell me what the fuck this is even supposed to mean?
Some smoke/blood effects tanked the FPS until the patch, and the frame pacing is still AIDS, but it doesn't affect my extremely high opinion of the game, no.
It didn't ask if it affected your opinion brainlet. I said it doesn't run at a stable 30 fps and you said it does
solid 22 fps in this game. absolute joke.
You asked if it was not an issue. An issue for whom? I can only speak for myself, and when speaking about yourself opinion is the word to use.
Frame your questions better next time, maybe. And no, the framerate doesn't impact playing the game in any real measure unless you're the type of player who considers it the be all end all of a game.
This is beautiful. Source?
That's not what I meant by issue. Confirmed retarded sonybro
>25 fps masterpiece
>so are you really going to pretend that the framerate was not an issue?
Was your entire question. So, what, if my mental functions had not been impaired by my ownership of a game console, had I been supposed to glean from that question, if not an issue for enjoyment and playability?
>0fps cuck race
>roll, roll, roll, roll, attack
How is this fun?
look at the context, you mongoloid. That was in response to y'all saying it ran at 30 fps. ISSUE as in FRAMERATE DROPS. Not your opinion on it
No, it's not because was patched right after release. Why are you shitposting PC friend?
Are we talking about PC PS2/3 emulation or Bloodborne now?
But Bloodborne rarely drops by small digits while being constant 30fps on Pro. What the fuck are you smoking?
Yeah, and I said it wasn't an issue. The game runs pretty comfortably it 30fps. Not brilliant even for the PS4, but enough to not prevent it being a standout masterpiece.
You need to work both on arguments and anger management. Bye.
definitely smells of Reddit in here.
>on pro
The only functional build BB really lacks is tank build but same can be said for souls since they lack bloodtinge builds. Pumping points in stats does not amount to functional build variety. The real change in gameplay style in souls series is primarily caused by heavy/light armor and weapon classes and BB easily beats souls in functional weapon variety any day.
>transforming weapons were not that good.
Transforming weapons are significantly better than generic copy paste weapons. If anything, they provide much better dynamic variety than any souls game. You won't use untricked kirkhammer and tricked kirkhammer in the same way and the fact that you can swap between them during fight makes it twice better.
>can't swap
That is false you can swap between two different trick weapons in BB as well essentially giving you 4 unique weapons at your disposal at any moment. mix n match as you please.
>wojak and greentext as counter "argument"
>not dash
How about you play the game and find out for yourself?
>mfw PCfags will never EVER get Bloodborne.
>dude why play shooters its just shoot, shoot shoot, reload, repeat
>dude why play platformers its just jump, jump, jump, repeat
>dude why play video games its just button, button, button, control stick, repeat
>in bloodborne
user I have a PC and PS4 what gives?
oh wow the animation is different. it's still the same thing. the game sucks.
>o-o-only people who don't have a ps4 would dare speaketh ill of bloodborne!
What games like do you like faggot?
*games do you like
haha take thta i mentally destroyd your favorote game ha you are of the noob! i have trolled you big tiem!
>Pumping points in stats does not amount to functional build variety
Please, don't trivialize arguments, this is not what I said. I explained why I think the deeper RPG elements result in more diverse builds. Balanced limitations force the player to make concessions and use different things, you can't always just use what's best so you have to do something else. I'll use another franchise as an example: Star Wars Battlefront. The old games had classes, you had to play a certain role on your team, to win everyone had to work together and it encouraged players to try different setups and team builds. In the reboot, you have loadouts, and everyone just uses the jertpack and sniper or whatever, because its the best. Everyone can be a badass lone-wolf, there's little in the way of team-building, and it results in a much more homogeneous set of player builds.
>That is false you can swap between two different trick weapons in BB as well essentially giving you 4 unique weapons at your disposal at any moment. mix n match as you please.
That's not what I said, I said the trick weapons cannot be unpaired themselves. Kirkhammer is always a little straight sword and the big hammer or whatever, that's what I'm referring to. I can't, say swap out that small sword for a spear, or the hammer for a greatsword with a different moveset, its just always those two weapons. It
is functionally no different than simply equipping multiple individual weapons, aside from the fact that I can't unpair them in BB. I could use up to six different weapons in any combination in either hand in Souls games. BB also doesn't let you choose the hand in which you hold your weapons, you always have your gun in the left and other weapon in the right.
But its not, the iframes, duration, distance, etc. are all different
>lol why do you hold B to run, walking is the same
Half life
BB has framepacing issues here and there, but I've played DaS2 (60fps) and DaS3 (30fps) on PS4 and couldn't tell a difference. I seriously think you guys are either shitposting or trying to justify spending hundreds of bucks on [insert lates memecard] lol
I won't call you names or say you're blind, but there is a noticeable difference between 30fps and 60fps. Play the same game at both frame rates side-by-side, and you'll immediately see the difference.
I came from ds2 on pc and went to bloodbourne. There is a major difference and it is jarring. And that was at the sections where the game managed to hold 30 fps.
t. the most colossal of faggots
Go back to getting spitroasted by Cloud and Squall.