This is Lady Lilith from Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess.

Say something nice about her.

Other urls found in this thread:


FFXI was a piece of shit grindy game that only existed to suck money out of weak minded MMO addicts.

It was, and still is, like 15 bucks a month.

In what world is that a lot of money?

She was the best thing out of WotG.

Although that's not saying much. WotG was a shit expansion that consisted of rehashed zones often changed for the worse (hello Jugner Forest), was dragged out for 3+ goddamn years, had a Full Retard story, and further sent the game down the casualization spiral that Abyssea would kill the game for.

This is your threadly XIV trigger :^) reminder.

I feel it gets a bad rep because it happened when the game was in that odd period where Square Enix was actively shifting people form FFXI to FFXIV.

It gave us Dancer, Scholar, quite a few of the missions were really well done and had some amazingly emotional and impactful moments.

Especially Windurst, they had some of my favorite scenes in WoTG and gave us my favorite character out of that expansion.

FFXI is a great game but it's being held back by yoshida, dunno why they put that cock holster in charge of the entire online division.


Who was the best race in the game?

My vote goes for Elvaan.

FFXIV is boring, i never played FFXI, but i love oldschool mmorpgs (everquest, asherons call, wow classic)

should i start with XI? If yes, which version? live server or p-server?

Play live. You can get the full collection for pretty cheap and don't have to worry about the bullshit that comes with private servers.

Also you can solo most of the content with trusts and enjoy the story.

Kind of a difficult question, honestly.

FFXI as it exists today is nothing like what it used to be. You're not getting something similar to the 2004-2007 experience I grew up to. The basic gameplay is still the same, but now you've got a lot of stat blot and item level mixed into the game which I've seen some people praise and some people shit on quite hard.

Sadly, the private servers aren't much better. A lot of them are run by morons, or people who have a lot of the wrong ideas about what made FFXI such a great experience.

One of the more popular private servers, for example, is run by a guy who thinks everyone should be stuck grinding experience points 24/7 and has removed a lot of core gameplay elements that defined the game so people would group more often. Soloing used to be a part of the game, but the changes this guy put into place has made it rough for jobs like Black Mage and Beastmaster to do anything on their own like they used to.

My suggestion, though, is that you don't really take my opinion and go read up on what the different servers are like.



^ These links describe what the modern game is like. I think some of the information is dated, but it'll give you a general idea.


^ This is a list of all the different private servers, and will give you an idea of how they're all run.

WOTG is the best FF story ever!

I'd go live just to see the story content. The writing has it's weak moments, but when it nails a story it does so wonderfully. Chains of Promathia come to mind.

Prishe is best waifu

Elvaans have the best waifus.

Even their half-breeds are beautiful

Dont do this to me Sup Forums, dont make FFXI threads because i become so weak

Nothing wrong with a trip down memory lane every now and again, Anonymous.


Favorite job?

Toss up between Dancer or Runefencer for me.

Elvaan, any other is wrong as fuck.

My nigga

Then allow me the privilege of calling you my brothers.

