How do or did your parents feel about your vidya habits?

How do or did your parents feel about your vidya habits?

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Didn't care


That it's for kids.

jon jed jorn

Dad would flip me shit saying I've been in my cave all day and then make me do menial projects, but would also allow me to play and enjoyed his occasional fps. He played fallout 3 more than I did.

I appreciate that we didn't share the love and that he made me set my controller down once in a while.

my mom doesn't care and tries to be supportive, she's really good at puzzle games though
my dad plays a shit ton of video games and even listens to my suggestions on what to play next, he's super excited for Mario Odyssey

They're just pretty happy I haven't killed myself yet.


My father actually introduced me into videogames when I was like 4 years old with Half-Life and Quake.

They told me I could be anything I wanted, so I became a NEET


My first Console was an NES because my parents kept it ever since release

Played mario 3 and duck hunt on it for years

They were da tru gaymers

He made us travel halfway across the world to go to the sink and take a shower

My father basically created it. His Atari and TI-99 where in my bedroom, where he spent a lot of time playing games like Frogger and some 3rd person space game. Then he got an Amiga and pirated the fuck out of games over 14.4k, eventually got an NES, Game Boy and Genesis, and from then I've had every major console (Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and MS). The only outlinders were a TurboExpress 16 and Atari Lynx.

For years my parents would scream and yell at me for playing too long. This went on from like 10yrs old until I transferred away for college at like 19 where they couldn't bother me.

They used to yell about how I was addicted and needed help. They hardly ever said anything to my brother who is 10yrs younger than me and played non stop. Finally at 25yrs old they say nothing. I wish I could move out still

They stopped asking about it. They sometimes tell me I have to grow out of playing video games all day and get a girlfriend, but they know as much as I do it'll never happen.

They think it's a waste of time. My friends also give me shit for playing every day even though they play Smash Bros every waking hour except that's only for "tournament practice".

Generally okay with it, although my father used to make me go outside. Now he's into some games, normie things like Bejeweled and GTA.

My Dad started them. Took me to the arcades all the time. He also started my anime habits too.

She was right.

>that video
50cc of pure unadulterated cringe straight into the memestream

your friends are fags

Don't really think much of it, my first consoles were my dad's he used to have a nes a sega and a playstation, i remember him playing the shit out of Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP 2 on the sega genesis, and Ace Combat 2 and 3 in ps1, he used to stay up real late playing Ps1 games.
Sometimes we play together, and whenever i get a new console he hangs around with me checking it out.
Mom loves guitar hero, she was really good with the drums. Other than that i haven't seen her playing anything else.
She liked the AR games for the 3ds tho, and basically stole my DS when i got Art Academy.

She once got really mad at me while i was playing RE3 and kicked the Ps1, that day i learned not to make my Mom mad, wich is a hard task.

why do the pepsi bottles say homo?

My father got me into playing vidya with Abe's Oddworld when I was 5 and EverQuest when I was 7 and we've played together in every MMO since. He used to be a carbon copy of Captain America but when he became particularly injured due to various reasons, he dedicated his time to spending it with me as I grew up. My mom doesn't mind it at all and both are happy that I even have interestd in things. We recently played ArcheAge, although going back to university cut my free time for that. The last big project we did was make a MAME arcade machine together. Shit was grand. Recently I was a bit shy to show him the latest Hatsune Miku rhythm game and he was impressed with how good the graphics were but didn't have the reflexes for the song.

He's my best friend and I love my parents to death. I wouldn't have my parents any other way and I sure can't wait for them to relieve the experience all over again when I have kids and I can be just a great father as mine was for me.

Your mom sounds hot.

When I was growing up they tried to talk me out of it, would very reluctantly buy me games for Christmas and shit. It was pretty obvious they didn't like my choice of hobby.

Now I'm working though they don't have much of a choice in the matter, I pay my way and help out with shopping every now and than so they rightfully don't bother lecturing me anymore. They do constantly go on about my older brother though, who at my age had already moved out and rented a flat with a girlfriend, but I'm past caring.

I feel like this will be me the day i have kidsif it happens someday.
I'm going to still play vidya when i can and i would like to introduce my kids to awesome games, maybe beat them together.
And i would introduce them to cool anime from the 80's and shit, would do anything for them not to watch moeshit tho.
She wasn't hot back in the day but more like really pretty, you compare her to her friends and sisters and she's easily the prettiest of them, my dad sure got lucky, tough he was pretty good looking too....don't know how i ended up looking like i do.

When I was a kid they would make me stop after a certain amount of play time.
Now that I'm an adult, pop doesn't seem to mind, he's pretty cool and respects what others like to do in thier free time so long as it isn't illigal but my mother sighs at the mere mention of it and always utters something under her breath or just in ear shot about how games are immature no matter the content.
She's tottaly fine with her friend though who is 5 years older than her and is a bigger game nerd than I am.

It's whatever though, I've learned to ignore her opinions.

sunday! sunday!


When did you realize that Elon Musk used his wizard powers to create his ex-wives as excuses to clone himself into his five """sons"""?

I'm 23, I'm independent, live on my own, pay my own bills, have a girlfriend and yet mom still nags me about vidya.
I can't be seen playing for more than 25 minutes because I'm an addicted freak that should spend his time better, all the while she plays on her phone and on Facebook and even burns her meals because she gets too distracted.
Also, my brother doesn't play vidya at all, but the fucker does carding, steals shit from other people, is 27 years old and can't be arsed to move out.
I don't understand my mom, I really don't.

I'm a manly carpenter,if i would dress like a twink and do ERP like Sup Forumsirgins they would be mad at me for playing probably

hostile at first, but they don't care now. Now a lot they can do about it anyways