
why do dokkan threads get deleted, its a fucking video game isnt it?

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So how many days until the Int Gogeta banner?

>It's a fucking video game isn't it?
Not really

Hows your progress my boyas
It has more gameplay than modern video games,prove me wrong.

only took a day to max. first rainbow too, he's a fucking boss.

where is cauli and kalle

fuck that where is muh boi jiren

or the other GoDs?

I fucking hate that clown,I hope someone punches his fucking face.


His design is shit,prove me wrong.


Cunt mod. One of them won't allow our occasional thread.

>mobile shit is okay when it's about my manga aimed at 14yo kids and spics!

>It has more gameplay than modern video games,prove me wrong.

Open your fucking eyes

>FEH threads reach bump limit every time

I don't even play this, but that's shitty.

>we used to make fun of this shit
>now we have more mobile game general threads than the sc2 and LoL generals that used to shit up the front page

if this site went down tomorrow and never came back up I'd be fine

>mobile gachashit

I don't care if mods are retarded and let the FE or Fate ones stay, as long as they're getting rid of at least one of you cancerous blights it's a start.

>all this samefag sluggin
man you actually shut the fuck up for a few days too

>closed minded asshats
nu-Sup Forums is here to stay, suck it up.

>Get 6 Hellfighter 17's in a row

Cheers Scamco

There is no deleted Dokkan thread in the archive, why do you lie? Janny stopped deleting them ages ago, are you slugger false flagging like when he made a thread to complain about orb packs(because he plays the game too the faggot).

Got my ss4 vegeta and am done.
Ss3 angel goku FUCKING WHEN?

How the fuck do you guys grind the dokkan events, like Super 17's is strength 40 I struggle to complete strength 20's do you just grind orbs and shit to make your characters stronger?

The best character I have got is ss4 gogeta the rest of my list is scrubs

Who is the best character to buy from Baba's Shop if you have a beginners ticket?

Don't have a shit team. Use proper items. If you want real advice post team

>have a 70 or 120 lead
>take a 120 lead friend or LR friend
>have good team composition
>smart character positioning in battle
>defensive items

you need a 120% leader

the Bardock, cause his dokkan is really good

Bardock is best. Gohan, trunks and goku are solid at best. Vegeta is trash

>rerolled for LR majin Vegeta
>Spend 800 stones on super 17 banner
>get every thing except super vegito and rose black
>friend does like 5 multis, gets three rose blacks and all he wants is ssj4 Vegeta
Fuck this shit rose black always seems to elude me while everyone else has rainbow copies of him

>A clown is threatening with a knife some fancy alien chick

Uh... Are we sure this isn't one piece?

I think he's really overrated. He's still gonna be weak, just a support unit that gives 30% when the high standard is already 2ki and 40% which I think the new Cabba gives.

Cabba isn't out and there's no guarantee you'll pull him. I got bardock so i don't have get cabba unless i really want to

i got 6 black rose and all i want is 1 ssj4 bejita

Because every fucking thread derails into DBS discussion. Dragonball isn't vidya anymore. Same with that tumor, Fighters.

Saged and reported. Do your fucking job jannies.

Try weeks, if not months

What team should I make?

I have him too and when he dokkans I will have optimal super str but I still think as a support unit he's above average and nothing more.

>Because every fucking thread derails into DBS discussion.

That's a pretty accurate description for DB Fighter Z threads

Make a mono AGL Team with Super Vegito as your lead until you Dokkan Awaken LR Majin Vegeta

Super Vegito
Majin Vegeta
SSJ2 Gohan
Mystic Gohan
SSJ2 Goku

Continued 2/3

I mean his post implies he already bought the ticket, the bardock is the only decent choice.

Except that's not true at all for Dokkan threads. Every single thread is 99% game discussion. I've never seen a more on topic discussed game. Every other dbz game thread is just fighting about certain sagas and series.


Cooler, black, omega, fp frieza, gohan possessed, other extreme phy unit

Forgot phy broly

Should I pull on the 17 banner again? I got SS4 Vegeta already but I want one of the non-AGL cards there
same, but next chapter, beerus will most likely land some hits on him
I got this boyo maxed already, he is my best card right now. I wished I didn't waste time trying Z hard stage for the medals after I got them in normal

What other agl unit do you not have that you want?

We already gave you an answer m8

ssj3 angel goku fucking when? I heard Int Kid Buu was already translated I hope they don't plan to release a ll the shit 120 leads first and save the best for last

No, its a phone app

so caulifla and kale at 3:30 est

the manga is really weird

yeah, Sup Forums needs more LoL threads amirite?
fucking faggot

What's this about it being a GSSR banner?

Extreme PHY with Cooler or Mono-AGL with Super Vegito

Cooler/FP Frieza/Goku Black/Broly/Omega/Mira (better cuz 120% lead)
Super Vegito/Majin Vegeta/SSJ Goku/SSBKK Goku/Ultimate Gohan/SSJ2 Gohan

is it worth getting 2 rainbow goku jrs so that you have 2 for battlefield if/when it releases on glb?

>>It has more gameplay than modern video games,prove me wrong.
>Build team based on luck and/or enough money spent
>have broken team that can easily do every event
>moment to moment gameplay is picking color orbs so you can super, but needing orbs in a broken team doesn't exist outside LR units

That isn't to say it's a terrible time waster of a game. I play it while I'm waiting for something like cooking, taking a dump, waiting during a match, etc etc. But Dokkan hardly has any gameplay outside of building a team.

My goku jr is about 90% done since I don't really give a shit for him. Only doing it for battlefield

What is this battlefield you speak of?

don't you guys have a general for this game on /vg/ already

I don't understand these posts. It has as much gameplay as a jrpg. And having a broken team is akin to being overleveled.

well if I were to draw another AGL from that banner I would like to get Vegito or Rosé, but I'm targetting SSB Teq Goku or Int SS Goku as to make these types teams a bit better

>42 stones
Don't do it.

Current teq team this time, working on z-awakening Jackie

You should be spending stones to aquire god leads. Or optimal units for teams you already have god leads for.

This fucking banner is fucking me in the ass, I can't get a single decent pull and I've wasted 3 multis on it

That's for the avatar fags of xenoverse.

It's okay. I pulled twice on Cooler just because I love Cooler, and got almost nothing.

we traded one cancer for another

Cooler blessed me with his presence and brought Fusion Zamasu along with him, should've kept pulling on that one instead, fuck me.

So there's no god leads on this banner other than SS4 Vegeta?

If we ignore having a broken team, the game consists of 2 things
>Build team
That's outside of the moment to moment gameplay that Dokkan has
>Plan out what orbs to pick so you can super in the future or on the current unit
That sums up Dokkan in a nutshell. It has far less gameplay than a JRPG.

It's a nice time waster and that's about it. I don't see why some of you delusional people try to spin it another way to glamorize the game. This is coming from an autist who has about 700 log in days in it.

>tfw best boy Beerus is stronger than this literal clown
Feels good man.

I don't think this game is particularly good but it's licensed and has ever increasing numbers, which is what I need in a DBZ game that isn't in the fighting genre

Super 17 is but extreme agl isn't a very good team compared to others. Super vegito is a former god and a must for super agl team. But regardless you dont have enough stones to really try to get anything. It would be wise to save stones for int gogeta/str janemba banner that is a discount banner and has nothing but god leads on them. It should be next month or the month after that

Who should I focus on dokkaning next

I need advice. Do I have anything worthwhile here? What should I be spending my time on right now? Is this current box hopeless and should I give up altogether?

ty anons

oh and what team? I currently run super blugeto with the agl blu goku, int goku jr, ss4 goku, bulma and to better?

Any word on when they're getting in the English release of Dokkan?
Going to wait and buy an account with them already on it.

I see, thanks for taking your time to get this info through user.
That time is enough for me to get most stones from quest mode and to dokkan my strike cards and the summons I already have.

>ss4 goku and ss3 gt goku
They should be having a Strength banner like soon since they had phy, agl and teq banners so far. Try to get a good super str team from it. Also you got good villians and can run a solid extreme team

Try and get more Super STR characters. SSJ4 Goku and SSJ3 GT Goku are fucking beasts in a Super STR team.

Don't be retarded, you have a good super team.

>Vegito Blue
>Kaioken Blue Goku
>SSJ3 GT Goku
>SSJ4 Goku
>Goku Jr.
>INT SSJ Goku or SSJ3 Vegeta
Start Dokkaning your shit.

Kill yourself. Goddamn it Super was a fucking mistake.

You act like there is no strategy involved especially in boss rush. It's not hard but unit positioning matters depending on opponent attacks and so does orb setting up. The game is much easier today because of units but if you've been here that long you know how tough the broly event was even with an optimal team and the fact that you have been here that long just means you've already logged over 1000 hours and it's become mindless to you. For newer players the experience is much different. We often have people who can't do anything on super difficulty. Ypu can say the gameplay is light but to say it has no gameplay is retarded and yes there is more gameplay than a lot of jrpgs. I also have over 700 logged days and I took a long break from it.

Hey man I prefer pre-Super too but I only play mobile games for cute girls.


Do not shit up our threads

Your wallet

But that was an hour ago and I don't see them

3:30 at night


Also you don't really need to do that because in JP their banner had GSSR. So it should be pretty easy to just reroll for an account with both.

>Mobile thread
>Dragonball thread

Shit from the start.

slugger go and stay go

>Have Vegito Blue and SSJ4 Goku
You have 2 options. Finish a super team with upcoming lead banners or hope for super str pulls since they're most likely not featured aside from Gogeta.

>Super Team
You have
>Vegito Blue
>SSJ4 Goku
>SSJ3 Goku
Pretty alright team and just missing 2 good units to fill the rest. I'm lazy to double check, but I do believe they all link well. Downside in comparison to Super STR is you're missing out on 140% stats which is a big deal if those units aren't SA10. If they are SA10 then the game's content doesn't really need 140%.

>Super STR
You have
>SSJ4 Goku
>SSJ3 Goku
.. that's it. Filling out the rest is pretty hard since they're not featured units, but you can fill them with random super str that you have and pull such as Bulma for ki support and that Goku just as a filler. Units you'd like would be

>SSJ2 Teen Gohan
>Blue Vegeta
>GT Trunks
Then as fillers
>SSJ Gotenks

150 stones latter still no ssr

what said, dokkan those fuckers

and in the future try to pull stronger Super STR units which ssj4 goku can lead

if you spend money on this game then the beginner pack bardock is a nice fit for that

How much money did you pay ? What do you do for a living ?

>not saving your stones for tonight's GSSR

>no elder kai medal in sight
please help me out