Do you plan on ever working in the gaming industry?
Do you plan on ever working in the gaming industry?
I'm not a crippled muslim female tranny so it's kind of difficult. Dem free access quotas.
White males have to be unbelievably amazing, we don't get guaranteed jobs like the pity classes.
This. I ain't a tranny, nigger, muslin or woman. No job for me.
Pretty much this.
only if soe will sit on my face.
>ever wanting to work for a big developer
sadly this
I rather get paid more and do less work in another field.
I'm currently working as a son, if you know what I mean.
I am working for the game industry
Bigger companies = great benefits. Usually
I'm a brainlet so no, I have lost count of the times I've tried to learn to program.
Girls that get tattoos are so trashy.
It never ceases to annoy me that people can get guaranteed jobs, no matter how good or bad they are. Quotas are bullshit.
They wont replace us! Kill all mon whites! They want to genocide us!
Yeah, it's totally the fault of minorities that you're a basement dwelling neckbearded virgin who never accomplished anything in his life besides assembling a massive anime figurine collection.
Yeah actually, went back to school recently for comp sci, prior to that I worked as audio engineer at churches. May not make any great video games but I'll be sure to do my part to end this shit identity politics culture.
The only way I would work in the industry is if I owned my own studio and could make the games I want to play.
Nuh-uh, White Male is easy mode.
White men want to do this work and are hired based on talent.
Blacks and women have to be literally dead and rotting to not get a job, hell someone would employ them even then.
The problem is that the companies will get fined if they don't hire a "minority" if they apply and they haven't filled their quota.
A black man can be the worst programmer the world has ever known, and he can still get a job at any studio he wants. Same applies for women.
My main issue with this is that it drives down the quality of games.
Yeah, in exchange for working shitty hours on shitty games you have no creative control over.
Its not just companies. Even military schools have as much as 25% of quotas reserved for minorities.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
If a good game gets worse over a few years
Look at the staff changes
-Sage Panda
>t. jobless 20+ year old ideas guy who fantasizes about his award winning game idea while lying awake in bed to distract himself from the crippling shame
>all these salty white boys who don't want to put in the effort or just have a shit portfolio blaming "quotas" for their problems
>salty white boys believing they should get a vidya job just because they're a salty white boy
l m a o
>Bigger companies = great benefits
Canadian studios had a high quality of life, but now several studios (Ubisoft Montréal, Square Enix Montréal) are in danger of being shut down.
With mobile games pulling in millions, and several flops, everyone is downsizing.
What is every job in a first world country?
wew, this projecting. haha
>t. token nigger
Mass effect andromeda.
>t. pain
Only if this project I'm working on ever takes off I hope I can become a lazy hack on the level of Kojima.
You don't seem to understand how quotas work in employment.
>no creative control over
I don't know how it works for programmers and designers but even as a junior artist I'm included in all brainstorm sessions and a few of my ideas have been greenlit. Hours are only shit in sprints. Otherwise I get pretty nice PTO and most of the designers/programmers can fuck off on fridays early once work is finished.
Most companies are also switching over to lootbox systems to compensate for that. Depends on which tradeoff you want.
I want to make a series of games by myself and let that be my legacy. I don't need anymore.
>A black man can be the worst programmer the world has ever known, and he can still get a job at any studio he wants.
I experienced this shit first hand not in the games industry but in my own field. We had a string of like 3-4 under qualified black guys that got hired and were terrible at there jobs. None of them lasted a month except one guy who took months to fire because he was pulling the race card and crying racism when they initially tried to fire him and threatened to sue.
They wouldn't hire you regardless
this is kinda true, a lot of people have shitty portfolios. Can't count how many times my roommate asked me about a piece he's working on and I've had to begrudgingly analyze it, being as diplomatic as possible. god damn, seems like all art kids are horrible like this. If you're that insecure maybe you should fuck off. Skin color/ideology irrelevant.
user I never wanted to think like this but
If a woman developers butts in on a project made by mostly males
its gonna suck
and its gonna suck bad
Post yfw you're working in a company that didnt fall for the diversity meme yet.
Just speculation and scapegoating then?
How is your mothers boyfriend doing?
I did for about 5 years. But the money outside the video game industry is much much better.
They would if said I was a tranny, and you know it's true.
I'm not the one who admitted to accomplishing so little in his life that he has to blame minorities for taking all the video game development jobs and that's totally the reason he's unemployed.
>None of them lasted a month except one guy who took months to fire because he was pulling the race card and crying racism when they initially tried to fire him and threatened to sue.
I always find situationss like these hilarious, even though I pray every day it doesnt happen to me.
It's not speculation when affirmative action still exists. Have you ever had a job?
>tfw 2gd broke up with an orphan on a Christmas
I work for a sales company, the diversity meme havent hit us yet, but im afraid it will.
All you have to do is go look at the credits list and google people. Not really speculation. I mean, you can't really deny that water is wet when it is in fact wet. Actually think it weakens your stance.
Do you even know what affirmative action entails? Can you explain it?
I hear you brother, I can already feel tides of doom approaching every time I see mail from our HR. Lets just enjoy it while it lasts.
I want to hurt, rape and degrade Soe.
t. uneducated minorities/rednecks
I love being white and I would never trade it for anything else. I got a job with Exxon last year and you want to know how many minorities I'm working with? One random Mexican guy, that's it. Companies still hire you based on your education and if you're white you get an upper hand. Maybe if you were actually educated you could find a job.
>A black man can be the worst programmer the world has ever known, and he can still get a job at any studio he wants. Same applies for women.
Did you even graduate high school? Can you do basic algebra and calculus? What fortune 500 company is going to hire you just because you're black? lmao
Do you know what google is I'm surprised you're asking this question
I want to hurt, rape and degrade *anyone from the ages of 6 to 30*
atleast use the bigger image
>All you have to do is go look at the credits list and google people.
Please try your hardest to remember what it was you were trying to prove. Hint: it was not that minorities have jobs.
Hey Sup Forums spoiler alert black people are getting the job when you're not because you're a talentless, uncharismatic hack
didnt know the christmas part. interesting
>Did you even graduate high school? Can you do basic algebra and calculus?
At the end of the day this is the kinda shit that matters, what does your portfolio say? were you top 20% percent at school? Did you drop out at any point? What is your political affiliation? This is what I care about the most.
Anyone who immediately places blame for their inability to achieve something on society most likely has a fault that they don't want to admit.
Call me an armchair psychologust or whatever but it's probably true.
That's not to say that the current climate of gaming isn't a bit sketchy, but it's not completely against you.
There are still "white guys" working in the industry, if you didn't get in it's probably because they were just better.
Besides it's not completely shut off, the Indie scene is blowing up right now and anyone can get into that if they know what they're doing.
If this was a dream you really wanted you would take the chance.
Complaining on Sup Forums is just loosing.
I'm not asking you to explain it for my benefit, but for your own.
>the occasional white girl who looks strangely familiar to you
Oh, I'm just some user commenting about your statement, Haven't been following whatever inane shit you're arguing about. I just saw a comment with idiocy in it, you could have been anyone.
>tfw you have a small company and have to find excuses for not picking blacks
Trully suffering.
>Haven't been following whatever inane shit you're arguing about.
That much is obvious.
and yet you bothered to reply.
>tfw user is lying on the internet about working as a game dev for (you)s
why do u need excuses? just say no lmao
Yes, I was in a conversation. More baffling is that you bothered to reply.
I am one of the few kids who grew up playing video games and has never cared to make a video game
After several denied applications people start asking questions. Not to mention if you have 30+ employee's you're pretty much under everyone's radar for not falling for diversity meme.
What if there actually competent ones?
The law only requires that you do not discriminate in your hiring policies. Affirmative action is only required for government-affiliated employers. Affirmative action programmes don't use set quotas either.
Yeah what about thisyou're basically hurting your own pocket if you hire people because their white
I worked for a studio in Eastern Europe. We made a few PC games, roughly strategy genre. Ubisoft purchased us and made us make mobile games. I quit and got into warehouse management and transactions software.
It depends on context as well. Where do you live, what are the demographics. If you own a business and you got a problem with skin color and so on you should be operating in an area that primarily has [insert race] so you can engage in those practices. I have no sympathy for people who don't consider things like that. Go ahead and rape who you don't like, but rape in a place where that shit is normal.
t. "ideas guy"
Damn dude, I like you. No homo
I did briefly and it was as terrible as I expected
Worked at Netherrealm as a designer for 6 months
Barely got hired out of college, had to work crunch time 24/7, had no input on design decisions because only senior guys did, and all I did was script sequences in Unreal and make sure combat damage was balanced. The pay was also terrible.
Got let go because one of the senior artists gf wanted my job and she got hired because she likes his dick.
And for the record I am a gay black guy who deliberately didnt mention my race or orientation in the hiring process as to try to get by on merit alone. It's unsurprising that SJW game companies dont practice what they preach
>i am only a loser because i'm a white man
>if i was a black woman i'd get a job with no effort
>bawwww i'm so oppressed
I don't believe you.
>soe has tats now
What went wrong?
Its okay, I forgive you.
I am about to start college with a major CS with a minor in game design next week. I took a AP CS class in senior year of high school and it was only JAVA and I had done very little JAVA before, but I am really passionate about this stuff. so I had to teach myself more about JAVA outside of class because the teacher had to cut corners because it was AP and he didn't do a good job explaining when I asked him for help. I ended up getting a B and a 3 on the AP test. I'm not very smart, I may get good grades and SAt scores but I can't look at something and be a genius and understand it in a day. I spent most of high school up until midnight or past midnight just so I could keep a high GPA and stay on honor roll. Do I even have a chance even if I try all I can or is someone like me bound to fail hard enough to never recover? I think I may drop the minor and focus on the major and just do game design/programming on my own time.
I would only make 1 game at most.
The bigotry of low expectations is a beautiful thing. I get to be racist and have the government prove to me why they are lesser than me.
>It's unsurprising that SJW game companies dont practice what they preach
Welcome to the real world. Everyone's hypocrite, and will do anything for their own immediate gain. You sound like a good guy, even though I hate niggers and fags. So yeah, it would be in your best interest to turn into someone like your Netherrealm coworkers are or you will get burned even more.
>Suppose a single unused parking space in front of a popular restaurant is reserved for disabled drivers. Non-disabled drivers who observe the unused space while trying to park might resent this policy, imagining that it prolongs their parking search. But when parking is tight it is likely that, even if the disabled space were not reserved, it would already have been taken by the time a given driver comes along. When many non-disabled drivers overestimate their chance of getting the unreserved space, the perceived cost of a policy favoring the disabled could be large, despite fact that the policy has a negligible effect on the mean duration of a parking search. So too, it would seem, with racial affirmative action in higher education.
I get it though, when we run into rough times everyone wants to find external factors to explain what eludes them. I can't allow myself to think like that, I want to be successful and I prefer the brute force power of sheer talent and persistence. Blaming myself is just bitch made dude, and I don't have a fucking vagina.
>if you realize your failings you are a bitch
>if you blame others for your failings, you are a manly stud successful chad masculine man man
You're not going to make it, breh.
Im just a promoter atm, so i dont get many mails from HR, but i will be teamleader in a month ish, im afraid.
I don't even see the point in trying to get good at programming. I can't commit myself to anything anyway so I'll just give up after the first week of trying. Even if I stuck with it and somehow managed to land a job, being shouted at gives me anxiety attacks so I wouldn't be able to hold it down.