so Sup Forums, if you could to exterminate one, which one and why?
So Sup Forums, if you could to exterminate one, which one and why?
Not the human, obviously
I don't understand. Wouldn't the head crabs not exist without the combine shelling those fuckers into earth? Thus if you exterminated them the headcrabs would be gone too.
After watching the Civil Protection series from Ross I can't help but like the CP
Civil Protection. Regular Zombies are a lot easier to deal with.
civil protection is just humans being assholes. zombies are assholes against their will. obviously civil protection gets exterminated.
Why would you care enough to exterminate either of the two easiest to deal with enemies in the game?
i meant the combine race as a whole, probably could have used a better reference picture
>A galaxy wide combination of alien races sucking Earth of its resources
>some headcrab zombies
I think we know the greater target
Only one of those two has the resources and weapons capable of annihilating earth, while the other can be defeated by flinging tables at it really fast.
>I think we know the greater target
Were they gay?
I thought this was going to be a picture of gabe
anyone remember these two?
with mossman
Zombies would be relatively easy to deal with without the combine, but the combine are next to impossible to overthrow.
Well, Gabe has technically already exterminated all of the above, though I'm unsure of where that puts him on the threat scale.
>though I'm unsure of where that puts him on the threat scale.
His hunger.
I found it weird they still have Chinese take-out.
>but the combine are next to impossible to overthrow
Yeah, so impossible that a ragtag group of rebels with no apparent leadership managed to totally fuck their shit at their capital city in like one week completely without help from the game's protagonist.
Okay what is with the sexy legs and booty minus torso?
>ragtag group of rebels
IIRC there's like zero non-combatants in the Anticitizen and Follow Freeman chapters. Everyone is fighting. Can't win against those numbers.
That's just half life 2's horrendous story pacing basically giving the middle finger to the established lore that the combine literally overthrew planet earth and it's governments in 7 hours.
the torso is still there
How did Eli lose his leg?
Trying to escape Black Mesa, a bullsquid ripped it off when he was trying to scale a fence.
He's obviously talking about Civil Protection, not the Combine as a whole you morons
He seen things.