Why is Act 1 the only fun part of Diablo 2?

Why is Act 1 the only fun part of Diablo 2?

You mean act 3?

Act 1 + Act 4 are the only fun parts imo

Its not

Spookiest but not most fun

>Barbarian runs in and gets killed
>Necro's minions oneshot
>The women, being women, hide behind a pillar
>Brown paladin shows up to save the day
I wonder.

It's not, you faggot. All of the acts are fun except for Act 4

Act 3 is the best, comfy jungle with waifu in the docks like Natalya and the Iron Wolf Leader

I played Diablo 2 for years and I never did all the quests. I kind of regret it. My friend would always rush me, or I'd do the runs for the fastest lvling.

Back when Grandfather was considered the best sword. Those were the days.

I always name my assassins Natalya, best waifu

He's not brown though

Yes he is.

You mean the first half of act 1, and diablo 3, not 2

take your cuck fantasies and get out

Check his sprite yourself, nigger.

More like
>the nigger is late again but tries to act cool
>He's the next on the chopping block

Act 2 was the funnest, wut are you talking about

>Arcane Sanctuary
>Searching for the true Tomb
>Descending into the pits of the palace, sleek marble hallways streaked with blood and offal

act 1 and hell have the best atmosphere, hated the jungle in 3 and 2 had annoying enemies

shit sucked bro

A desert will never be the best.

Nothing about him is brown. He has facial white features as well. It's the game's lighting

You people are fucking obsessed

Are you dumb?

I accept your surrender

Once you wake up to reality it's hard to go back to sleep

>Sup Forums ruins another thread with "muh cuck" shit

Look at any of the art or the in game shit or the manual art. The Paladin is brown.

Paladin has always been brown, dumb nigger.

I made this for you

Just get a hooker if you want to live out your cuck fantasies

Anyone can recommend me a game with a character that plays like the D2 Necro? I already tried PoE which is okay but I'm looking for something new


The d2 mod Median XL was good. I think grim dawn was good too.

I miss the character select in this game. Necromancer has best animation.

I remember playing the second but not much in terms of a Necro.

Last time I tried it was pretty weird, but thats like 7 years ago or so, did it get some game-changing updates?

act 3 is fun only with skelly necro

Median xl? A few. But it's one of the best experiences I've had as a summoner.

T1 Alchemist has what is basically the Necromancer's skill trees with the word "Bone" replaced with "Ember".


>Paladin, the objective best class, gives no fucks
>Shitty Necro and Barb dead or dying
>Dumb girls cowering in a corner
As it should be

Last time I tried median XL its balance was absolute crap and I just spammed poison to auto-win every fight because it did like 5 times an enemies hp in damage and everything else took goddamn years. Is it better now?

> Paladin having extra dialogue with Griswold

Balance felt fine to me when I played it 3 months ago or so. I'm up to the very end game doing nothing but summoning.

median is fun untill midgame and onwards where it just becomes a clusterfuck of spell animations

Is there anyone more insecure than the average Sup Forums-goer?

I never played during it's heyday, only grinded the demo over and over again until my barb was fucking maxed out. I've beaten the base game (though not Baal) once as a hammerdin, should I download the game and give it another go? I watched a speedrun of it and it gave me an itch to play.

Nice shop

Did you guys forget the beauty of act 5?! It's like a reward for making it through the slog fest of 1-4.

>Mr Baal's wild cave ride
no thanks

Path of Diablo private server has a ladder reset in ~3 weeks

I don't really care about ladder, I figure I'd just grind a bit in single player. I don't know shit about the game, that's why I followed a guide and made a piece of shit hammerdin. First time around I played something like a Zeal paladin or something like that.

Last time I replayed Diablo 2 with LoD, and I must say that one thing made this game, and it was Artistic section.

Gameplay is absolute garbage, but holyfuck Old Blizzard knew how to make godly ambience. Sprites, Soundtrack and Dialogues gives you everything you need to enjoy this game.

It's physical evidence that gameplay is not important in games.

>It's physical evidence that gameplay is not important in games.

OP is actually not a faggot today. Act 1 truly is the best part of Diablo 2.

>that music
>that atmosphere
>that environment
>those enemies
>that scaling of level and gear
>that discovering all new skills
>that quest diversity
>those npcs

Yep my theory on how the first part of games are always the strongest because developers overspend time working on it before going "oh shit we need to finish the rest of the game" rings true yet again. Same shit in literally every game ever.

act 1 is 10/10 first impression
act 2 is okay, but it feels too bright
act 3 would be fine if it weren't for the fact that entire act is a fetch quest and enemies are turbo niggers
4 is too short, 5 is great but too much walking in linear snowy areas

rip barbarian


>Gameplay is absolute garbage
>still holds it's own compared to grim shit, titan quest and friends

act 1 has a lot of boring open fields with low monster density and a bunch of extremely samey caves

the monastery's fun though

that applies to act 2 as well

the genre is bad

>Best music
>Best atmosphere
>Good progression of environments

Act 2 is nothing but shitty endless desert and tomb raiding filled with poison enemies.

Act 3 starts ok then just never ends

Act 4... to this day I've still never made it to act 4 because I stop playing by act 3

well i'm certainly not gonna defend the non-tomb, non-sanctuary parts of act 2

you sounds like a total faggot

aside from the start devs should put the most focus at the end
if a game starts of strong, becomes mediocre in the middle, and ends great nobody will remember the shit areas

>FROM and old blizzard north will never make a diablo-souls fusion game together with the strengths of both and art direction that would rule the industry

Sorc Master race.

Pure lightning ftw

Nothing really controversial. Acts 2 & 3 are okay but not nearly as gripping as 1 or 4, and 4 is only cooler because of the ending areas.

ice ice baby

>no mana
>3rd act and no leaf runeword
>empty belt slot
>regular attack left click
Sup Forums is 18+

He's quite clearly olive skinned Mediterranean type.

The women being fucking useless in a fight is spot-on though.

paladin is black as the fucking night dude
he's even from the godforsaken jungle

next year, so is that picture

amazon is olive-skinned

paladin is kurastani dark

amazon is aryyan
you're thinking of sorceress

Because you have poor taste.

Finally a D2 thread.
I'm playing a barbarian right now, on my way to the second quest of Act 4 but I already almost have the runes for Myth as well as a gothic plate with three sockets. When's a good time to use it, provided I'm not gonna be saving it for way down the line for PvP purposes or such? Because at that point I'll probably just roll with a new char.


You forgot that devil

Because you quickly realize you would be doing the same shit for the rest of the game.

worst act by far

best act by fart

>sewer level
>faggot lair
>bugs on my nugs
>fucking bullshit quest turning everything dark with the amulet thing


>tfw it was my first game on my very own first computer

Man I do miss that old pentium 2 or 3 it was?
It was in 2010 or so, not that long ago.
Played decade old games because only those would run. Probably the must fun I had with games

Honestly I noticed this even in 2002 when i was 12 cuz of the strategy guide.

kind of pissed me off but didnt care enough.

the idea was to show all 5 characters fighting the boss, but this is pretty retarded way of handling it i think

No one uses myth. Use stealth, lionheart or even wealth if you must use a cheap runeword armor

Amazingly enough, most people on this website fucking suck at games, especially a game with a high skill ceiling but also low floor, like diablo 2.

Many people can just smoke up and right click without trying or caring and still be successful.

>first game
>not D1
Jesus christ how young are you people. Someone please save me from this hell

Never played Diablo 2 but you do realize that for many games the first part is the best because that's where most of the creativity and passion went into to, later parts of games are often neglected.
Just look at Dark Souls.

Nah, that was boring. 4 and 5 were best. 3 should have been great but they managed to make it boring as hell. And for all the BS running around you gotta do, I still liked the aesthetic of 2 enough to enjoy it.

Act 2 = Act 3 = Act 1 = Act 4

>Act 3

>necromancer getting stuck in that pussy ass grip
the guy can cut zombies in half with a twig while being level 1


Torchligh 2 has a bunch of mod classes which do summoning crap. In particular there's a druid mod where the summons will just solo the game for you and another that played very similar I forget the name of
Problem with the Torchlight games is enemy AI focuses the player above all else always so its just not the same

>All classes are useless except for the Paladin

Yeah, seems about right.

>Jesus christ how young are you people. Someone please save me from this hell

I mean it was my first game on my own pc. I played years of games before on my brothers computers. But those were up to date so I didnt play older games.

For me it's
Act 1 > Act 5 > Act 2 > Act 4 > Act 3

>Act 1
Oldschool Diablo, but with more variety. The gothic horror atmosphere is sweet.

>Act 2
At first the desert is meh, but the deeper you go in, the more you realize it's a truly hostile place. Kinda fun if you ignore the one problem that is in it if you don't prepare yourself. AKA: LOOKING FOR BAAL?

>Act 3
Fun in terms of atmosphere, but goddammit those Fetishes and Stygian Dolls...

>Act 4
Feels like Dante's Inferno (the book, not videogame). Unlike that work, you butcher the damned (like in that videogame that would appear years later). Pity no Angel merc.

>Act 5
It's the grand finale. You go on a kickass ride to stop Baal from fucking over the world. Symphonic orchestra is blaring left and right. It's kickass, but something feels off. Oh, the guest monsters. As in every unique monster you killed in both vanilla and the expansion comes at you to kill you.

But which act had the best town?

I miss the days when shit like that was a genuine surprise and kick to the balls.
Nowadays some youtube faggot would make some exaggerated reaction video and/or meme it into oblivion, completely ruining it for everyone. If people avoided that, then they'd just find out about it on some strategy guide site.
I think the Capra Demon was the only thing to come close in recent years

Act 1 was the most complete & polished act for sure, Act 2 was more grand & diverse, but lacked polish (fucking maggot lair)

Act 3 & 4 are unfinished & shouldn't have shipped in that state, Blizzard's "when it's done" motto has always been bullshit

ACt 4. I found it really comfy to have a save spot close to hell. Also all the vendors were rolled into 2 guys. Then LoD came out and it wasnt the endgame anymore