Metroid thread

Yep, it's Metroid.



Hows the exploring aspect? I havent kept up on news.

The game is wonderful and immersive and Sup Forums can keep shitting themselves all they want.

Here's to MercurySteam remaking Fusion, giving us Dread, and remaking Super in a MCC-style where you can flip between new and original with a button or something, to prevent Super-is-the-best shitposters from ruining an opportunity to return to an updated Super Metroid.

Fairly linear because it's still Metroid 2 at its core, but there's a bunch of out of the way upgrades so you don't just go from room to room mindlessly. Some of the puzzles for them are also pretty clever.

The game world feels very vast. I am only in Area 2 and it feels sprawling. [When I realized there was more than one teleporter in this area, that's when I realized we were starting to get into more meat of the game.[/spoiler]

>Yfw this happened
This is the most Metroid this game has felt in the past 10 years.

Fucking SJW cucks putting a WOMANS name in the title just to shove their agenda into our face.
Glad I boycotted this shit.

And by game I mean franchise.

>Wanting or needing a Fusion remake

No. Just make a new fucking game already we don't need 3 remakes of a game with only 4 games chronologically

>That spoiler
Why? Super and Fusion are games that don't have any reason to be remake

>Just got to the Diggernaut boss proper
Holy fuck, I wasn't expecting that shit. I just got btfo four times in a row, but slowly doing better each time.

7 "soon" to be 8, but I get your idea, we don't need another remake when the games after 2 play perfectly fine.

How many times did you Die?

I legit died like 100+ times. I die maybe 6/7 times in the other 2D Metroid max. Pleasently suprised

I'm in Area 3, just got the Grapple Beam. I want to say this is even better than Zero Mission as far as remaking an old game goes.

Too many times, but I'm blaming all of them on me because I'm too retarded to learn patterns and was too used to the previous games allowing you to straight up bumrush the bosses.

So far I've had to have died maybe 25-30 times. The game isn't that hard though but this game is a little different in that bosses, and even some basic enemies until you get the proper upgrades, will kick your ass unless you get their patterns down. I've noticed I've been doing much better, because I've been taking down Gamma Metroids on my first try instead of the second.

Am i the only one who died to the 2nd alpha metroid? I was a bit taken back by how easy the first metroid went dwon so i let my guard down for the 2nd one and died a few times.

Didn't read the catalogue. So I'll just redirect the question here.

Why haven't you embraced the glorious idort life, Sup Forums?

>Implying I don't like both

i'm taking more damage vs these fucking larval metroids than i did vs. the omegas

I was worried that they'd be too similar but they really feel like completely different games, which I'm glad

AM2R was amazing and Samus Returns is just as good. It's a great time to be a Metroid fan

Should I buy it, or should I pirate?

Are any of the creatures from Fusion in this?

The mc's name is Metroid and he's a robot :^)

Why does it look so damn jaggy in some videos but not others? It looks jaggy on my o3DS XL as well but I've seen video of it on sites like Giant Bomb and it doesn't look nearly as jaggy. How the hell is this possible?

Buy it, it really deserves it. Also if the game doesn't get enough sales I'm afraid we will never get another 2d Metroid, which would be a shame.

Metroid aged like shit Ori and Hollow Knight do everything better than it.

For its time it was a masterpiece but nowadays it's barely worth 8/10.

Agreed on both accounts. Finally we can discard the 7 year long shadow that Other M cast on us.

The controls are fucking me up from time to time, holding both triggers to missile and aim sometimes I'd just forget one and walk off the edge, also the walk speed is very quick, and there isn't any slight pause when screen transistioning so sometimes I just walk off the edge, but it's all things to get used to really. Also it feels like I need to constantly stop and parry kill since you beams so far are so goddamn weak, slows momentum a lot but I'll live with it for now only got ice beam and charge. Bomb jumping is incredibly easy in this though I find.

i can think of one in particular

how do i get through the space bees?

You say that as if 8/10 is a bad score.

Your regular shots start to feel more powerful once you get the Wave Beam, it's also very close to an Aeion Ability that vastly increases your firing rate.

Here's a tip: Ice Beam into counter to one-shot pretty much everything.

Aeion shield


What would you rate the game folks? I think they nailed the atmosphere and sense of isolation. The enemy repetition and repetitive Metroid fights is the only knock I have currently. Then again, was that gripe present in the original? Never played it.

Solid 8-8.5/10.

I hate how you have to charge the Ice Beam in order for it to freeze things for more than a second or 2. I swear everything about this game is designed to slow you done and it's annoying af.

I don't think I like your tone, OP

git gud
>Not having your beam charged 24/7


Easy 9

I'd give it a 5/10. Which isn't bad. It's average. I just can't stand the non-remappable controls. That's unforgivable in a game in 2017. Also, it's a tad repetitive. Also, alot of stuff feels tacked on, like the Ridley fight. I don't care if people think it's "epic", I think it's stupid.

Yeah, the original also had 40 Metroids. They even added variety in this remake with the elemental varieties of the same Metroid evolutions and making each evolution much more unique.

This, but probably for a reason different than you. I hate sidescrollers that use analog instead of dpad for movement.

but they keep swarming me. what if there isn't any water close?

Is there anyone that actually likes using the pad for movement? I don't understand how this game made it thru testing without people telling them that the controls sucked.

I give it 8.8

There's always water close.

Nah it's still a good game and 8/10 is very good but it's no longer a masterpiece, more a timeless classic.

I have no problem with the controls whatsoever, i even get used to the grapple beam.

I just realized that the purple mist/swarm may be the thing the acid pools are made off

that fight was fucking hype

The problem is that they made the aiming more important to them than movement, which is a damn mistake. That style of controls only really work on PC with WASD + mouse.

6/7. I enjoyed it quite a bit but it's extremely repetitive. When I was through half the Metroid counter I just wanted it to end already.

sumas foof samus

I don't think anyone would dare to call it a masterpiece. Not with its glaring issues, such as over-reliance on the counter, and not having a button allowing you to aim diagonally at least on the N3DS where ZL and ZR are not used. But I still loved most of it, so I'm perfectly fine with giving it an 8.

I haven't finished it yet, still in Area 7. I'll give it an 8.5, it'll be a solid 9 if it can stick the landing.

Probably my favorite 2D Metroid after Super right now. It's really solid all around, and so far hasn't had any major pace killers like the navigation rooms in Fusion or Zero Suit segment of Zero Mission.

At times it really does feel like they wanted to make a twin stick shooter but lacked the second stick so we ended up with the L aiming and shitty movement with the circle pad.

would we be fine with dread being a twin stick shooter on the switch?

Personally, no. Movement to me is a cornerstone of Metroid. Walljumps, bomb jumps, shine sparks, etc. Focus more on getting that tight as fuck even if it means 45 degree shot paths.

Agreed. I would have preferred the Super Metroid control layout for this.

What really amazes me is all the things they placed on the maps to avoid sequence breaking as much as possible.

Well yeah, of course. Larva Metroids are notorious for being the toughest Metroids in any Metroid game. Well, outside of Metroid Prime maybe.

>Probably my favorite 2D Metroid after Super right now

I really enjoyed it, but I wish it had more enemy variety, more bosses, and the speed booster. Also they tried to balance the screw attack to make it less OP but they really should have just let it be the OP nonsense it's always been.

I liked AM2R better overall but Samus Returns is also great. Hopefully we won't have to wait forever another game.

you think it's a good idea to expand the Metroid universe above Samus with chozo/ridley/phazon stuff aside or Tanabe should've just wait after Metroid 5 becomes a thing to do that?

this is the Didact of Metroid
say something nice to him

Your transition spooked me.

Whats the point of no return? I'm right before the final metroid boss and I want to 100% before finishing the game

I don't really care, prime series doesn't affect the 2D games. They are almost a non canon side story

Getting at the end of the big wall near your ship.

Your feathers are dull and lack volume!

You have a decent design and I wouldn't mind you being the main antagonist of Metroid Dread.

Best Metroid coming through

now that

is badass

Prime is the perfect place to expand the universe.

The main story is very tied down to the Metroid species, and because of that has to involve the Chozo or Space Pirates all the time. It's an ongoing narrative about the conflicts they create and Samus' mission to stop them.

Prime is more flexible since it's cant contradict Metroid 2. It's the right game for world building.


I actually laughed nd I shouldnt ahve

so kys

>prime series doesn't affect the 2D games.
>this nigger
ZM had to explain the origin of Meta Ridley and SR brought in his nearly-healed/Proteus form

it's stupid to say "non-canon" but it IS secondary

Where's this from? One of the concept art pieces unlocked by amiibo?

Maybe they.....capture using less pixels?

No, it shows up when you 100% the game.

>get to area 3
>already have no idea what to do since my way is blocked by some dick plant
I kind of missed this feeling of exploration and not having a much of a clue what I'm doing.

Random guess, but maybe big websites are issued official capture kits, while regular reviewers have to make do with modded 3DS.

Man that cover is so horrible. Who thought it would be a good idea to put 3 Samus on it? The japanese one is way cooler


What did they mean by this?

One is Dark Samus, the other is a reflection, not understanding why that's confusing.

this shot reminds me of the Omega Ridley fight so much

Obviously this.
I know it's bs but this crack theory makes me laugh.

>Who thought it would be a good idea to put 3 Samus on it

Well it is Metroid Prime 3 user. It's a stylistic choice desu

Go back in your 100,000-year-old egg, Didact. You already hurt the Master Chief, I will not allow you hurt Samus too. It's time to put this ancient evil back to sleep.

Shoot up some blocks on the ceiling

>2 / 10 = 5
>2 d is red
>2 d red
>two dred
>To Dread
Metroid 5 is Metroid Dread.

how to i get the fucking baby to eat the ceiling blocks that i want it to eat

Spider Ball close to them.

>thinking ori and hollow are good
>at anything